schema: "isb:traffic_profile:0.1" name: TrafficProfileGenericHTTP description: Traffic profile to run HTTP test traffic_profile: traffic_type: TrafficProfileGenericHTTP #http client specific values uplink_0: http_no_requests: "1000" # number of http iterations http_concurency: "65000" # number of threads to be run http_locator: "/1B.bin" # http locator to be read http_peer_address: "" # address range of the servers http_peer_port: "9004" # port range of the server http_client_address: "" # address range of the servers private_subnet_mask: "" attacker_tests: "False" # True : If attacker Test, False : Otherwise #http server side downlink_0: http_locator_image_size: "1B" # image size requested by http client http_bind_address: "" # where address is bound http_bind_port: "9004" # when port is bound public_subnet_mask: ""