#!/usr/bin/python # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script reconfigure UCSM vnics for varios OPNFV deployers # Usage: reconfigUcsNet.py [options] # # Options: # -h, --help show this help message and exit # -i IP, --ip=IP [Mandatory] UCSM IP Address # -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME # [Mandatory] Account Username for UCSM Login # -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD # [Mandatory] Account Password for UCSM Login # -f FILE, --file=FILE # [Optional] Yaml file with network config you want to set for POD # If not present only current network config will be printed # import getpass import optparse import platform import yaml import time import sys from UcsSdk import * from collections import defaultdict POD_PREFIX = "POD-2" INSTALLER = "POD-21" def getpassword(prompt): if platform.system() == "Linux": return getpass.unix_getpass(prompt=prompt) elif platform.system() == "Windows" or platform.system() == "Microsoft": return getpass.win_getpass(prompt=prompt) else: return getpass.getpass(prompt=prompt) def get_servers(handle=None): """ Return list of servers """ orgObj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, OrgOrg.ClassId(), {OrgOrg.DN : "org-root"})[0] servers = handle.GetManagedObject(orgObj, LsServer.ClassId()) for server in servers: if server.Type == 'instance' and POD_PREFIX in server.Dn: yield server def set_boot_policy(handle=None, server=None, policy=None): """ Modify Boot policy of server """ obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, LsServer.ClassId(), { LsServer.DN: server.Dn}) handle.SetManagedObject(obj, LsServer.ClassId(), { LsServer.BOOT_POLICY_NAME: policy} ) print " Configured boot policy: {}".format(policy) def ack_pending(handle=None, server=None): """ Acknowledge pending state of server """ handle.AddManagedObject(server, LsmaintAck.ClassId(), { LsmaintAck.DN: server.Dn + "/ack", LsmaintAck.DESCR:"", LsmaintAck.ADMIN_STATE:"trigger-immediate", LsmaintAck.SCHEDULER:"", LsmaintAck.POLICY_OWNER:"local"}, True) print " Pending-reboot -> Acknowledged." def boot_server(handle=None, server=None): """ Boot server (when is in power-off state) """ obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, LsServer.ClassId(), {LsServer.DN: server.Dn}) handle.AddManagedObject(obj, LsPower.ClassId(), { LsPower.DN: server.Dn + "/power", LsPower.STATE:"admin-up"}, True) print " Booting." def get_vnics(handle=None, server=None): """ Return list of vnics for given server """ vnics = handle.ConfigResolveChildren(VnicEther.ClassId(), server.Dn, None, YesOrNo.TRUE) return vnics.OutConfigs.GetChild() def get_network_config(handle=None): """ Print current network config """ print "\nCURRENT NETWORK CONFIG:" print " d - default, t - tagged" for server in get_servers(handle): print ' {}'.format(server.Name) print ' Boot policy: {}'.format(server.OperBootPolicyName) for vnic in get_vnics(handle, server): print ' {}'.format(vnic.Name) print ' {}'.format(vnic.Addr) vnicIfs = handle.ConfigResolveChildren(VnicEtherIf.ClassId(), vnic.Dn, None, YesOrNo.TRUE) for vnicIf in vnicIfs.OutConfigs.GetChild(): if vnicIf.DefaultNet == 'yes': print ' Vlan: {}d'.format(vnicIf.Vnet) else: print ' Vlan: {}t'.format(vnicIf.Vnet) def add_interface(handle=None, lsServerDn=None, vnicEther=None, templName=None, order=None, macAddr=None): """ Add interface to server specified by server.DN name """ print " Adding interface: {}, template: {}, server.Dn: {}".format(vnicEther, templName, lsServerDn) obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, LsServer.ClassId(), {LsServer.DN:lsServerDn}) vnicEtherDn = lsServerDn + "/ether-" + vnicEther params = { VnicEther.STATS_POLICY_NAME: "default", VnicEther.NAME: vnicEther, VnicEther.DN: vnicEtherDn, VnicEther.SWITCH_ID: "A-B", VnicEther.ORDER: order, "adminHostPort": "ANY", VnicEther.ADMIN_VCON: "any", VnicEther.ADDR: macAddr, VnicEther.NW_TEMPL_NAME: templName, VnicEther.MTU: "1500"} handle.AddManagedObject(obj, VnicEther.ClassId(), params, True) def remove_interface(handle=None, vnicEtherDn=None): """ Remove interface specified by Distinguished Name (vnicEtherDn) """ print " Removing interface: {}".format(vnicEtherDn) obj = handle.GetManagedObject(None, VnicEther.ClassId(), {VnicEther.DN:vnicEtherDn}) handle.RemoveManagedObject(obj) def read_yaml_file(yamlFile): """ Read vnic config from yaml file """ # TODO: add check if vnic templates specified in file exist on UCS with open(yamlFile, 'r') as stream: return yaml.load(stream) def set_network(handle=None, yamlFile=None): """ Configure VLANs on POD according specified network """ # add interfaces and bind them with vNIC templates print "\nRECONFIGURING VNICs..." pod_data = read_yaml_file(yamlFile) network = pod_data['network'] for index, server in enumerate(get_servers(handle)): # Assign template to interface for iface, data in network.iteritems(): add_interface(handle, server.Dn, iface, data['template'], data['order'], data['mac-list'][index]) # Remove other interfaces which have not assigned required vnic template vnics = get_vnics(handle, server) for vnic in vnics: if not any(data['template'] in vnic.OperNwTemplName for iface, data in network.iteritems()): remove_interface(handle, vnic.Dn) print " {} removed, template: {}".format(vnic.Name, vnic.OperNwTemplName) # Set boot policy template if not INSTALLER in server.Dn: set_boot_policy(handle, server, pod_data['boot-policy']) if __name__ == "__main__": # Latest urllib2 validate certs by default # The process wide "revert to the old behaviour" hook is to monkeypatch the ssl module # https://bugs.python.org/issue22417 import ssl if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context try: handle = UcsHandle() parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-i', '--ip',dest="ip", help="[Mandatory] UCSM IP Address") parser.add_option('-u', '--username',dest="userName", help="[Mandatory] Account Username for UCSM Login") parser.add_option('-p', '--password',dest="password", help="[Mandatory] Account Password for UCSM Login") parser.add_option('-f', '--file',dest="yamlFile", help="[Optional] Yaml file contains network config you want to set on UCS POD1") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not options.ip: parser.print_help() parser.error("Provide UCSM IP Address") if not options.userName: parser.print_help() parser.error("Provide UCSM UserName") if not options.password: options.password=getpassword("UCSM Password:") handle.Login(options.ip, options.userName, options.password) # Change vnic template if specified in cli option if (options.yamlFile != None): set_network(handle, options.yamlFile) time.sleep(5) print "\nWait until Overall Status of all nodes is OK..." timeout = time.time() + 60*10 #10 minutes timeout while True: list_of_states = [] for server in get_servers(handle): if server.OperState == "power-off": boot_server(handle,server) if server.OperState == "pending-reboot": ack_pending(handle,server) list_of_states.append(server.OperState) print " {}, {} seconds remains.".format(list_of_states, round(timeout-time.time())) if all(state == "ok" for state in list_of_states): break if time.time() > timeout: raise Exception("Timeout reached while waiting for OK status.") time.sleep(10) # Show current vnic MACs and VLANs get_network_config(handle) handle.Logout() except Exception, err: handle.Logout() print "Exception:", str(err) import traceback, sys print '-'*60 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print '-'*60 sys.exit(1)