# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import requests from toscaparser.utils.gettextutils import _ import translator.common.utils from translator.hot.syntax.hot_resource import HotResource log = logging.getLogger('heat-translator') # Name used to dynamically load appropriate map class. TARGET_CLASS_NAME = 'ToscaCompute' # A design issue to be resolved is how to translate the generic TOSCA server # properties to OpenStack flavors and images. At the Atlanta design summit, # there was discussion on using Glance to store metadata and Graffiti to # describe artifacts. We will follow these projects to see if they can be # leveraged for this TOSCA translation. # For development purpose at this time, we temporarily hardcode a list of # flavors and images here FLAVORS = {'m1.xlarge': {'mem_size': 16384, 'disk_size': 160, 'num_cpus': 8}, 'm1.large': {'mem_size': 8192, 'disk_size': 80, 'num_cpus': 4}, 'm1.medium': {'mem_size': 4096, 'disk_size': 40, 'num_cpus': 2}, 'm1.small': {'mem_size': 2048, 'disk_size': 20, 'num_cpus': 1}, 'm1.tiny': {'mem_size': 512, 'disk_size': 1, 'num_cpus': 1}, 'm1.micro': {'mem_size': 128, 'disk_size': 0, 'num_cpus': 1}, 'm1.nano': {'mem_size': 64, 'disk_size': 0, 'num_cpus': 1}} IMAGES = {'ubuntu-software-config-os-init': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'Ubuntu', 'version': '14.04'}, 'ubuntu-12.04-software-config-os-init': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'Ubuntu', 'version': '12.04'}, 'fedora-amd64-heat-config': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'Fedora', 'version': '18.0'}, 'F18-x86_64-cfntools': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'Fedora', 'version': '19'}, 'Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'Fedora', 'version': '20'}, 'cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'CirrOS', 'version': '0.3.1'}, 'cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'CirrOS', 'version': '0.3.2'}, 'rhel-6.5-test-image': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'type': 'Linux', 'distribution': 'RHEL', 'version': '6.5'}} class ToscaCompute(HotResource): '''Translate TOSCA node type tosca.nodes.Compute.''' COMPUTE_HOST_PROP = (DISK_SIZE, MEM_SIZE, NUM_CPUS) = \ ('disk_size', 'mem_size', 'num_cpus') COMPUTE_OS_PROP = (ARCHITECTURE, DISTRIBUTION, TYPE, VERSION) = \ ('architecture', 'distribution', 'type', 'version') toscatype = 'tosca.nodes.Compute' def __init__(self, nodetemplate): super(ToscaCompute, self).__init__(nodetemplate, type='OS::Nova::Server') # List with associated hot port resources with this server self.assoc_port_resources = [] pass def handle_properties(self): self.properties = self.translate_compute_flavor_and_image( self.nodetemplate.get_capability('host'), self.nodetemplate.get_capability('os')) self.properties['user_data_format'] = 'SOFTWARE_CONFIG' tosca_props = self.get_tosca_props() for key, value in tosca_props.items(): self.properties[key] = value # To be reorganized later based on new development in Glance and Graffiti def translate_compute_flavor_and_image(self, host_capability, os_capability): hot_properties = {} host_cap_props = {} os_cap_props = {} image = None flavor = None if host_capability: for prop in host_capability.get_properties_objects(): host_cap_props[prop.name] = prop.value flavor = self._best_flavor(host_cap_props) if os_capability: for prop in os_capability.get_properties_objects(): os_cap_props[prop.name] = prop.value image = self._best_image(os_cap_props) hot_properties['flavor'] = flavor hot_properties['image'] = image return hot_properties def _create_nova_flavor_dict(self): '''Populates and returns the flavors dict using Nova ReST API''' try: access_dict = translator.common.utils.get_ks_access_dict() access_token = translator.common.utils.get_token_id(access_dict) if access_token is None: return None nova_url = translator.common.utils.get_url_for(access_dict, 'compute') if not nova_url: return None nova_response = requests.get(nova_url + '/flavors/detail', headers={'X-Auth-Token': access_token}) if nova_response.status_code != 200: return None flavors = json.loads(nova_response.content)['flavors'] flavor_dict = dict() for flavor in flavors: flavor_name = str(flavor['name']) flavor_dict[flavor_name] = { 'mem_size': flavor['ram'], 'disk_size': flavor['disk'], 'num_cpus': flavor['vcpus'], } except Exception as e: # Handles any exception coming from openstack log.warn(_('Choosing predefined flavors since received ' 'Openstack Exception: %s') % str(e)) return None return flavor_dict def _best_flavor(self, properties): log.info(_('Choosing the best flavor for given attributes.')) # Check whether user exported all required environment variables. flavors = FLAVORS if translator.common.utils.check_for_env_variables(): resp = self._create_nova_flavor_dict() if resp: flavors = resp # start with all flavors match_all = flavors.keys() # TODO(anyone): Handle the case where the value contains something like # get_input instead of a value. # flavors that fit the CPU count cpu = properties.get(self.NUM_CPUS) if cpu is None: self._log_compute_msg(self.NUM_CPUS, 'flavor') match_cpu = self._match_flavors(match_all, flavors, self.NUM_CPUS, cpu) # flavors that fit the mem size mem = properties.get(self.MEM_SIZE) if mem: mem = translator.common.utils.MemoryUnit.convert_unit_size_to_num( mem, 'MB') else: self._log_compute_msg(self.MEM_SIZE, 'flavor') match_cpu_mem = self._match_flavors(match_cpu, flavors, self.MEM_SIZE, mem) # flavors that fit the disk size disk = properties.get(self.DISK_SIZE) if disk: disk = translator.common.utils.MemoryUnit.\ convert_unit_size_to_num(disk, 'GB') else: self._log_compute_msg(self.DISK_SIZE, 'flavor') match_cpu_mem_disk = self._match_flavors(match_cpu_mem, flavors, self.DISK_SIZE, disk) # if multiple match, pick the flavor with the least memory # the selection can be based on other heuristic, e.g. pick one with the # least total resource if len(match_cpu_mem_disk) > 1: return self._least_flavor(match_cpu_mem_disk, flavors, 'mem_size') elif len(match_cpu_mem_disk) == 1: return match_cpu_mem_disk[0] else: return None def _best_image(self, properties): match_all = IMAGES.keys() architecture = properties.get(self.ARCHITECTURE) if architecture is None: self._log_compute_msg(self.ARCHITECTURE, 'image') match_arch = self._match_images(match_all, IMAGES, self.ARCHITECTURE, architecture) type = properties.get(self.TYPE) if type is None: self._log_compute_msg(self.TYPE, 'image') match_type = self._match_images(match_arch, IMAGES, self.TYPE, type) distribution = properties.get(self.DISTRIBUTION) if distribution is None: self._log_compute_msg(self.DISTRIBUTION, 'image') match_distribution = self._match_images(match_type, IMAGES, self.DISTRIBUTION, distribution) version = properties.get(self.VERSION) if version is None: self._log_compute_msg(self.VERSION, 'image') match_version = self._match_images(match_distribution, IMAGES, self.VERSION, version) if len(match_version): return list(match_version)[0] def _match_flavors(self, this_list, this_dict, attr, size): '''Return from this list all flavors matching the attribute size.''' if not size: return list(this_list) matching_flavors = [] for flavor in this_list: if isinstance(size, int): if this_dict[flavor][attr] >= size: matching_flavors.append(flavor) log.debug(_('Returning list of flavors matching the attribute size.')) return matching_flavors def _least_flavor(self, this_list, this_dict, attr): '''Return from this list the flavor with the smallest attr.''' least_flavor = this_list[0] for flavor in this_list: if this_dict[flavor][attr] < this_dict[least_flavor][attr]: least_flavor = flavor return least_flavor def _match_images(self, this_list, this_dict, attr, prop): if not prop: return this_list matching_images = [] for image in this_list: if this_dict[image][attr].lower() == str(prop).lower(): matching_images.append(image) return matching_images def get_hot_attribute(self, attribute, args): attr = {} # Convert from a TOSCA attribute for a nodetemplate to a HOT # attribute for the matching resource. Unless there is additional # runtime support, this should be a one to one mapping. # Note: We treat private and public IP addresses equally, but # this will change in the future when TOSCA starts to support # multiple private/public IP addresses. log.debug(_('Converting TOSCA attribute for a nodetemplate to a HOT \ attriute.')) if attribute == 'private_address' or \ attribute == 'public_address': attr['get_attr'] = [self.name, 'networks', 'private', 0] return attr def _log_compute_msg(self, prop, what): msg = _('No value is provided for Compute capability ' 'property "%(prop)s". This may set an undesired "%(what)s" ' 'in the template.') % {'prop': prop, 'what': what} log.warn(msg)