\ va>tte-data defer MMU virtual to physical address hook for Solaris \ We need to make sure this is in the global wordlist active-package 0 active-package! defer va>tte-data 0 to va>tte-data active-package! :noname ." Type 'help' for detailed information" cr \ ." boot secondary slave cdrom: " cr \ ." 0 > boot hd:2,\boot\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2" cr ; DIAG-initializer : make-openable ( path ) find-dev if begin ?dup while \ install trivial open and close methods dup active-package! is-open parent repeat then ; : preopen ( chosen-str node-path ) 2dup make-openable " /chosen" find-device open-dev ?dup if encode-int 2swap property else 2drop then ; :noname set-defaults ; PREPOST-initializer \ preopen device nodes (and store the ihandles under /chosen) :noname " memory" " /memory" preopen ; SYSTEM-initializer \ use the tty interface if available : activate-tty-interface " /packages/terminal-emulator" find-dev if drop then ; device-end : rmap@ ( virt -- rmentry ) drop 0 ; \ Load VGA FCode driver blob [IFDEF] CONFIG_DRIVER_VGA -1 value vga-driver-fcode " QEMU,VGA.bin" $encode-file to vga-driver-fcode [THEN]