# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import enum from neutronclient.common.exceptions import NotFound from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils from snaps.openstack.utils import neutron_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('OpenStackSecurityGroup') class OpenStackSecurityGroup: """ Class responsible for creating Security Groups """ def __init__(self, os_creds, sec_grp_settings): """ Constructor - all parameters are required :param os_creds: The credentials to connect with OpenStack :param sec_grp_settings: The settings used to create a security group """ self.__os_creds = os_creds self.sec_grp_settings = sec_grp_settings self.__neutron = None self.__keystone = None # Attributes instantiated on create() self.__security_group = None # dict where the rule settings object is the key self.__rules = dict() def create(self, cleanup=False): """ Responsible for creating the security group. :param cleanup: Denotes whether or not this is being called for cleanup :return: the OpenStack security group object """ self.__neutron = neutron_utils.neutron_client(self.__os_creds) self.__keystone = keystone_utils.keystone_client(self.__os_creds) logger.info( 'Creating security group %s...' % self.sec_grp_settings.name) self.__security_group = neutron_utils.get_security_group( self.__neutron, self.sec_grp_settings.name) if not self.__security_group and not cleanup: # Create the security group self.__security_group = neutron_utils.create_security_group( self.__neutron, self.__keystone, self.sec_grp_settings) # Get the rules added for free auto_rules = neutron_utils.get_rules_by_security_group( self.__neutron, self.__security_group) ctr = 0 for auto_rule in auto_rules: auto_rule_setting = self.__generate_rule_setting(auto_rule) self.__rules[auto_rule_setting] = auto_rule ctr += 1 # Create the custom rules for sec_grp_rule_setting in self.sec_grp_settings.rule_settings: custom_rule = neutron_utils.create_security_group_rule( self.__neutron, sec_grp_rule_setting) self.__rules[sec_grp_rule_setting] = custom_rule # Refresh security group object to reflect the new rules added self.__security_group = neutron_utils.get_security_group( self.__neutron, self.sec_grp_settings.name) else: # Populate rules existing_rules = neutron_utils.get_rules_by_security_group( self.__neutron, self.__security_group) for existing_rule in existing_rules: # For Custom Rules rule_setting = self.__get_setting_from_rule(existing_rule) ctr = 0 if not rule_setting: # For Free Rules rule_setting = self.__generate_rule_setting(existing_rule) ctr += 1 self.__rules[rule_setting] = existing_rule return self.__security_group def __generate_rule_setting(self, rule): """ Creates a SecurityGroupRuleSettings object for a given rule :param rule: the rule from which to create the SecurityGroupRuleSettings object :return: the newly instantiated SecurityGroupRuleSettings object """ rule_dict = rule['security_group_rule'] sec_grp_name = None if rule_dict['security_group_id']: sec_grp = neutron_utils.get_security_group_by_id( self.__neutron, rule_dict['security_group_id']) if sec_grp: sec_grp_name = sec_grp['security_group']['name'] setting = SecurityGroupRuleSettings( description=rule_dict['description'], direction=rule_dict['direction'], ethertype=rule_dict['ethertype'], port_range_min=rule_dict['port_range_min'], port_range_max=rule_dict['port_range_max'], protocol=rule_dict['protocol'], remote_group_id=rule_dict['remote_group_id'], remote_ip_prefix=rule_dict['remote_ip_prefix'], sec_grp_name=sec_grp_name) return setting def clean(self): """ Removes and deletes the rules then the security group. """ for setting, rule in self.__rules.items(): try: neutron_utils.delete_security_group_rule(self.__neutron, rule) except NotFound as e: logger.warning('Rule not found, cannot delete - ' + str(e)) pass self.__rules = dict() if self.__security_group: try: neutron_utils.delete_security_group(self.__neutron, self.__security_group) except NotFound as e: logger.warning( 'Security Group not found, cannot delete - ' + str(e)) self.__security_group = None def get_security_group(self): """ Returns the OpenStack security group object :return: """ return self.__security_group def get_rules(self): """ Returns the associated rules :return: """ return self.__rules def add_rule(self, rule_setting): """ Adds a rule to this security group :param rule_setting: the rule configuration """ rule_setting.sec_grp_name = self.sec_grp_settings.name new_rule = neutron_utils.create_security_group_rule(self.__neutron, rule_setting) self.__rules[rule_setting] = new_rule self.sec_grp_settings.rule_settings.append(rule_setting) def remove_rule(self, rule_id=None, rule_setting=None): """ Removes a rule to this security group by id, name, or rule_setting object :param rule_id: the rule's id :param rule_setting: the rule's setting object """ rule_to_remove = None if rule_id or rule_setting: if rule_id: rule_to_remove = neutron_utils.get_rule_by_id( self.__neutron, self.__security_group, rule_id) elif rule_setting: rule_to_remove = self.__rules.get(rule_setting) if rule_to_remove: neutron_utils.delete_security_group_rule(self.__neutron, rule_to_remove) rule_setting = self.__get_setting_from_rule(rule_to_remove) if rule_setting: self.__rules.pop(rule_setting) else: logger.warning('Rule setting is None, cannot remove rule') def __get_setting_from_rule(self, rule): """ Returns the associated RuleSetting object for a given rule :param rule: the Rule object :return: the associated RuleSetting object or None """ for rule_setting in self.sec_grp_settings.rule_settings: if rule_setting.rule_eq(rule): return rule_setting return None class SecurityGroupSettings: """ Class representing a keypair configuration """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor - all parameters are optional :param name: The keypair name. :param description: The security group's description :param project_name: The name of the project under which the security group will be created :return: """ self.name = kwargs.get('name') self.description = kwargs.get('description') self.project_name = kwargs.get('project_name') self.rule_settings = list() rule_settings = kwargs.get('rules') if not rule_settings: rule_settings = kwargs.get('rule_settings') if rule_settings: for rule_setting in rule_settings: if isinstance(rule_setting, SecurityGroupRuleSettings): self.rule_settings.append(rule_setting) else: self.rule_settings.append(SecurityGroupRuleSettings( **rule_setting)) if not self.name: raise Exception('The attribute name is required') for rule_setting in self.rule_settings: if rule_setting.sec_grp_name is not self.name: raise Exception( 'Rule settings must correspond with the name of this ' 'security group') def dict_for_neutron(self, keystone): """ Returns a dictionary object representing this object. This is meant to be converted into JSON designed for use by the Neutron API TODO - expand automated testing to exercise all parameters :param keystone: the Keystone client :return: the dictionary object """ out = dict() if self.name: out['name'] = self.name if self.description: out['description'] = self.description if self.project_name: project = keystone_utils.get_project(keystone, self.project_name) project_id = None if project: project_id = project.id if project_id: out['project_id'] = project_id else: raise Exception( 'Could not find project ID for project named - ' + self.project_name) return {'security_group': out} class Direction(enum.Enum): """ A rule's direction """ ingress = 'ingress' egress = 'egress' class Protocol(enum.Enum): """ A rule's protocol """ icmp = 'icmp' tcp = 'tcp' udp = 'udp' null = 'null' class Ethertype(enum.Enum): """ A rule's ethertype """ IPv4 = 4 IPv6 = 6 class SecurityGroupRuleSettings: """ Class representing a keypair configuration """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor - all parameters are optional :param sec_grp_name: The security group's name on which to add the rule. (required) :param description: The rule's description :param direction: An enumeration of type create_security_group.RULE_DIRECTION (required) :param remote_group_id: The group ID to associate with this rule (this should be changed to group name once snaps support Groups) (optional) :param protocol: An enumeration of type create_security_group.RULE_PROTOCOL or a string value that will be mapped accordingly (optional) :param ethertype: An enumeration of type create_security_group.RULE_ETHERTYPE (optional) :param port_range_min: The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. When the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be <= port_range_max. When the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type. :param port_range_max: The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. When the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be <= port_range_max. When the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type. :param sec_grp_rule: The OpenStack rule object to a security group rule object to associate (note: Cannot be set using the config object nor can I see any real uses for this parameter) :param remote_ip_prefix: The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet (optional) TODO - Need to support the tenant... """ self.description = kwargs.get('description') self.sec_grp_name = kwargs.get('sec_grp_name') self.remote_group_id = kwargs.get('remote_group_id') self.direction = None if kwargs.get('direction'): self.direction = map_direction(kwargs['direction']) self.protocol = None if kwargs.get('protocol'): self.protocol = map_protocol(kwargs['protocol']) else: self.protocol = Protocol.null self.ethertype = None if kwargs.get('ethertype'): self.ethertype = map_ethertype(kwargs['ethertype']) self.port_range_min = kwargs.get('port_range_min') self.port_range_max = kwargs.get('port_range_max') self.remote_ip_prefix = kwargs.get('remote_ip_prefix') if not self.direction or not self.sec_grp_name: raise Exception('direction and sec_grp_name are required') def dict_for_neutron(self, neutron): """ Returns a dictionary object representing this object. This is meant to be converted into JSON designed for use by the Neutron API :param neutron: the neutron client for performing lookups :return: the dictionary object """ out = dict() if self.description: out['description'] = self.description if self.direction: out['direction'] = self.direction.name if self.port_range_min: out['port_range_min'] = self.port_range_min if self.port_range_max: out['port_range_max'] = self.port_range_max if self.ethertype: out['ethertype'] = self.ethertype.name if self.protocol and self.protocol.name != 'null': out['protocol'] = self.protocol.name if self.sec_grp_name: sec_grp = neutron_utils.get_security_group( neutron, self.sec_grp_name) if sec_grp: out['security_group_id'] = sec_grp['security_group']['id'] else: raise Exception( 'Cannot locate security group with name - ' + self.sec_grp_name) if self.remote_group_id: out['remote_group_id'] = self.remote_group_id if self.remote_ip_prefix: out['remote_ip_prefix'] = self.remote_ip_prefix return {'security_group_rule': out} def rule_eq(self, rule): """ Returns True if this setting created the rule :param rule: the rule to evaluate :return: T/F """ rule_dict = rule['security_group_rule'] if self.description is not None: if rule_dict['description'] is not None and rule_dict[ 'description'] != '': return False elif self.description != rule_dict['description']: if rule_dict['description'] != '': return False if self.direction.name != rule_dict['direction']: return False if self.ethertype and rule_dict.get('ethertype'): if self.ethertype.name != rule_dict['ethertype']: return False if self.port_range_min and rule_dict.get('port_range_min'): if self.port_range_min != rule_dict['port_range_min']: return False if self.port_range_max and rule_dict.get('port_range_max'): if self.port_range_max != rule_dict['port_range_max']: return False if self.protocol and rule_dict.get('protocol'): if self.protocol.name != rule_dict['protocol']: return False if self.remote_group_id and rule_dict.get('remote_group_id'): if self.remote_group_id != rule_dict['remote_group_id']: return False if self.remote_ip_prefix and rule_dict.get('remote_ip_prefix'): if self.remote_ip_prefix != rule_dict['remote_ip_prefix']: return False return True def __eq__(self, other): return self.description == other.description and \ self.direction == other.direction and \ self.port_range_min == other.port_range_min and \ self.port_range_max == other.port_range_max and \ self.ethertype == other.ethertype and \ self.protocol == other.protocol and \ self.sec_grp_name == other.sec_grp_name and \ self.remote_group_id == other.remote_group_id and \ self.remote_ip_prefix == other.remote_ip_prefix def __hash__(self): return hash((self.sec_grp_name, self.description, self.direction, self.remote_group_id, self.protocol, self.ethertype, self.port_range_min, self.port_range_max, self.remote_ip_prefix)) def map_direction(direction): """ Takes a the direction value maps it to the Direction enum. When None return None :param direction: the direction value :return: the Direction enum object :raise: Exception if value is invalid """ if not direction: return None if isinstance(direction, Direction): return direction else: dir_str = str(direction) if dir_str == 'egress': return Direction.egress elif dir_str == 'ingress': return Direction.ingress else: raise Exception('Invalid Direction - ' + dir_str) def map_protocol(protocol): """ Takes a the protocol value maps it to the Protocol enum. When None return None :param protocol: the protocol value :return: the Protocol enum object :raise: Exception if value is invalid """ if not protocol: return None elif isinstance(protocol, Protocol): return protocol else: proto_str = str(protocol) if proto_str == 'icmp': return Protocol.icmp elif proto_str == 'tcp': return Protocol.tcp elif proto_str == 'udp': return Protocol.udp elif proto_str == 'null': return Protocol.null else: raise Exception('Invalid Protocol - ' + proto_str) def map_ethertype(ethertype): """ Takes a the ethertype value maps it to the Ethertype enum. When None return None :param ethertype: the ethertype value :return: the Ethertype enum object :raise: Exception if value is invalid """ if not ethertype: return None elif isinstance(ethertype, Ethertype): return ethertype else: eth_str = str(ethertype) if eth_str == 'IPv6': return Ethertype.IPv6 elif eth_str == 'IPv4': return Ethertype.IPv4 else: raise Exception('Invalid Ethertype - ' + eth_str)