This package contains a set of Task implementations for Ant (version 1.6.x or later) that can be used to interact with the Apaache mod_jk status page to show, update, disable and stop mod_jk worker. For more information, see JK Documenation.

The attributes of each task element correspond exactly to the request parameters that are included with an HTTP request sent directly to jk status page. They are summarized as follows:

General parameter
Attribute Description
url The URL of the jk status page you will use to perform the requested operations. If not specified, defaults to http://localhost:80/jkstatus (which corresponds to a standard installation of Apache mod_jk).
username The username of a mod_jk status user that has been configured with the Allow user Apache Location constraint. This attribute is optional.
password The password of a mod_jk status user that has been configured with the Allow user Apache Location constraint. This attribute is optional.
resultProperty Bind all show results with this prefix property name. This attribute is optional.
echo show result at ant console. (default false)
errorProperty set this property, as a failure detected. This attribute is optional.
Command show parameter
Attribute Description
worker only bind properties from this balancer tcp worker (node)
loadbalancer only bind properties from this loadbalancer worker
Command reset parameter
Attribute Description
workerLb name of loadbalancer worker.
Command update loadbalancer parameter
Attribute Description
workerType=loadbalancer type of update
workerLb name of loadbalancer worker.
lbForceSession Force Sticky Session. (true/false)
lbStickySession Sticky Session. (true/false)
lbRetries loadbalancer retries after worker connection failure (int)
lbRecovertime Recover timeout after a worker set to "error" state (int sec's)
Command update worker parameter
Attribute Description
workerType=worker type of update
worker name of tcp worker.
workerActivation (>=1.2.19 set worker activation (1 Active, 2 Disabled, 3 Stopped)
workerDisabled (< 1.2.19) set disable state. (true/false)
workerStoppend (< 1.2.19) set stopped state. (true/false)
workerJvmRoute set jvm route
workerLaodFactor set load factor (int)
workerDistance set worker distance (int)
workerRedirect other worker name to redirect after failure
workerClusterDomain cluster domain name, group of worker at a repliation cluster.