# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend import os import logging from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils from novaclient.client import Client from novaclient.exceptions import NotFound __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('nova_utils') """ Utilities for basic OpenStack Nova API calls """ def nova_client(os_creds): """ Instantiates and returns a client for communications with OpenStack's Nova server :param os_creds: The connection credentials to the OpenStack API :return: the client object """ logger.debug('Retrieving Nova Client') return Client(os_creds.compute_api_version, session=keystone_utils.keystone_session(os_creds)) def get_servers_by_name(nova, name): """ Returns a list of servers with a given name :param nova: the Nova client :param name: the server name :return: the list of servers """ return nova.servers.list(search_opts={'name': name}) def get_latest_server_object(nova, server): """ Returns a server with a given id :param nova: the Nova client :param server: the old server object :return: the list of servers or None if not found """ return nova.servers.get(server) def create_keys(key_size=2048): """ Generates public and private keys :param key_size: the number of bytes for the key size :return: the cryptography keys """ return rsa.generate_private_key(backend=default_backend(), public_exponent=65537, key_size=key_size) def public_key_openssh(keys): """ Returns the public key for OpenSSH :param keys: the keys generated by create_keys() from cryptography :return: the OpenSSH public key """ return keys.public_key().public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH) def save_keys_to_files(keys=None, pub_file_path=None, priv_file_path=None): """ Saves the generated RSA generated keys to the filesystem :param keys: the keys to save generated by cryptography :param pub_file_path: the path to the public keys :param priv_file_path: the path to the private keys :return: None """ if keys: if pub_file_path: pub_dir = os.path.dirname(pub_file_path) if not os.path.isdir(pub_dir): os.mkdir(pub_dir) public_handle = open(pub_file_path, 'wb') public_bytes = keys.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH) public_handle.write(public_bytes) public_handle.close() os.chmod(pub_file_path, 0o400) logger.info("Saved public key to - " + pub_file_path) if priv_file_path: priv_dir = os.path.dirname(priv_file_path) if not os.path.isdir(priv_dir): os.mkdir(priv_dir) private_handle = open(priv_file_path, 'wb') private_handle.write(keys.private_bytes(encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption())) private_handle.close() os.chmod(priv_file_path, 0o400) logger.info("Saved private key to - " + priv_file_path) def upload_keypair_file(nova, name, file_path): """ Uploads a public key from a file :param nova: the Nova client :param name: the keypair name :param file_path: the path to the public key file :return: the keypair object """ with open(os.path.expanduser(file_path), 'rb') as fpubkey: logger.info('Saving keypair to - ' + file_path) return upload_keypair(nova, name, fpubkey.read()) def upload_keypair(nova, name, key): """ Uploads a public key from a file :param nova: the Nova client :param name: the keypair name :param key: the public key object :return: the keypair object """ logger.info('Creating keypair with name - ' + name) return nova.keypairs.create(name=name, public_key=key.decode('utf-8')) def keypair_exists(nova, keypair_obj): """ Returns a copy of the keypair object if found :param nova: the Nova client :param keypair_obj: the keypair object :return: the keypair object or None if not found """ try: return nova.keypairs.get(keypair_obj) except: return None def get_keypair_by_name(nova, name): """ Returns a list of all available keypairs :param nova: the Nova client :param name: the name of the keypair to lookup :return: the keypair object or None if not found """ keypairs = nova.keypairs.list() for keypair in keypairs: if keypair.name == name: return keypair return None def delete_keypair(nova, key): """ Deletes a keypair object from OpenStack :param nova: the Nova client :param key: the keypair object to delete """ logger.debug('Deleting keypair - ' + key.name) nova.keypairs.delete(key) def get_floating_ip_pools(nova): """ Returns all of the available floating IP pools :param nova: the Nova client :return: a list of pools """ return nova.floating_ip_pools.list() def get_floating_ips(nova): """ Returns all of the floating IPs :param nova: the Nova client :return: a list of floating IPs """ return nova.floating_ips.list() def create_floating_ip(nova, ext_net_name): """ Returns the floating IP object that was created with this call :param nova: the Nova client :param ext_net_name: the name of the external network on which to apply the floating IP address :return: the floating IP object """ logger.info('Creating floating ip to external network - ' + ext_net_name) return nova.floating_ips.create(ext_net_name) def get_floating_ip(nova, floating_ip): """ Returns a floating IP object that should be identical to the floating_ip parameter :param nova: the Nova client :param floating_ip: the floating IP object to lookup :return: hopefully the same floating IP object input """ logger.debug('Attempting to retrieve existing floating ip with IP - ' + floating_ip.ip) return nova.floating_ips.get(floating_ip) def delete_floating_ip(nova, floating_ip): """ Responsible for deleting a floating IP :param nova: the Nova client :param floating_ip: the floating IP object to delete :return: """ logger.debug('Attempting to delete existing floating ip with IP - ' + floating_ip.ip) return nova.floating_ips.delete(floating_ip) def get_nova_availability_zones(nova): """ Returns the names of all nova active compute servers :param nova: the Nova client :return: a list of compute server names """ out = list() zones = nova.availability_zones.list() for zone in zones: if zone.zoneName == 'nova': for key, host in zone.hosts.items(): if host['nova-compute']['available']: out.append(zone.zoneName + ':' + key) return out def delete_vm_instance(nova, vm_inst): """ Deletes a VM instance :param nova: the nova client :param vm_inst: the OpenStack instance object to delete """ nova.servers.delete(vm_inst) def get_flavor_by_name(nova, name): """ Returns a flavor by name :param nova: the Nova client :param name: the flavor name to return :return: the OpenStack flavor object or None if not exists """ try: return nova.flavors.find(name=name) except NotFound: return None def create_flavor(nova, flavor_settings): """ Creates and returns and OpenStack flavor object :param nova: the Nova client :param flavor_settings: the flavor settings :return: the Flavor """ return nova.flavors.create(name=flavor_settings.name, flavorid=flavor_settings.flavor_id, ram=flavor_settings.ram, vcpus=flavor_settings.vcpus, disk=flavor_settings.disk, ephemeral=flavor_settings.ephemeral, swap=flavor_settings.swap, rxtx_factor=flavor_settings.rxtx_factor, is_public=flavor_settings.is_public) def delete_flavor(nova, flavor): """ Deletes a flavor :param nova: the Nova client :param flavor: the OpenStack flavor object """ nova.flavors.delete(flavor) def add_security_group(nova, vm, security_group_name): """ Adds a security group to an existing VM :param nova: the nova client :param vm: the OpenStack server object (VM) to alter :param security_group_name: the name of the security group to add """ nova.servers.add_security_group(str(vm.id), security_group_name) def remove_security_group(nova, vm, security_group): """ Removes a security group from an existing VM :param nova: the nova client :param vm: the OpenStack server object (VM) to alter :param security_group: the OpenStack security group object to add """ nova.servers.remove_security_group(str(vm.id), security_group['security_group']['name'])