############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## __doc__ = """ Story Decorator contains ImageStory, HeaderStory, PageBreakStory, TableStory, LinePlotStory, TitleStory, ParagraphStory """ import sys import os from reportlab.platypus import PageBreak from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.platypus.tableofcontents import TableOfContents from styles import * from element import * class Story(object): def __init__(self): self._storylist = [] @property def storylist(self): return self._storylist class StoryDecorator(Story): def __init__(self, story, data=None, style=None): self._story = story self._data = data self._style = style print self._data self.new_story() # print self._story.storylist @property def storylist(self): return self._story.storylist def new_story(self): raise NotImplementedError("abstract StoryDecorator") class ImageStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "Image Story" for filename in self._data: if os.path.exists(filename) == False: print "not find %s" % filename continue if 'Traffic-types' in filename: style = is_traffic image_height = style.image_height image_width = style.image_width image_hAlign = style.image_hAlign image_vAlign = style.image_vAlign self._story.storylist.append( eImage( filename, image_width, image_height, hAlign=image_hAlign, vAlign=image_vAlign)) else: style = is_default image_height = style.image_height image_width = style.image_width image_hAlign = style.image_hAlign image_vAlign = style.image_vAlign # self._story.storylist.append(eGraphicsTable([[' ' * 5, eImage(filename, image_width, image_height, hAlign=image_hAlign, vAlign=image_vAlign)]], ts_left).table) self._story.storylist.append( eImage( filename, image_width, image_height, hAlign=image_hAlign, vAlign=image_vAlign)) class HeaderStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "header story" self._story.storylist.append(PageBreak()) class PageBreakStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "PageBreak story" self._story.storylist.append(PageBreak()) class TableOfContentsStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "TableOfContents story" self._data = [" ", " ", "Table Of Contents", ""] style = ps_head_lv4 self._story.storylist.append(eParagraph(self._data, style).para) toc = TableOfContents() toc.levelStyles = [ps_head_lv7, ps_head_lv8, ps_head_lv9] self._story.storylist.append(toc) class SpaceStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): style = ps_space self._story.storylist.append(eParagraph([" ", " "], style).para) class TableStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "table story" style = ts_default if self._style == 1: self._story.storylist.append(eDataTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 2: style = ts_left self._story.storylist.append(eCommonTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 3: self._story.storylist.append(eConfigTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 4: self._story.storylist.append( eOptionsTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 5: self._story.storylist.append( eProfileTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 6: self._story.storylist.append( eSummaryTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 7: self._story.storylist.append( eScenarioTable(self._data, style).table) elif self._style == 8: self._story.storylist.append( eGitInfoTable(self._data, style).table) class LinePlotStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "LinePlot" style = lps_default if not self._data: print "data error " return data = eGraphicsTable([[eLinePlot(self._data, style).draw]]).table if data: self._story.storylist.append(data) class LineChartStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "LineChartStory: " style = lcs_default if not self._data: print "data error " return data = eGraphicsTable( [[eHorizontalLineChart(self._data, style).draw]]).table if data: self._story.storylist.append(data) class BarChartStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "BarChartStory: " style = bcs_default if not self._data: print "data error " return data = eGraphicsTable( [[eBarChartColumn(self._data, style).draw]]).table if data: self._story.storylist.append(data) class ParagraphStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "Paragraph Story" style = ps_body if not self._data: print "data error " return data = eParagraph(self._data, style).para if data: self._story.storylist.append(data) class TitleStory(StoryDecorator): def new_story(self): print "Paragraph Story" if self._style - 1 in range(9): style = eval("ps_head_lv" + "%d" % self._style) else: style = ps_body # print style # print self._data self._story.storylist.append(eParagraph(self._data, style).para)