\ tag: bootstrap of basic forth words \ \ Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Stefan Reinauer, Patrick Mauritz \ \ See the file "COPYING" for further information about \ the copyright and warranty status of this work. \ \ \ this file contains almost all forth words described \ by the open firmware user interface. Some more complex \ parts are found in seperate files (memory management, \ vocabulary support) \ \ \ often used constants (reduces dictionary size) \ 1 constant 1 2 constant 2 3 constant 3 -1 constant -1 0 constant 0 0 value my-self \ \ Numeric-base control \ : decimal 10 base ! ; : hex 16 base ! ; : octal 8 base ! ; hex \ \ vocabulary words \ variable current forth-last current ! : last current @ ; variable #order 0 #order ! defer context 0 value vocabularies? defer locals-end 0 value locals-dict variable locals-dict-buf \ \ 7.3.7 Flag constants \ 1 1 = constant true 0 1 = constant false \ \ Immediate words (part 1) \ : (immediate) ( xt -- ) 1 - dup c@ 1 or swap c! ; : (compile-only) 1 - dup c@ 2 or swap c! ; : immediate last @ (immediate) ; : compile-only last @ (compile-only) ; : flags? ( xt -- flags ) /n /c + - c@ 7f and ; : immediate? ( xt -- true|false ) flags? 1 and 1 = ; : compile-only? ( xt -- true|false ) flags? 2 and 2 = ; : [ 0 state ! ; compile-only : ] -1 state ! ; \ \ Data space allocation \ : allot here + here! ; : , here /n allot ! ; : c, here /c allot c! ; : align /n here /n 1 - and - \ how many bytes to next alignment /n 1 - and allot \ mask out everything that is bigger ; \ than cellsize-1 : null-align here dup align here swap - 0 fill ; : w, here 1 and allot \ if here is not even, we have to align. here /w allot w! ; : l, /l here /l 1 - and - \ same as in align, with /l /l 1 - and \ if it's /l we are already aligned. allot here /l allot l! ; \ \ 7.3.6 comparison operators (part 1) \ : <> = invert ; \ \ Miscellaneous dictionary (part 1) \ : (to) ( xt-new xt-defer -- ) /n + ! ; : >body ( xt -- a-addr ) /n 1 lshift + ; : body> ( a-addr -- xt ) /n 1 lshift - ; : reveal latest @ last ! ; : recursive reveal ; immediate : recurse latest @ /n + , ; immediate : noop ; defer environment? : no-environment? 2drop false ; ['] no-environment? ['] environment? (to) \ \ Conditional branches \ \ A control stack entry is implemented using 2 data stack items \ of the form ( addr type ). type can be one of the \ following: \ 0 - orig \ 1 - dest \ 2 - do-sys : resolve-orig here nip over /n + - swap ! ; : (if) ['] do?branch , here 0 0 , ; compile-only : (then) resolve-orig ; compile-only variable tmp-comp-depth -1 tmp-comp-depth ! variable tmp-comp-buf 0 tmp-comp-buf ! : setup-tmp-comp ( -- ) state @ 0 = (if) here tmp-comp-buf @ here! , \ save here and switch to tmp directory 1 , \ DOCOL depth tmp-comp-depth ! \ save control depth ] (then) ; : execute-tmp-comp ( -- ) depth tmp-comp-depth @ = (if) -1 tmp-comp-depth ! ['] (semis) , tmp-comp-buf @ dup @ here! 0 state ! /n + execute (then) ; : if setup-tmp-comp ['] do?branch , here 0 0 , ; immediate : then resolve-orig execute-tmp-comp ; compile-only : else ['] dobranch , here 0 0 , 2swap resolve-orig ; compile-only \ \ Conditional loops \ \ some dummy words for see : (begin) ; : (again) ; : (until) ; : (while) ; : (repeat) ; \ resolve-dest requires a loop... : (resolve-dest) here /n + nip - , ; : (resolve-begin) setup-tmp-comp ['] (begin) , here 1 ; immediate : (resolve-until) ['] (until) , ['] do?branch , (resolve-dest) execute-tmp-comp ; compile-only : resolve-dest ( dest origN ... orig ) 2 >r (resolve-begin) \ Find topmost control stack entry with a type of 1 (dest) r> dup dup pick 1 = if \ Move it to the top roll swap 1 - roll \ Resolve it (resolve-dest) 1 \ force exit else drop 2 + >r 0 then (resolve-until) ; : begin setup-tmp-comp ['] (begin) , here 1 ; immediate : again ['] (again) , ['] dobranch , resolve-dest execute-tmp-comp ; compile-only : until ['] (until) , ['] do?branch , resolve-dest execute-tmp-comp ; compile-only : while setup-tmp-comp ['] (while) , ['] do?branch , here 0 0 , 2swap ; immediate : repeat ['] (repeat) , ['] dobranch , resolve-dest resolve-orig execute-tmp-comp ; compile-only \ \ Counted loops \ variable leaves 0 leaves ! : resolve-loop leaves @ begin ?dup while dup @ \ leaves -- leaves *leaves ) swap \ -- *leaves leaves ) here over - \ -- *leaves leaves here-leaves swap ! \ -- *leaves repeat here nip - , leaves ! ; : do setup-tmp-comp leaves @ here 2 ['] (do) , 0 leaves ! ; immediate : ?do setup-tmp-comp leaves @ ['] (?do) , here 2 here leaves ! 0 , ; immediate : loop ['] (loop) , resolve-loop execute-tmp-comp ; immediate : +loop ['] (+loop) , resolve-loop execute-tmp-comp ; immediate \ Using primitive versions of i and j \ speeds up loops by 300% \ : i r> r@ swap >r ; \ : j r> r> r> r@ -rot >r >r swap >r ; : unloop r> r> r> 2drop >r ; : leave ['] unloop , ['] dobranch , leaves @ here leaves ! , ; immediate : ?leave if leave then ; \ \ Case statement \ : case setup-tmp-comp 0 ; immediate : endcase ['] drop , 0 ?do ['] then execute loop execute-tmp-comp ; immediate : of 1 + >r ['] over , ['] = , ['] if execute ['] drop , r> ; immediate : endof >r ['] else execute r> ; immediate \ \ Other control flow commands \ : exit r> drop ; \ \ ASCII constants (part 1) \ 20 constant bl 07 constant bell 08 constant bs 0d constant carret 0a constant linefeed \ \ - stack duplication \ : tuck swap over ; : 3dup 2 pick 2 pick 2 pick ; \ \ - stack removal \ : clear 0 depth! ; : 3drop 2drop drop ; \ \ - stack rearrangement \ : 2rot >r >r 2swap r> r> 2swap ; \ \ - return stack \ \ Note: these words are not part of the official OF specification, however \ they are part of the ANSI DPANS94 core extensions (see section 6.2) and \ so this seems an appropriate place for them. : 2>r r> -rot swap >r >r >r ; : 2r> r> r> r> rot >r swap ; : 2r@ r> r> r> 2dup >r >r rot >r swap ; \ \ - single precision integer arithmetic (part 1) \ : u/mod 0 swap mu/mod drop ; : 1+ 1 + ; : 1- 1 - ; : 2+ 2 + ; : 2- 2 - ; : even 1+ -2 and ; : bounds over + swap ; \ \ bitwise logical operators \ : << lshift ; : >> rshift ; : 2* 1 lshift ; : u2/ 1 rshift ; : 2/ 1 >>a ; : not invert ; \ \ double number arithmetic \ : s>d dup 0 < ; : dnegate 0 0 2swap d- ; : dabs dup 0 < if dnegate then ; : um/mod mu/mod drop ; \ symmetric division : sm/rem ( d n -- rem quot ) over >r >r dabs r@ abs um/mod r> 0 < if negate then r> 0 < if negate swap negate swap then ; \ floored division : fm/mod ( d n -- rem quot ) dup >r 2dup xor 0 < >r sm/rem over 0 <> r> and if 1 - swap r> + swap exit then r> drop ; \ \ - single precision integer arithmetic (part 2) \ : */mod ( n1 n2 n3 -- quot rem ) >r m* r> fm/mod ; : */ ( n1 n2 n3 -- n1*n2/n3 ) */mod nip ; : /mod >r s>d r> fm/mod ; : mod /mod drop ; : / /mod nip ; \ \ Data type conversion \ : lwsplit ( quad -- w.lo w.hi ) dup ffff and swap 10 rshift ffff and ; : wbsplit ( word -- b.lo b.hi ) dup ff and swap 8 rshift ff and ; : lbsplit ( quad -- b.lo b2 b3 b.hi ) lwsplit swap wbsplit rot wbsplit ; : bwjoin ( b.lo b.hi -- word ) ff and 8 lshift swap ff and or ; : wljoin ( w.lo w.hi -- quad ) ffff and 10 lshift swap ffff and or ; : bljoin ( b.lo b2 b3 b.hi -- quad ) bwjoin -rot bwjoin swap wljoin ; : wbflip ( word -- word ) \ flips bytes in a word dup 8 rshift ff and swap ff and bwjoin ; : lwflip ( q1 -- q2 ) dup 10 rshift ffff and swap ffff and wljoin ; : lbflip ( q1 -- q2 ) dup 10 rshift ffff and wbflip swap ffff and wbflip wljoin ; \ \ address arithmetic \ : /c* /c * ; : /w* /w * ; : /l* /l * ; : /n* /n * ; : ca+ /c* + ; : wa+ /w* + ; : la+ /l* + ; : na+ /n* + ; : ca1+ /c + ; : wa1+ /w + ; : la1+ /l + ; : na1+ /n + ; : aligned /n 1- + /n negate and ; : char+ ca1+ ; : cell+ na1+ ; : chars /c* ; : cells /n* ; /n constant cell \ \ 7.3.6 Comparison operators \ : <= > not ; : >= < not ; : 0= 0 = ; : 0<= 0 <= ; : 0< 0 < ; : 0<> 0 <> ; : 0> 0 > ; : 0>= 0 >= ; : u<= u> not ; : u>= u< not ; : within >r over > swap r> >= or not ; : between 1 + within ; \ \ Memory access \ : 2@ dup cell+ @ swap @ ; : 2! dup >r ! r> cell+ ! ; : = if 10000 - then ; : comp ( str1 str2 len -- 0|1|-1 ) >r 0 -rot r> bounds ?do dup c@ i c@ - dup if < if 1 else -1 then swap leave then drop ca1+ loop drop ; \ compare two string : $= ( str1 len1 str2 len2 -- true|false ) rot ( str1 str2 len2 len1 ) over ( str1 str2 len2 len1 len2 ) <> if ( str1 str2 len2 ) 3drop false else ( str1 str2 len2 ) comp 0= then ; \ : +! tuck @ + swap ! ; : off false swap ! ; : on true swap ! ; : blank bl fill ; : erase 0 fill ; : wbflips ( waddr len -- ) bounds do i w@ wbflip i w! /w +loop ; : lwflips ( qaddr len -- ) bounds do i l@ lwflip i l! /l +loop ; : lbflips ( qaddr len -- ) bounds do i l@ lbflip i l! /l +loop ; \ \ Error handling (part 1) \ variable catchframe 0 catchframe ! : catch my-self >r depth >r catchframe @ >r rdepth catchframe ! execute r> catchframe ! r> r> 2drop 0 ; : throw ?dup if catchframe @ rdepth! r> catchframe ! r> swap >r depth! drop r> r> ['] my-self (to) then ; \ \ memory allocation \ include memory.fs \ \ Console output (part 1) \ defer emit : type bounds ?do i c@ emit loop ; \ this one obviously only works when called \ with a forth string as count fetches addr-1. \ openfirmware has no such req. therefore it has to go: \ : type 0 do count emit loop drop ; : debug-type bounds ?do i c@ (emit) loop ; \ \ Text Input \ 0 value source-id 0 value ib variable #ib 0 #ib ! variable >in 0 >in ! : source ( -- addr len ) ib #ib @ ; : /string ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) tuck - -rot + swap ; \ \ pockets implementation for 100 constant pocketsize 4 constant numpockets variable pockets 0 pockets ! variable whichpocket 0 whichpocket ! \ allocate 4 pockets to begin with : init-pockets ( -- ) pocketsize numpockets * alloc-mem pockets ! ; : pocket ( ?? -- ?? ) pocketsize whichpocket @ * pockets @ + whichpocket @ 1 + numpockets mod whichpocket ! ; \ span variable from variable span 0 span ! \ if char is bl then any control character is matched : findchar ( str len char -- offs true | false ) swap 0 do over i + c@ over dup bl = if <= else = then if 2drop i dup dup leave \ i nip nip true exit \ replaces above then loop = \ drop drop false ; : parse ( delim text -- str len ) >r \ save delimiter ib >in @ + span @ >in @ - \ ib+offs len-offset. dup 0 < if \ if we are already at the end of the string, return an empty string + 0 \ move to end of input string r> drop exit then 2dup r> \ ib+offs len-offset ib+offs len-offset delim findchar if \ look for the delimiter. nip dup 1+ else dup then >in +! \ dup -1 = if drop 0 then \ workaround for negative length ; : skipws ( -- ) ib span @ ( -- ib recvchars ) begin dup >in @ > if ( -- recvchars>offs ) over >in @ + c@ bl <= else false then while 1 >in +! repeat 2drop ; : parse-word ( < >text< > -- str len ) skipws bl parse ; : word ( delim text -- pstr ) pocket >r parse dup r@ c! bounds r> dup 2swap do char+ i c@ over c! loop drop ; : ( 29 parse 2drop ; immediate : \ span @ >in ! ; immediate \ \ String literals \ : ", bounds ?do i c@ c, loop ; : (") ( -- addr len ) r> dup 2 cells + ( r-addr addr ) over cell+ @ ( r-addr addr len ) rot over + aligned cell+ >r ( addr len R: r-addr ) ; : handle-text ( temp-addr len -- addr len ) state @ if ['] (") , dup , ", null-align else pocket swap dup >r 0 ?do over i + c@ over i + c! loop nip r> then ; : s" 22 parse handle-text ; immediate \ \ Console output (part 2) \ : ." 22 parse handle-text ['] type state @ if , else execute then ; immediate : .( 29 parse handle-text ['] type state @ if , else execute then ; immediate \ \ String manipulation \ : count ( pstr -- str len ) 1+ dup 1- c@ ; : pack ( str len addr -- pstr ) 2dup c! \ store len 1+ swap 0 ?do over i + c@ over i + c! loop nip 1- ; : lcc ( char1 -- char2 ) dup 41 5a between if 20 + then ; : upc ( char1 -- char2 ) dup 61 7a between if 20 - then ; : -trailing ( str len1 -- str len2 ) begin dup 0<> if \ len != 0 ? 2dup 1- + c@ bl = else false then while 1- repeat ; \ \ Output formatting \ : cr linefeed emit ; : debug-cr linefeed (emit) ; : (cr carret emit ; : space bl emit ; : spaces 0 ?do space loop ; variable #line 0 #line ! variable #out 0 #out ! \ \ Dictionary search \ \ helper functions : lfa2name ( lfa -- name len ) 1- \ skip flag byte begin \ skip 0 padding 1- dup c@ ?dup until 7f and \ clear high bit in length tuck - swap ( ptr-to-len len - name len ) ; : comp-nocase ( str1 str2 len -- true|false ) 0 do 2dup i + c@ upc ( str1 str2 byteX ) swap i + c@ upc ( str1 str2 byte1 byte2 ) <> if 0 leave then loop if -1 else drop 0 then swap drop ; : comp-word ( b-str len lfa -- true | false ) lfa2name ( str len str len -- ) >r swap r> ( str str len len ) over = if ( str str len ) comp-nocase else drop drop drop false \ if len does not match, string does not match then ; \ $find is an fcode word, but we place it here since we use it for find. : find-wordlist ( name-str name-len last -- xt true | name-str name-len false ) @ >r begin 2dup r@ dup if comp-word dup false = then while r> @ >r drop repeat r@ if \ successful? -rot 2drop r> cell+ swap else r> drop drop drop false then ; : $find ( name-str name-len -- xt true | name-str name-len false ) locals-dict 0<> if locals-dict-buf @ find-wordlist ?dup if exit then then vocabularies? if #order @ 0 ?do i cells context + @ find-wordlist ?dup if unloop exit then loop false else forth-last find-wordlist then ; \ look up a word in the current wordlist : $find1 ( name-str name-len -- xt true | name-str name-len false ) vocabularies? if current @ else forth-last then find-wordlist ; : ' parse-word $find 0= if type 3a emit -13 throw then ; : ['] parse-word $find 0= if type 3a emit -13 throw then state @ if ['] (lit) , , then ; immediate : find ( pstr -- xt n | pstr false ) dup count $find \ pstr xt true | pstr name-str name-len false if nip true over immediate? if negate \ immediate returns 1 then else 2drop false then ; \ \ Immediate words (part 2) \ : literal ['] (lit) , , ; immediate : compile, , ; immediate : compile r> cell+ dup @ , >r ; : [compile] ['] ' execute , ; immediate : postpone parse-word $find if dup immediate? not if ['] (lit) , , ['] , then , else s" undefined word " type type cr then ; immediate \ \ Miscellaneous dictionary (part 2) \ variable #instance : instance ( -- ) true #instance ! ; : #instance-base my-self dup if @ then ; : #instance-offs my-self dup if na1+ then ; \ the following instance words are used internally \ to implement variable instantiation. : instance-cfa? ( cfa -- true | false ) b e within \ b,c and d are instance defining words ; : behavior ( xt-defer -- xt ) dup @ instance-cfa? if #instance-base ?dup if swap na1+ @ + @ else 3 /n* + @ then else na1+ @ then ; : (ito) ( xt-new xt-defer -- ) #instance-base ?dup if swap na1+ @ + ! else 3 /n* + ! then ; : (to-xt) ( xt -- ) dup @ instance-cfa? state @ if swap ['] (lit) , , if ['] (ito) else ['] (to) then , else if (ito) else /n + ! then then ; : to ['] ' execute (to-xt) ; immediate : is ( xt "wordname<>" -- ) parse-word $find if (to) else s" could not find " type type then ; \ \ Console Input \ defer key? defer key : accept ( addr len -- len2 ) tuck 0 do key dup linefeed = if space drop drop drop i 0 leave then dup emit over c! 1 + loop drop ( cr ) ; : expect ( addr len -- ) accept span ! ; \ \ ASCII constants (part 2) \ : handle-lit state @ if 2 = if ['] (lit) , , then ['] (lit) , , else drop then ; : char parse-word 0<> if c@ else s" Unexpected EOL." type cr then ; ; : ascii char 1 handle-lit ; immediate : [char] char 1 handle-lit ; immediate : control char bl 1- and 1 handle-lit ; immediate \ \ Error handling (part 2) \ : abort -1 throw ; : abort" ['] if execute 22 parse handle-text ['] type , ['] (lit) , -2 , ['] throw , ['] then execute ; compile-only \ \ Dictionary search \ \ this does not belong here, but its nice for testing : words ( -- ) last begin @ ?dup while dup lfa2name \ Don't print spaces for headerless words dup if type space else type then repeat cr ; \ \ Numeric output primitives \ false value capital-hex? : pad ( -- addr ) here 100 + aligned ; : todigit ( num -- ascii ) dup 9 > if capital-hex? not if 20 + then 7 + then 30 + ; : <# pad dup ! ; : hold pad dup @ 1- tuck swap ! c! ; : sign 0< if 2d hold then ; : # base @ mu/mod rot todigit hold ; : #s begin # 2dup or 0= until ; : #> 2drop pad dup @ tuck - ; : (.) <# dup >r abs 0 #s r> sign #> ; : u# base @ u/mod swap todigit hold ; : u#s begin u# dup 0= until ; : u#> 0 #> ; : (u.) <# u#s u#> ; \ \ Numeric output \ : . (.) type space ; : s. . ; : u. (u.) type space ; : .r swap (.) rot 2dup < if over - spaces else drop then type ; : u.r swap (u.) rot 2dup < if over - spaces else drop then type ; : .d base @ swap decimal . base ! ; : .h base @ swap hex . base ! ; : .s 3c emit depth dup (.) type 3e emit space 0 ?do depth i - 1- pick . loop cr ; \ \ Numeric input \ : digit ( char base -- n true | char false ) swap dup upc dup 41 5a ( A - Z ) between if 7 - else dup 39 > if \ protect from : and ; -rot 2drop false exit then then 30 ( number 0 ) - rot over swap 0 swap within if nip true else drop false then ; : >number begin dup while over c@ base @ digit 0= if drop exit then >r 2swap r> swap base @ um* drop rot base @ um* d+ 2swap 1 /string repeat ; : numdelim? dup 2e = swap 2c = or ; : $dnumber? 0 0 2swap dup 0= if 2drop 2drop 0 exit then over c@ 2d = dup >r negate /string begin >number dup 1 > while over c@ numdelim? 0= if 2drop 2drop r> drop 0 exit then 1 /string repeat if c@ 2e = if true else 2drop r> drop 0 exit then else drop false then over or if r> if dnegate then 2 else drop r> if negate then 1 then ; : $number ( ) $dnumber? case 0 of true endof 1 of false endof 2 of drop false endof endcase ; : d# parse-word base @ >r decimal $number if s" illegal number" type cr 0 then r> base ! 1 handle-lit ; immediate : h# parse-word base @ >r hex $number if s" illegal number" type cr 0 then r> base ! 1 handle-lit ; immediate : o# parse-word base @ >r octal $number if s" illegal number" type cr 0 then r> base ! 1 handle-lit ; immediate \ \ String Literals (part 2) \ : " pocket dup begin span @ >in @ > if 22 parse >r ( pocket pocket str R: len ) over r@ move \ copy string r> + ( pocket nextdest ) ib >in @ + c@ ( pocket nextdest nexchar ) 1 >in +! 28 = \ is nextchar a parenthesis? span @ >in @ > \ more input? and else false then while 29 parse \ parse everything up to the next ')' bounds ?do i c@ 10 digit if i 1+ c@ 10 digit if swap 4 lshift or else drop then over c! 1+ 2 else drop 1 then +loop repeat over - handle-text ; immediate \ \ Memory Access (part 2) \ : dump ( addr len -- ) over + swap cr do i u. space 10 0 do j i + c@ dup 10 / todigit emit 10 mod todigit emit space i 7 = if space then loop 3 spaces 10 0 do j i + c@ dup 20 < if drop 2e then \ non-printables as dots? emit loop cr 10 +loop ; \ \ Defining words \ : header ( name len -- ) dup if \ might be a noname... 2dup $find1 if drop 2dup type s" isn't unique." type cr else 2drop then then null-align dup -rot ", 80 or c, \ write name and len here /n 1- and 0= if 0 c, then \ pad and space for flags null-align 80 here 1- c! \ write flags byte here last @ , latest ! \ write backlink and set latest ; : : parse-word header 1 , ] ; : :noname 0 0 header here 1 , ] ; : ; locals-dict 0<> if 0 ['] locals-dict /n + ! ['] locals-end , then ['] (semis) , reveal ['] [ execute ; immediate : constant parse-word header 3 , , \ compile DOCON and value reveal ; 0 value active-package : instance, ( size -- ) \ first word of the device node holds the instance size dup active-package @ dup rot + active-package ! , , \ offset size ; : instance? ( -- flag ) #instance @ dup if false #instance ! then ; : value parse-word header instance? if /n b , instance, , \ DOIVAL else 3 , , then reveal ; : variable parse-word header instance? if /n c , instance, 0 , else 4 , 0 , then reveal ; : $buffer: ( size str len -- where ) header instance? if /n over /n 1- and - /n 1- and + \ align buffer size dup c , instance, \ DOIVAR else 4 , then here swap 2dup 0 fill \ zerofill allot reveal ; : buffer: ( size -- ) parse-word $buffer: drop ; : (undefined-defer) ( -- ) \ XXX: this does not work with behavior ... execute r@ 2 cells - lfa2name s" undefined defer word " type type cr ; : (undefined-idefer) ( -- ) s" undefined idefer word " type cr ; : defer ( new-name< > -- ) parse-word header instance? if 2 /n* d , instance, \ DOIDEFER ['] (undefined-idefer) else 5 , ['] (undefined-defer) then , ['] (semis) , reveal ; : alias ( new-name< >old-name< > -- ) parse-word parse-word $find if -rot \ move xt behind. header 1 , \ fixme we want our own cfa here. , \ compile old name xt ['] (semis) , reveal else s" undefined word " type type space 2drop then ; : $create header 6 , ['] noop , reveal ; : create parse-word $create ; : (does>) r> cell+ \ get address of code to execute latest @ \ backlink of just "create"d word cell+ cell+ ! \ write code to execute after the \ new word's CFA ; : does> ['] (does>) , \ compile does handling 1 , \ compile docol ; immediate 0 constant struct : field create over , + does> @ + ; : 2constant create , , does> 2@ reveal ; \ \ initializer for the temporary compile buffer \ : init-tmp-comp here 200 allot tmp-comp-buf ! ; \ the end