############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others. # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ############################################################################## import os import sys import inspect import logging import salt.client as sclient from vstf.common import cmds log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Mysalt(object): IS_DIR = 1 IS_FILE = 2 FAILED = -1 def __init__(self): self.cur_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(inspect.stack()[1][1])) self.salt_conf = "/etc/salt/master" if not os.path.exists(self.salt_conf): raise Exception("this python must be run on the salt master.") self.pillar_path = str( cmds.execute("grep '^pillar_roots' \ /etc/salt/master -A 2 | sed 1,2d | awk '{print $2}'") + '/') if self.pillar_path == "": log.warning( "pillar path not found, make sure the pillar_roots configed") else: os.system("mkdir -p " + self.pillar_path) self.state_path = str(cmds.execute("grep '^file_roots' \ /etc/salt/master -A 2 | sed 1,2d | awk '{print $2}'") + '/') if self.state_path == "": log.warning( "state path not found, make sure the file_roots configed") else: os.system("mkdir -p " + self.state_path) self.salt = sclient.LocalClient() def slave_exists(self, host): pslave = "/etc/salt/pki/master/minions/" + host if os.path.exists(pslave): return True else: return False def __is_dir_or_file(self, src): if not os.path.exists(src): return self.FAILED if os.path.isdir(src): return self.IS_DIR elif os.path.isfile(src): return self.IS_FILE else: return self.FAILED def __copy_target(self, target, flag=""): if not os.path.exists(target): log.error("target %(d)s not exists.", {'d': target}) return False if flag == "pillar": dst = self.pillar_path elif flag == "state": dst = self.state_path else: log.error( "this file or dir not pillar or state, can not support now.") return False if self.IS_FILE == self.__is_dir_or_file(target): os.system('cp ' + target + ' ' + dst) else: os.system("cp -r " + target + ' ' + dst) return True def copy(self, host, src, dst): """copy file or dir to slave. :src a file or a dir :dst if src is a file, the dst must be like this /home/xx.py, not /home """ '''check if the host exists on the master''' if not self.slave_exists(host): log.error("the host %(h)s is not held by master, please check.") return False '''copy file to salt's file_roots''' if not self.__copy_target(src, "state"): return False if self.IS_DIR == self.__is_dir_or_file(src): dir_name = os.path.basename(src) self.salt.cmd(host, "cp.get_dir", ["salt://" + dir_name, dst]) elif self.IS_FILE == self.__is_dir_or_file(src): file_name = os.path.basename(src) print self.salt.cmd(host, "cp.get_file", ["salt://" + file_name, dst]) else: log.error("not file and not dir, what is it") return False return True def __luxuriant_line(self, str, color): if "red" == color: return "\033[22;35;40m" + str + "\033[0m" elif "green" == color: return "\033[22;32;40m" + str + "\033[0m" else: return str def result_check(self, ret, host): num_s = 0 num_f = 0 msg = "" try: for key in ret[host].keys(): if True == ret[host][key]['result']: num_s += 1 else: num_f += 1 msg = msg + \ self.__luxuriant_line("Failed %d:\n" % num_f, "red") msg = msg + "\t" + key + '\n' msg = msg + \ self.__luxuriant_line("\t%s\n" % ret[host][key]['comment'], "red") if True == ('retcode' in ret[host][key]['changes']): msg = msg + \ "RETCODE: %s\n" % (ret[host][key]['changes']['retcode']) if True == ('stderr' in ret[host][key]['changes']): msg = msg + \ "STDERR: %s\n" % (ret[host][key]['changes']['stderr']) if True == ('stdout' in ret[host][key]['changes']): msg = msg + \ "STDOUT: %s\n" % (ret[host][key]['changes']['stdout']) msg = msg + \ self.__luxuriant_line("total success: %d\n" % num_s, "green") msg = msg + self.__luxuriant_line("failed: %d\n" % num_f, "red") except Exception as e: log.error( "sorry, thy to check result happend error, <%(e)s>.\nret:%(ret)s", { 'e': e, 'ret': ret}) return -1 log.info(':\n' + msg) return num_f def run_state(self, host, fstate, ext_pillar={}, care_result=True): try: log.info("salt " + host + " state.sls " + fstate + ' pillar=\'' + str(ext_pillar) + '\'') ret = self.salt.cmd( host, 'state.sls', [ fstate, 'pillar=' + str(ext_pillar)], 180, 'list') except Exception as e: log.error("try to init host %(host)s happend error: <%(e)s>.", {'host': host, 'e': e}) if True == care_result: raise e if 0 != self.result_check(ret, host) and care_result: sys.exit(-1) return True def salt_cmd(self, host, cmd): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() logging.info("Begin to run cmd %s on %s" % (host, cmd)) try: ret = self.salt.cmd(host, 'cmd.run', [cmd]) except Exception: log.error("Remote salt execute failed.") return ret def copy_by_state(self, host, src, state_cmd, **kwargs): '''the src must be a dir, and the state.sls must be the name of the dir name''' if not self.slave_exists(host): log.error("the host %(h)s is not held by master, please check.") return False if not self.__copy_target(src, "state"): return False return self.run_state(host, state_cmd, kwargs, care_result=True) def get_master_ip(self, host=None): if not host: ret = cmds.execute( "grep '^interface:' /etc/salt/master | awk '{print $2}'").strip() return ret try: ret = self.salt.cmd(host, "grains.item", ["master"])[ host]['master'] except Exception: log.error("salt happened error when get master ip") return "" return ret mysalt = Mysalt()