from opnfv_testapi.common.constants import HTTP_FORBIDDEN from opnfv_testapi.resources.handlers import GenericApiHandler from opnfv_testapi.resources.scenario_models import Scenario from opnfv_testapi.tornado_swagger import swagger class GenericScenarioHandler(GenericApiHandler): def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): super(GenericScenarioHandler, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) self.table = self.db_scenarios self.table_cls = Scenario class ScenariosCLHandler(GenericScenarioHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname="List scenarios by queries") def get(self): """ @description: Retrieve scenario(s). @notes: Retrieve scenario(s) @return 200: all scenarios consist with query, empty list if no scenario is found @rtype: L{Scenarios} """ self._list() @swagger.operation(nickname="Create a new scenario") def post(self): """ @description: create a new scenario by name @param body: scenario to be created @type body: L{ScenarioCreateRequest} @in body: body @rtype: L{CreateResponse} @return 200: scenario is created. @raise 403: scenario already exists @raise 400: body or name not provided """ def query(data): return {'name':} def error(data): message = '{} already exists as a scenario'.format( return HTTP_FORBIDDEN, message miss_checks = ['name'] db_checks = [(self.table, False, query, error)] self._create(miss_checks=miss_checks, db_checks=db_checks) class ScenarioGURHandler(GenericScenarioHandler): @swagger.operation(nickname='Get the scenario by name') def get(self, name): """ @description: get a single scenario by name @rtype: L{Scenario} @return 200: scenario exist @raise 404: scenario not exist """ pass @swagger.operation(nickname="Update the scenario by name") def put(self, name): """ @description: update a single scenario by name @param body: fields to be updated @type body: L{string} @in body: body @rtype: L{Scenario} @return 200: update success @raise 404: scenario not exist @raise 403: nothing to update """ pass