#!/bin/bash # This script must be use with vxlan-gpe + nsh. Once we have eth + nsh support # in ODL, we will not need it anymore set -e ssh_options='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' BASEDIR=`dirname $0` INSTALLER_IP=${INSTALLER_IP:-} pushd $BASEDIR ip=`sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP} 'fuel node'|grep compute|\ awk '{print $10}' | head -1` echo $ip #sshpass -p r00tme scp $ssh_options correct_classifier.bash ${INSTALLER_IP}:/root #sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP} 'scp correct_classifier.bash '"$ip"':/root' sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP} 'ssh root@'"$ip"' ifconfig br-int up' output=$(sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP} 'ssh root@'"$ip"' ip route | \ cut -d" " -f1 | grep' ; exit 0) if [ -z "$output" ]; then sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_options root@${INSTALLER_IP} 'ssh root@'"$ip"' ip route add \ dev br-int' fi