# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import uuid from snaps import file_utils from snaps.config.flavor import FlavorConfig from snaps.config.keypair import KeypairConfig from snaps.config.network import SubnetConfig, PortConfig, NetworkConfig from snaps.config.router import RouterConfig from snaps.config.vm_inst import VmInstanceConfig, FloatingIpConfig from snaps.config.volume import VolumeConfig from snaps.config.volume_type import ( ControlLocation, VolumeTypeEncryptionConfig, VolumeTypeConfig) from snaps.openstack.create_security_group import ( SecurityGroupSettings, SecurityGroupRuleSettings) from snaps.openstack.utils import ( neutron_utils, nova_utils, heat_utils, glance_utils) def create_network_config(neutron, network): """ Returns a NetworkConfig object :param neutron: the neutron client :param network: a SNAPS-OO Network domain object :return: """ return NetworkConfig( name=network.name, network_type=network.type, subnet_settings=create_subnet_config(neutron, network)) def create_security_group_settings(neutron, security_group): """ Returns a NetworkConfig object :param neutron: the neutron client :param security_group: a SNAPS-OO SecurityGroup domain object :return: """ rules = neutron_utils.get_rules_by_security_group(neutron, security_group) rule_settings = list() for rule in rules: rule_settings.append(SecurityGroupRuleSettings( sec_grp_name=security_group.name, description=rule.description, direction=rule.direction, ethertype=rule.ethertype, port_range_min=rule.port_range_min, port_range_max=rule.port_range_max, protocol=rule.protocol, remote_group_id=rule.remote_group_id, remote_ip_prefix=rule.remote_ip_prefix)) return SecurityGroupSettings( name=security_group.name, description=security_group.description, rule_settings=rule_settings) def create_subnet_config(neutron, network): """ Returns a list of SubnetConfig objects for a given network :param neutron: the OpenStack neutron client :param network: the SNAPS-OO Network domain object :return: a list """ out = list() subnets = neutron_utils.get_subnets_by_network(neutron, network) for subnet in subnets: kwargs = dict() kwargs['cidr'] = subnet.cidr kwargs['ip_version'] = subnet.ip_version kwargs['name'] = subnet.name kwargs['start'] = subnet.start kwargs['end'] = subnet.end kwargs['gateway_ip'] = subnet.gateway_ip kwargs['enable_dhcp'] = subnet.enable_dhcp kwargs['dns_nameservers'] = subnet.dns_nameservers kwargs['host_routes'] = subnet.host_routes kwargs['ipv6_ra_mode'] = subnet.ipv6_ra_mode kwargs['ipv6_address_mode'] = subnet.ipv6_address_mode out.append(SubnetConfig(**kwargs)) return out def create_router_config(neutron, router): """ Returns a RouterConfig object :param neutron: the neutron client :param router: a SNAPS-OO Router domain object :return: """ ext_net_name = None if router.external_network_id: network = neutron_utils.get_network_by_id( neutron, router.external_network_id) if network: ext_net_name = network.name ports_tuple_list = list() if router.port_subnets: for port, subnets in router.port_subnets: network = neutron_utils.get_network_by_id( neutron, port.network_id) ip_addrs = list() if network and router.external_fixed_ips: for ext_fixed_ips in router.external_fixed_ips: for subnet in subnets: if ext_fixed_ips['subnet_id'] == subnet.id: ip_addrs.append(ext_fixed_ips['ip_address']) else: for ip in port.ips: ip_addrs.append(ip) ip_list = list() if len(ip_addrs) > 0: for ip_addr in ip_addrs: if isinstance(ip_addr, dict): ip_list.append(ip_addr['ip_address']) else: ip_list.append(ip_addr) ports_tuple_list.append((network, ip_list)) port_settings = __create_port_config(neutron, ports_tuple_list) filtered_settings = list() for port_setting in port_settings: if port_setting.network_name != ext_net_name: filtered_settings.append(port_setting) return RouterConfig( name=router.name, external_gateway=ext_net_name, admin_state_up=router.admin_state_up, port_settings=filtered_settings) def create_volume_config(volume): """ Returns a VolumeSettings object :param volume: a SNAPS-OO Volume object """ return VolumeConfig( name=volume.name, description=volume.description, size=volume.size, type_name=volume.type, availability_zone=volume.availability_zone, multi_attach=volume.multi_attach) def create_volume_type_config(volume_type): """ Returns a VolumeTypeSettings object :param volume_type: a SNAPS-OO VolumeType object """ control = None if volume_type.encryption: if (volume_type.encryption.control_location == ControlLocation.front_end.value): control = ControlLocation.front_end else: control = ControlLocation.back_end encrypt_settings = VolumeTypeEncryptionConfig( name=volume_type.encryption.__class__, provider_class=volume_type.encryption.provider, control_location=control, cipher=volume_type.encryption.cipher, key_size=volume_type.encryption.key_size) qos_spec_name = None if volume_type.qos_spec: qos_spec_name = volume_type.qos_spec.name return VolumeTypeConfig( name=volume_type.name, encryption=encrypt_settings, qos_spec_name=qos_spec_name, public=volume_type.public) def create_flavor_config(flavor): """ Returns a VolumeSettings object :param flavor: a SNAPS-OO Volume object """ return FlavorConfig( name=flavor.name, flavor_id=flavor.id, ram=flavor.ram, disk=flavor.disk, vcpus=flavor.vcpus, ephemeral=flavor.ephemeral, swap=flavor.swap, rxtx_factor=flavor.rxtx_factor, is_public=flavor.is_public) def create_keypair_config(heat_cli, stack, keypair, pk_output_key): """ Instantiates a KeypairConfig object from a Keypair domain objects :param heat_cli: the heat client :param stack: the Stack domain object :param keypair: the Keypair SNAPS domain object :param pk_output_key: the key to the heat template's outputs for retrieval of the private key file :return: a KeypairConfig object """ if pk_output_key: outputs = heat_utils.get_outputs(heat_cli, stack) for output in outputs: if output.key == pk_output_key: # Save to file guid = uuid.uuid4() key_file = file_utils.save_string_to_file( output.value, str(guid), 0o400) # Use outputs, file and resources for the KeypairConfig return KeypairConfig( name=keypair.name, private_filepath=key_file.name) return KeypairConfig(name=keypair.name) def create_vm_inst_config(nova, neutron, server): """ Returns a NetworkConfig object :param nova: the nova client :param neutron: the neutron client :param server: a SNAPS-OO VmInst domain object :return: """ flavor_name = nova_utils.get_flavor_by_id(nova, server.flavor_id) kwargs = dict() kwargs['name'] = server.name kwargs['flavor'] = flavor_name net_tuples = list() for net_name, ips in server.networks.items(): network = neutron_utils.get_network(neutron, network_name=net_name) if network: net_tuples.append((network, ips)) kwargs['port_settings'] = __create_port_config( neutron, net_tuples) kwargs['security_group_names'] = server.sec_grp_names kwargs['floating_ip_settings'] = __create_floatingip_config( neutron, kwargs['port_settings']) return VmInstanceConfig(**kwargs) def __create_port_config(neutron, networks): """ Returns a list of port settings based on the networks parameter :param neutron: the neutron client :param networks: a list of tuples where #1 is the SNAPS Network domain object and #2 is a list of IP addresses :return: """ out = list() for network, ips in networks: ports = neutron_utils.get_ports(neutron, network, ips) for port in ports: if port.device_owner != 'network:dhcp': ip_addrs = list() for ip_dict in port.ips: subnet = neutron_utils.get_subnet_by_id( neutron, ip_dict['subnet_id']) ip_addrs.append({'subnet_name': subnet.name, 'ip': ip_dict['ip_address']}) kwargs = dict() if port.name: kwargs['name'] = port.name kwargs['network_name'] = network.name kwargs['mac_address'] = port.mac_address kwargs['allowed_address_pairs'] = port.allowed_address_pairs kwargs['admin_state_up'] = port.admin_state_up kwargs['ip_addrs'] = ip_addrs out.append(PortConfig(**kwargs)) return out def __create_floatingip_config(neutron, port_settings): """ Returns a list of FloatingIpConfig objects as they pertain to an existing deployed server instance :param neutron: the neutron client :param port_settings: list of SNAPS-OO PortConfig objects :return: a list of FloatingIpConfig objects or an empty list if no floating IPs have been created """ base_fip_name = 'fip-' fip_ctr = 1 out = list() fip_ports = list() for port_setting in port_settings: setting_port = neutron_utils.get_port(neutron, port_setting) if setting_port: network = neutron_utils.get_network( neutron, network_name=port_setting.network_name) network_ports = neutron_utils.get_ports(neutron, network) if network_ports: for setting_port in network_ports: if port_setting.mac_address == setting_port.mac_address: fip_ports.append((port_setting.name, setting_port)) break floating_ips = neutron_utils.get_floating_ips(neutron, fip_ports) for port_id, floating_ip in floating_ips: router = neutron_utils.get_router_by_id(neutron, floating_ip.router_id) setting_port = neutron_utils.get_port_by_id( neutron, floating_ip.port_id) kwargs = dict() kwargs['name'] = base_fip_name + str(fip_ctr) kwargs['port_name'] = setting_port.name kwargs['port_id'] = setting_port.id kwargs['router_name'] = router.name if setting_port: for ip_dict in setting_port.ips: if ('ip_address' in ip_dict and 'subnet_id' in ip_dict and ip_dict['ip_address'] == floating_ip.fixed_ip_address): subnet = neutron_utils.get_subnet_by_id( neutron, ip_dict['subnet_id']) if subnet: kwargs['subnet_name'] = subnet.name out.append(FloatingIpConfig(**kwargs)) fip_ctr += 1 return out def determine_image_config(glance, server, image_settings): """ Returns a ImageConfig object from the list that matches the name in one of the image_settings parameter :param glance: the glance client :param server: a SNAPS-OO VmInst domain object :param image_settings: list of ImageConfig objects :return: ImageConfig or None """ if image_settings: for image_setting in image_settings: image = glance_utils.get_image_by_id(glance, server.image_id) if image and image.name == image_setting.name: return image_setting def determine_keypair_config(heat_cli, stack, server, keypair_settings=None, priv_key_key=None): """ Returns a KeypairConfig object from the list that matches the server.keypair_name value in the keypair_settings parameter if not None, else if the output_key is not None, the output's value when contains the string 'BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY', this value will be stored into a file and encoded into the KeypairConfig object returned :param heat_cli: the OpenStack heat client :param stack: a SNAPS-OO Stack domain object :param server: a SNAPS-OO VmInst domain object :param keypair_settings: list of KeypairConfig objects :param priv_key_key: the stack options that holds the private key value :return: KeypairConfig or None """ # Existing keypair being used by Heat Template if keypair_settings: for keypair_setting in keypair_settings: if server.keypair_name == keypair_setting.name: return keypair_setting # Keypair created by Heat template if priv_key_key: outputs = heat_utils.get_outputs(heat_cli, stack) for output in outputs: if output.key == priv_key_key: # Save to file guid = uuid.uuid4() key_file = file_utils.save_string_to_file( output.value, str(guid), 0o400) # Use outputs, file and resources for the KeypairConfig return KeypairConfig( name=server.keypair_name, private_filepath=key_file.name)