#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Dell Inc and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## def get_qtip_cases(): """ get the list of the supported test cases TODO: update the list when adding a new test case for the dashboard """ return ["compute_test_suite","storage_test_suite","network_test_suite"] def check_qtip_case_exist(case): """ check if the testcase exists if the test case is not defined or not declared in the list return False """ qtip_cases = get_qtip_cases() if (case is None or case not in qtip_cases): return False else: return True def format_qtip_for_dashboard(case, results): """ generic method calling the method corresponding to the test case check that the testcase is properly declared first then build the call to the specific method """ if check_qtip_case_exist(case): res = format_common_for_dashboard(case, results) else: res = [] print "Test cases not declared" return res def format_common_for_dashboard(case, results): """ Common post processing """ test_data_description = case + " results for Dashboard" test_data = [{'description': test_data_description}] graph_name = '' if "network_test_suite" in case: graph_name = "Throughput index" else: graph_name = "Index" # Graph 1: # ******************************** new_element = [] for date, index in results: new_element.append({'x': date, 'y1': index, }) test_data.append({'name': graph_name, 'info': {'type': "graph", 'xlabel': 'time', 'y1label': 'Index Number'}, 'data_set': new_element}) return test_data ############################ For local test ################################ import os import requests import json from collections import defaultdict def _get_results(db_url, testcase): testproject = testcase["project"] testcase = testcase["testcase"] resultarray = defaultdict() #header header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} #url url = db_url + "/results?project="+testproject+"&case="+testcase data = requests.get(url,header) datajson = data.json() for x in range(0, len(datajson['test_results'])): rawresults = datajson['test_results'][x]['details'] index = rawresults['index'] resultarray[str(datajson['test_results'][x]['creation_date'])]=index return resultarray def _test(): db_url = "" raw_result = defaultdict() raw_result = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "qtip", "testcase": "compute_test_suite"}) resultitems= raw_result.items() result = format_qtip_for_dashboard("compute_test_suite", resultitems) print result raw_result = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "qtip", "testcase": "storage_test_suite"}) resultitems= raw_result.items() result = format_qtip_for_dashboard("storage_test_suite", resultitems) print result raw_result = _get_results(db_url, {"project": "qtip", "testcase": "network_test_suite"}) resultitems= raw_result.items() result = format_qtip_for_dashboard("network_test_suite", resultitems) print result if __name__ == '__main__': _test()