from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError import datetime import json import jinja2 import os import re import requests import sys import time import yaml # Declaration of the variables functest_test_list = ['vPing', 'vPing_userdata', 'Tempest', 'Rally', 'ODL', 'ONOS', 'vIMS'] # functest_test_list = ['vPing'] companion_test_list = ['doctor/doctor-notification', 'promise/promise'] # companion_test_list = [] installers = ["apex", "compass", "fuel", "joid"] # installers = ["fuel"] versions = ["brahmaputra", "master"] # versions = ["master"] PERIOD = 10 MAX_SCENARIO_CRITERIA = 18 # Correspondance between the name of the test case and the name in the DB # ideally we should modify the DB to avoid such interface.... # ' # I know it is uggly... test_match_matrix = {'healthcheck': 'healthcheck', 'vPing': 'vping_ssh', 'vPing_userdata': 'vping_userdata', 'ODL': 'odl', 'ONOS': 'onos', 'Tempest': 'tempest', 'Rally': 'rally', 'vIMS': 'vims', 'doctor-notification': 'doctor', 'promise': 'promise'} class TestCase(object): def __init__(self, name, project, criteria=-1, isRunnable=True): = name self.project = project self.criteria = criteria self.isRunnable = isRunnable def getName(self): return def getProject(self): return self.project def getCriteria(self): return self.criteria def setCriteria(self, criteria): self.criteria = criteria def setIsRunnable(self, isRunnable): self.isRunnable = isRunnable def checkRunnable(self, installer, scenario, config): # Re-use Functest declaration # Retrieve Functest configuration file functest_config.yaml is_runnable = True config_test = "" TEST_ENV = functest_yaml_config.get("test-dependencies") # print " *********************** " # print TEST_ENV # print " ---------------------- " # print "case = " + # print "installer = " + installer # print "scenario = " + scenario # print "project = " + self.project # Retrieve test constraints case_name_formated = test_match_matrix[] try: config_test = TEST_ENV[self.project][case_name_formated] except KeyError: # if not defined in dependencies => no dependencies config_test = TEST_ENV[case_name_formated] except Exception, e: print "Error [getTestEnv]:", e # Retrieve test execution param test_execution_context = {"installer": installer, "scenario": scenario} # By default we assume that all the tests are always runnable... # if test_env not empty => dependencies to be checked if config_test is not None and len(config_test) > 0: # possible criteria = ["installer", "scenario"] # consider test criteria from config file # compare towards CI env through CI en variable for criteria in config_test: if[criteria], test_execution_context[criteria]) is None: # print "Test "+ test + " cannot be run on the environment" is_runnable = False # print is_runnable self.isRunnable = is_runnable class ScenarioResult(object): def __init__(self, status, score=0): self.status = status self.score = score def getStatus(self): return self.status def getScore(self): return self.score # ***************************************************************************** def getApiResults(case, installer, scenario, version): case = case.getName() results = json.dumps([]) # to remove proxy (to be removed at the end for local test only) # proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({}) # opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler) # urllib2.install_opener(opener) # url = "" + case + \ # "&period=30&installer=" + installer url = ("" + case + "&period=" + str(PERIOD) + "&installer=" + installer + "&scenario=" + scenario + "&version=" + version) request = Request(url) try: response = urlopen(request) k = results = json.loads(k) except URLError, e: print 'No kittez. Got an error code:', e return results def getScenarios(case, installer, version): case = case.getName() url = "" + case + \ "&period=" + str(PERIOD) + "&installer=" + installer + \ "&version=" + version request = Request(url) try: response = urlopen(request) k = results = json.loads(k) except URLError, e: print 'Got an error code:', e test_results = results['test_results'] if test_results is not None: test_results.reverse() scenario_results = {} for r in test_results: # Retrieve all the scenarios per installer if not r['scenario'] in scenario_results.keys(): scenario_results[r['scenario']] = [] scenario_results[r['scenario']].append(r) return scenario_results def getScenarioStats(scenario_results): scenario_stats = {} for k, v in scenario_results.iteritems(): scenario_stats[k] = len(v) return scenario_stats def getNbtestOk(results): nb_test_ok = 0 for r in results: for k, v in r.iteritems(): try: if "passed" in v: nb_test_ok += 1 except: print "Cannot retrieve test status" return nb_test_ok def getResult(testCase, installer, scenario, version): # retrieve raw results results = getApiResults(testCase, installer, scenario, version) # let's concentrate on test results only test_results = results['test_results'] # if results found, analyze them if test_results is not None: test_results.reverse() scenario_results = [] # print " ---------------- " # print test_results # print " ---------------- " # print "nb of results:" + str(len(test_results)) for r in test_results: # print r["creation_date"] # print r["criteria"] scenario_results.append({r["creation_date"]: r["criteria"]}) # sort results scenario_results.sort() # 4 levels for the results # 3: 4+ consecutive runs passing the success criteria # 2: <4 successful consecutive runs but passing the criteria # 1: close to pass the success criteria # 0: 0% success, not passing test_result_indicator = 0 nbTestOk = getNbtestOk(scenario_results) # print "Nb test OK:"+ str(nbTestOk) # check that we have at least 4 runs if nbTestOk < 1: test_result_indicator = 0 elif nbTestOk < 2: test_result_indicator = 1 else: # Test the last 4 run if (len(scenario_results) > 3): last4runResults = scenario_results[-4:] if getNbtestOk(last4runResults): test_result_indicator = 3 else: test_result_indicator = 2 else: test_result_indicator = 2 print " >>>> Test indicator:" + str(test_result_indicator) return test_result_indicator # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # ****************************************************************************** # init just tempest to get the list of scenarios # as all the scenarios run Tempest tempest = TestCase("Tempest", "functest", -1) # Retrieve the Functest configuration to detect which tests are relevant # according to the installer, scenario cf = "" response = requests.get(cf) functest_yaml_config = yaml.load(response.text) print "****************************************" print "* Generating reporting..... *" print ("* Data retention = %s days *" % PERIOD) print "* *" print "****************************************" # For all the versions for version in versions: # For all the installers for installer in installers: # get scenarios scenario_results = getScenarios(tempest, installer, version) scenario_stats = getScenarioStats(scenario_results) items = {} scenario_result_criteria = {} # For all the scenarios get results for s, s_result in scenario_results.items(): testCases = [] # Green or Red light for a given scenario nb_test_runnable_for_this_scenario = 0 scenario_score = 0 # For each scenario declare the test cases # Functest cases for test_case in functest_test_list: testCases.append(TestCase(test_case, "functest")) # project/case for test_case in companion_test_list: test_split = test_case.split("/") test_project = test_split[0] test_case = test_split[1] testCases.append(TestCase(test_case, test_project)) # Check if test case is runnable / installer, scenario try: for test_case in testCases: test_case.checkRunnable(installer, s, functest_yaml_config) # print "testcase %s is %s" % (test_case.getName(), # test_case.isRunnable) print ("installer %s, version %s, scenario %s:" % (installer, version, s)) for testCase in testCases: time.sleep(1) if testCase.isRunnable: nb_test_runnable_for_this_scenario += 1 print (" Searching results for case %s " % (testCase.getName())) result = getResult(testCase, installer, s, version) testCase.setCriteria(result) items[s] = testCases scenario_score = scenario_score + result except: print ("installer %s, version %s, scenario %s" % (installer, version, s)) print "No data available , error %s " % (sys.exc_info()[0]) # the validation criteria = nb runnable tests x 3 scenario_criteria = nb_test_runnable_for_this_scenario * 3 # if 0 runnable tests set criteria at a high value if scenario_criteria < 1: scenario_criteria = MAX_SCENARIO_CRITERIA s_score = str(scenario_score) + "/" + str(scenario_criteria) s_status = "KO" if scenario_score < scenario_criteria: print (">>>> scenario not OK, score = %s/%s" % (scenario_score, scenario_criteria)) s_status = "KO" else: print ">>>>> scenario OK, save the information" s_status = "OK" with open("./release/" + version + "/validated_scenario_history.txt", "a") as f: time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" info = ( + ";" + installer + ";" + s + "\n") f.write(info) scenario_result_criteria[s] = ScenarioResult(s_status, s_score) print "--------------------------" templateLoader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath (__file__))) templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(loader=templateLoader) TEMPLATE_FILE = "./template/index-status-tmpl.html" template = templateEnv.get_template(TEMPLATE_FILE) outputText = template.render(scenario_stats=scenario_stats, scenario_results=scenario_result_criteria, items=items, installer=installer, period=PERIOD, version=version) with open("./release/" + version + "/index-status-" + installer + ".html", "wb") as fh: fh.write(outputText)