Servlets version





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Welcome to RUBBoS's home page !

RUBBoS is a bulletin board system prototype that is used to evaluate the bottlenecks of such application.
This version is the servlet/edu.rice.rubbos.servlets implementation of RUBBoS.

How to use RUBBoS

RUBBoS can be used from a web browser for testing purposes or with the provided benchmarking tools.
Here is how to use RUBBoS from your web browser :

1. If you are lost, at any time just click on the Home link that brings you back to this page.
2. You first have to register yourself as a new user by selecting Register
3. You can browse the stories and comments using Browse or Search.
4. Select Submit a story if you want to submit a new story.
5. The Author link gives you a report of your personal information and the current items you are selling or bidding on.

Good luck !

RUBBoS (C) 2001 - Rice University/INRIA