# Copyright (c) 2017 Cable Television Laboratories, Inc. ("CableLabs") # and others. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from neutronclient.common.exceptions import NotFound from snaps.openstack.utils import keystone_utils, neutron_utils __author__ = 'spisarski' logger = logging.getLogger('OpenStackNetwork') class OpenStackNetwork: """ Class responsible for creating a network in OpenStack """ def __init__(self, os_creds, network_settings): """ Constructor - all parameters are required :param os_creds: The credentials to connect with OpenStack :param network_settings: The settings used to create a network """ self.__os_creds = os_creds self.network_settings = network_settings self.__neutron = None # Attributes instantiated on create() self.__network = None self.__subnets = list() def create(self, cleanup=False): """ Responsible for creating not only the network but then a private subnet, router, and an interface to the router. :param cleanup: When true, only perform lookups for OpenStack objects. :return: the created network object or None """ self.__neutron = neutron_utils.neutron_client(self.__os_creds) logger.info( 'Creating neutron network %s...' % self.network_settings.name) net_inst = neutron_utils.get_network( self.__neutron, self.network_settings.name, self.network_settings.get_project_id(self.__os_creds)) if net_inst: self.__network = net_inst else: if not cleanup: self.__network = neutron_utils.create_network( self.__neutron, self.__os_creds, self.network_settings) else: logger.info( 'Network does not exist and will not create as in cleanup' ' mode') return logger.debug( "Network '%s' created successfully" % self.__network['network'][ 'id']) logger.debug('Creating Subnets....') for subnet_setting in self.network_settings.subnet_settings: sub_inst = neutron_utils.get_subnet_by_name(self.__neutron, subnet_setting.name) if sub_inst: self.__subnets.append(sub_inst) logger.debug( "Subnet '%s' created successfully" % sub_inst['subnet'][ 'id']) else: if not cleanup: self.__subnets.append( neutron_utils.create_subnet(self.__neutron, subnet_setting, self.__os_creds, self.__network)) return self.__network def clean(self): """ Removes and deletes all items created in reverse order. """ for subnet in self.__subnets: try: logger.info( 'Deleting subnet with name ' + subnet['subnet']['name']) neutron_utils.delete_subnet(self.__neutron, subnet) except NotFound as e: logger.warning( 'Error deleting subnet with message - ' + str(e)) pass self.__subnets = list() if self.__network: try: neutron_utils.delete_network(self.__neutron, self.__network) except NotFound: pass self.__network = None def get_network(self): """ Returns the created OpenStack network object :return: the OpenStack network object """ return self.__network def get_subnets(self): """ Returns the OpenStack subnet objects :return: """ return self.__subnets class NetworkSettings: """ Class representing a network configuration """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor - all parameters are optional :param name: The network name. :param admin_state_up: The administrative status of the network. True = up / False = down (default True) :param shared: Boolean value indicating whether this network is shared across all projects/tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value. :param project_name: Admin-only. The name of the project that will own the network. This project can be different from the project that makes the create network request. However, only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies. :param external: when true, will setup an external network (default False). :param network_type: the type of network (i.e. vlan|flat). :param physical_network: the name of the physical network (this is required when network_type is 'flat') :param subnets or subnet_settings: List of SubnetSettings objects. :return: """ self.project_id = None self.name = kwargs.get('name') if kwargs.get('admin_state_up') is not None: self.admin_state_up = bool(kwargs['admin_state_up']) else: self.admin_state_up = True if kwargs.get('shared') is not None: self.shared = bool(kwargs['shared']) else: self.shared = None self.project_name = kwargs.get('project_name') if kwargs.get('external') is not None: self.external = bool(kwargs.get('external')) else: self.external = False self.network_type = kwargs.get('network_type') self.physical_network = kwargs.get('physical_network') self.subnet_settings = list() subnet_settings = kwargs.get('subnets') if not subnet_settings: subnet_settings = kwargs.get('subnet_settings') if subnet_settings: for subnet_config in subnet_settings: if isinstance(subnet_config, SubnetSettings): self.subnet_settings.append(subnet_config) else: self.subnet_settings.append( SubnetSettings(**subnet_config['subnet'])) if not self.name or len(self.name) < 1: raise Exception('Name required for networks') def get_project_id(self, os_creds): """ Returns the project ID for a given project_name or None :param os_creds: the credentials required for keystone client retrieval :return: the ID or None """ if self.project_id: return self.project_id else: if self.project_name: keystone = keystone_utils.keystone_client(os_creds) project = keystone_utils.get_project(keystone, self.project_name) if project: return project.id return None def dict_for_neutron(self, os_creds): """ Returns a dictionary object representing this object. This is meant to be converted into JSON designed for use by the Neutron API TODO - expand automated testing to exercise all parameters :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :return: the dictionary object """ out = dict() if self.name: out['name'] = self.name if self.admin_state_up is not None: out['admin_state_up'] = self.admin_state_up if self.shared: out['shared'] = self.shared if self.project_name: project_id = self.get_project_id(os_creds) if project_id: out['project_id'] = project_id else: raise Exception( 'Could not find project ID for project named - ' + self.project_name) if self.network_type: out['provider:network_type'] = self.network_type if self.physical_network: out['provider:physical_network'] = self.physical_network if self.external: out['router:external'] = self.external return {'network': out} class SubnetSettings: """ Class representing a subnet configuration """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor - all parameters are optional except cidr (subnet mask) :param cidr: The CIDR. REQUIRED if config parameter is None :param ip_version: The IP version, which is 4 or 6. :param name: The subnet name. :param project_name: The name of the project who owns the network. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies. :param start: The start address for the allocation pools. :param end: The end address for the allocation pools. :param gateway_ip: The gateway IP address. :param enable_dhcp: Set to true if DHCP is enabled and false if DHCP is disabled. :param dns_nameservers: A list of DNS name servers for the subnet. Specify each name server as an IP address and separate multiple entries with a space. For example []. :param host_routes: A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet. For example: "host_routes":[ { "destination":"", "nexthop":"123.456.78.9" }, { "destination":"", "nexthop":"" } ] :param destination: The destination for static route :param nexthop: The next hop for the destination. :param ipv6_ra_mode: A valid value is dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, or slaac. :param ipv6_address_mode: A valid value is dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless, or slaac. :raise: Exception when config does not have or cidr values are None """ self.cidr = kwargs['cidr'] if kwargs.get('ip_version'): self.ip_version = kwargs['ip_version'] else: self.ip_version = 4 # Optional attributes that can be set after instantiation self.name = kwargs.get('name') self.project_name = kwargs.get('project_name') self.start = kwargs.get('start') self.end = kwargs.get('end') self.gateway_ip = kwargs.get('gateway_ip') self.enable_dhcp = kwargs.get('enable_dhcp') if kwargs.get('dns_nameservers'): self.dns_nameservers = kwargs.get('dns_nameservers') else: self.dns_nameservers = [''] self.host_routes = kwargs.get('host_routes') self.destination = kwargs.get('destination') self.nexthop = kwargs.get('nexthop') self.ipv6_ra_mode = kwargs.get('ipv6_ra_mode') self.ipv6_address_mode = kwargs.get('ipv6_address_mode') if not self.name or not self.cidr: raise Exception('Name and cidr required for subnets') def dict_for_neutron(self, os_creds, network=None): """ Returns a dictionary object representing this object. This is meant to be converted into JSON designed for use by the Neutron API :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :param network: The network object on which the subnet will be created (optional) :return: the dictionary object """ out = { 'cidr': self.cidr, 'ip_version': self.ip_version, } if network: out['network_id'] = network['network']['id'] if self.name: out['name'] = self.name if self.project_name: keystone = keystone_utils.keystone_client(os_creds) project = keystone_utils.get_project(keystone, self.project_name) project_id = None if project: project_id = project.id if project_id: out['project_id'] = project_id else: raise Exception( 'Could not find project ID for project named - ' + self.project_name) if self.start and self.end: out['allocation_pools'] = [{'start': self.start, 'end': self.end}] if self.gateway_ip: out['gateway_ip'] = self.gateway_ip if self.enable_dhcp is not None: out['enable_dhcp'] = self.enable_dhcp if self.dns_nameservers and len(self.dns_nameservers) > 0: out['dns_nameservers'] = self.dns_nameservers if self.host_routes and len(self.host_routes) > 0: out['host_routes'] = self.host_routes if self.destination: out['destination'] = self.destination if self.nexthop: out['nexthop'] = self.nexthop if self.ipv6_ra_mode: out['ipv6_ra_mode'] = self.ipv6_ra_mode if self.ipv6_address_mode: out['ipv6_address_mode'] = self.ipv6_address_mode return out class PortSettings: """ Class representing a port configuration """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor - all parameters are optional :param name: A symbolic name for the port. :param network_name: The name of the network on which to create the port. :param admin_state_up: A boolean value denoting the administrative status of the port. True = up / False = down :param project_name: The name of the project who owns the network. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies. :param mac_address: The MAC address. If you specify an address that is not valid, a Bad Request (400) status code is returned. If you do not specify a MAC address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate one. If a failure occurs, a Service Unavailable (503) status code is returned. :param ip_addrs: A list of dict objects where each contains two keys 'subnet_name' and 'ip' values which will get mapped to self.fixed_ips. These values will be directly translated into the fixed_ips dict :param fixed_ips: A dict where the key is the subnet IDs and value is the IP address to assign to the port :param security_groups: One or more security group IDs. :param allowed_address_pairs: A dictionary containing a set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair contains an IP address and MAC address. :param opt_value: The extra DHCP option value. :param opt_name: The extra DHCP option name. :param device_owner: The ID of the entity that uses this port. For example, a DHCP agent. :param device_id: The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a virtual server. :return: """ self.network = None self.name = kwargs.get('name') self.network_name = kwargs.get('network_name') if kwargs.get('admin_state_up') is not None: self.admin_state_up = bool(kwargs['admin_state_up']) else: self.admin_state_up = True self.project_name = kwargs.get('project_name') self.mac_address = kwargs.get('mac_address') self.ip_addrs = kwargs.get('ip_addrs') self.fixed_ips = kwargs.get('fixed_ips') self.security_groups = kwargs.get('security_groups') self.allowed_address_pairs = kwargs.get('allowed_address_pairs') self.opt_value = kwargs.get('opt_value') self.opt_name = kwargs.get('opt_name') self.device_owner = kwargs.get('device_owner') self.device_id = kwargs.get('device_id') if not self.name or not self.network_name: raise Exception( 'The attributes neutron, name, and network_name are required ' 'for PortSettings') def __set_fixed_ips(self, neutron): """ Sets the self.fixed_ips value :param neutron: the Neutron client :return: None """ if not self.fixed_ips and self.ip_addrs: self.fixed_ips = list() for ip_addr_dict in self.ip_addrs: subnet = neutron_utils.get_subnet_by_name(neutron, ip_addr_dict[ 'subnet_name']) if subnet: self.fixed_ips.append({'ip_address': ip_addr_dict['ip'], 'subnet_id': subnet['subnet'][ 'id']}) else: raise Exception( 'Invalid port configuration, subnet does not exist ' 'with name - ' + ip_addr_dict['subnet_name']) def dict_for_neutron(self, neutron, os_creds): """ Returns a dictionary object representing this object. This is meant to be converted into JSON designed for use by the Neutron API TODO - expand automated testing to exercise all parameters :param neutron: the Neutron client :param os_creds: the OpenStack credentials :return: the dictionary object """ self.__set_fixed_ips(neutron) out = dict() project_id = None if self.project_name: keystone = keystone_utils.keystone_client(os_creds) project = keystone_utils.get_project(keystone, self.project_name) if project: project_id = project.id if not self.network: self.network = neutron_utils.get_network(neutron, self.network_name, project_id) if not self.network: raise Exception( 'Cannot locate network with name - ' + self.network_name) out['network_id'] = self.network['network']['id'] if self.admin_state_up is not None: out['admin_state_up'] = self.admin_state_up if self.name: out['name'] = self.name if self.project_name: if project_id: out['project_id'] = project_id else: raise Exception( 'Could not find project ID for project named - ' + self.project_name) if self.mac_address: out['mac_address'] = self.mac_address if self.fixed_ips and len(self.fixed_ips) > 0: out['fixed_ips'] = self.fixed_ips if self.security_groups: out['security_groups'] = self.security_groups if self.allowed_address_pairs and len(self.allowed_address_pairs) > 0: out['allowed_address_pairs'] = self.allowed_address_pairs if self.opt_value: out['opt_value'] = self.opt_value if self.opt_name: out['opt_name'] = self.opt_name if self.device_owner: out['device_owner'] = self.device_owner if self.device_id: out['device_id'] = self.device_id return {'port': out}