# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os import uuid from snaps import file_utils from glanceclient.client import Client from snaps.domain.image import Image from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('glance_utils') VERSION_1 = 1.0 VERSION_2 = 2.0 """ Utilities for basic neutron API calls """ def glance_client(os_creds): """ Creates and returns a glance client object :return: the glance client """ return Client(version=os_creds.image_api_version, session=keystone_utils.keystone_session(os_creds)) def get_image(glance, image_name=None): """ Returns an OpenStack image object for a given name :param glance: the Glance client :param image_name: the image name to lookup :return: the image object or None """ images = glance.images.list() for image in images: if glance.version == VERSION_1: if image.name == image_name: image = glance.images.get(image.id) return Image(name=image.name, image_id=image.id, size=image.size, properties=image.properties) elif glance.version == VERSION_2: if image['name'] == image_name: return Image(name=image['name'], image_id=image['id'], size=image['size'], properties=image.get('properties')) return None def get_image_status(glance, image): """ Returns a new OpenStack Image object for a given OpenStack image object :param glance: the Glance client :param image: the domain Image object :return: the OpenStack Image object """ if glance.version == VERSION_1: os_image = glance.images.get(image.id) return os_image.status elif glance.version == VERSION_2: os_image = glance.images.get(image.id) return os_image['status'] else: raise Exception('Unsupported glance client version') def create_image(glance, image_settings): """ Creates and returns OpenStack image object with an external URL :param glance: the glance client :param image_settings: the image settings object :return: the OpenStack image object :raise Exception if using a file and it cannot be found """ if glance.version == VERSION_1: return __create_image_v1(glance, image_settings) elif glance.version == VERSION_2: return __create_image_v2(glance, image_settings) else: raise Exception('Unsupported glance client version') def __create_image_v1(glance, image_settings): """ Creates and returns OpenStack image object with an external URL :param glance: the glance client :param image_settings: the image settings object :return: the OpenStack image object :raise Exception if using a file and it cannot be found """ created_image = None if image_settings.url: if image_settings.extra_properties: created_image = glance.images.create( name=image_settings.name, disk_format=image_settings.format, container_format="bare", location=image_settings.url, properties=image_settings.extra_properties) else: created_image = glance.images.create(name=image_settings.name, disk_format=image_settings.format, container_format="bare", location=image_settings.url) elif image_settings.image_file: image_file = file_utils.get_file(image_settings.image_file) if image_settings.extra_properties: created_image = glance.images.create( name=image_settings.name, disk_format=image_settings.format, container_format="bare", data=image_file, properties=image_settings.extra_properties) else: created_image = glance.images.create( name=image_settings.name, disk_format=image_settings.format, container_format="bare", data=image_file) return Image(name=image_settings.name, image_id=created_image.id, size=created_image.size, properties=created_image.properties) def __create_image_v2(glance, image_settings): """ Creates and returns OpenStack image object with an external URL :param glance: the glance client v2 :param image_settings: the image settings object :return: the OpenStack image object :raise Exception if using a file and it cannot be found """ cleanup_file = False if image_settings.image_file: image_filename = image_settings.image_file elif image_settings.url: image_file = file_utils.download(image_settings.url, '/tmp', str(uuid.uuid4())) image_filename = image_file.name cleanup_file = True else: raise Exception('Filename or URL of image not configured') created_image = None try: kwargs = dict() kwargs['name'] = image_settings.name kwargs['disk_format'] = image_settings.format kwargs['container_format'] = 'bare' if image_settings.extra_properties: kwargs.update(image_settings.extra_properties) created_image = glance.images.create(**kwargs) image_file = file_utils.get_file(image_filename) glance.images.upload(created_image['id'], image_file) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unexpected exception creating image. Rolling back') if created_image: delete_image(glance, created_image) raise e finally: if cleanup_file: os.remove(image_filename) updated_image = glance.images.get(created_image['id']) return Image(name=updated_image['name'], image_id=updated_image['id'], size=updated_image['size'], properties=updated_image.get('properties')) def delete_image(glance, image): """ Deletes an image from OpenStack :param glance: the glance client :param image: the image to delete """ if glance.version == VERSION_1: glance.images.delete(image) elif glance.version == VERSION_2: glance.images.delete(image.id) else: raise Exception('Unsupported glance client version')