from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError import json import jinja2 import reportingConf as conf import reportingUtils as utils logger = utils.getLogger("vIMS") def sig_test_format(sig_test): nbPassed = 0 nbFailures = 0 nbSkipped = 0 for data_test in sig_test: if data_test['result'] == "Passed": nbPassed += 1 elif data_test['result'] == "Failed": nbFailures += 1 elif data_test['result'] == "Skipped": nbSkipped += 1 total_sig_test_result = {} total_sig_test_result['passed'] = nbPassed total_sig_test_result['failures'] = nbFailures total_sig_test_result['skipped'] = nbSkipped return total_sig_test_result"****************************************")"* Generating reporting vIMS *")"* Data retention = %s days *" % conf.PERIOD)"* *")"****************************************") installers = conf.installers step_order = ["initialisation", "orchestrator", "vIMS", "sig_test"]"Start processing....") # For all the versions for version in conf.versions: for installer in installers:"Search vIMS results for installer: %s, version: %s" % (installer, version)) request = Request(conf.URL_BASE + '?case=vims&installer=' + installer + '&version=' + version) try: response = urlopen(request) k = results = json.loads(k) except URLError, e: logger.error("Error code: %s" % e) test_results = results['results'] logger.debug("Results found: %s" % test_results) scenario_results = {} for r in test_results: if not r['scenario'] in scenario_results.keys(): scenario_results[r['scenario']] = [] scenario_results[r['scenario']].append(r) for s, s_result in scenario_results.items(): scenario_results[s] = s_result[0:5] logger.debug("Search for success criteria") for result in scenario_results[s]: result["start_date"] = result["start_date"].split(".")[0] sig_test = result['details']['sig_test']['result'] if not sig_test == "" and isinstance(sig_test, list): format_result = sig_test_format(sig_test) if format_result['failures'] > format_result['passed']: result['details']['sig_test']['duration'] = 0 result['details']['sig_test']['result'] = format_result nb_step_ok = 0 nb_step = len(result['details']) for step_name, step_result in result['details'].items(): if step_result['duration'] != 0: nb_step_ok += 1 m, s = divmod(step_result['duration'], 60) m_display = "" if int(m) != 0: m_display += str(int(m)) + "m " step_result['duration_display'] = m_display + str(int(s)) + "s" result['pr_step_ok'] = 0 if nb_step != 0: result['pr_step_ok'] = (float(nb_step_ok)/nb_step)*100 try: logger.debug("Scenario %s, Installer %s" % (s_result[1]['scenario'], installer)) logger.debug("Orchestrator deployment: %s s" % result['details']['orchestrator']['duration']) logger.debug("vIMS deployment: %s s" % result['details']['vIMS']['duration']) logger.debug("Signaling testing: %s s" % result['details']['sig_test']['duration']) logger.debug("Signaling testing results: %s" % format_result) except: logger.error("Data badly formatted") logger.debug("----------------------------------------") templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(conf.REPORTING_PATH) templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) TEMPLATE_FILE = "/template/index-vims-tmpl.html" template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE) outputText = template.render(scenario_results=scenario_results, step_order=step_order, installer=installer) with open(conf.REPORTING_PATH + "/release/" + version + "/index-vims-" + installer + ".html", "wb") as fh: fh.write(outputText)"vIMS report succesfully generated")