# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. class tripleo::loadbalancer ( $keystone_admin = false, $keystone_public = false, $neutron = false, $cinder = false, $glance_api = false, $glance_registry = false, $nova_ec2 = false, $nova_osapi = false, $nova_metadata = false, $nova_novncproxy = false, $ceilometer = false, $swift_proxy_server = false, $heat_api = false, $heat_cloudwatch = false, $heat_cfn = false, $horizon = false, $mysql = false, $rabbitmq = false, ) { case $::osfamily { 'RedHat': { $keepalived_name_is_process = false $keepalived_vrrp_script = 'systemctl status haproxy.service' } # RedHat 'Debian': { $keepalived_name_is_process = true $keepalived_vrrp_script = undef } } class { 'keepalived': } keepalived::vrrp_script { 'haproxy': name_is_process => $keepalived_name_is_process, script => $keepalived_vrrp_script, } # KEEPALIVE INSTANCE CONTROL keepalived::instance { '51': interface => hiera('control_virtual_interface'), virtual_ips => [join([hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), ' dev ', hiera('control_virtual_interface')])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } # KEEPALIVE INSTANCE PUBLIC keepalived::instance { '52': interface => hiera('public_virtual_interface'), virtual_ips => [join([hiera('public_virtual_ip'), ' dev ', hiera('public_virtual_interface')])], state => 'MASTER', track_script => ['haproxy'], priority => 101, } sysctl::value { 'net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind': value => '1' } class { 'haproxy': global_options => { 'log' => '/dev/log local0', 'pidfile' => '/var/run/haproxy.pid', 'user' => 'haproxy', 'group' => 'haproxy', 'daemon' => '', 'maxconn' => '4000', }, defaults_options => { 'mode' => 'tcp', 'log' => 'global', 'retries' => '3', 'maxconn' => '150', 'option' => [ 'tcpka', 'tcplog' ], 'timeout' => [ 'http-request 10s', 'queue 1m', 'connect 10s', 'client 1m', 'server 1m', 'check 10s' ], }, } haproxy::listen { 'haproxy.stats': ipaddress => '*', ports => '1993', mode => 'http', options => { 'stats' => 'enable', }, collect_exported => false, } if $keystone_admin { haproxy::listen { 'keystone_admin': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 35357, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'keystone_admin': listening_service => 'keystone_admin', ports => '35357', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $keystone_public { haproxy::listen { 'keystone_public': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 5000, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'keystone_public': listening_service => 'keystone_public', ports => '5000', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $neutron { haproxy::listen { 'neutron': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 9696, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'neutron': listening_service => 'neutron', ports => '9696', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $cinder { haproxy::listen { 'cinder': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8776, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'cinder': listening_service => 'cinder', ports => '8776', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $glance_api { haproxy::listen { 'glance_api': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 9292, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'glance_api': listening_service => 'glance_api', ports => '9292', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $glance_registry { haproxy::listen { 'glance_registry': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 9191, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'glance_registry': listening_service => 'glance_registry', ports => '9191', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $nova_ec2 { haproxy::listen { 'nova_ec2': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8773, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'nova_ec2': listening_service => 'nova_ec2', ports => '8773', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $nova_osapi { haproxy::listen { 'nova_osapi': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8774, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'nova_osapi': listening_service => 'nova_osapi', ports => '8774', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $nova_metadata { haproxy::listen { 'nova_metadata': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8775, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'nova_metadata': listening_service => 'nova_metadata', ports => '8775', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $nova_novncproxy { haproxy::listen { 'nova_novncproxy': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 6080, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'nova_novncproxy': listening_service => 'nova_novncproxy', ports => '6080', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $ceilometer { haproxy::listen { 'ceilometer': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8777, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'ceilometer': listening_service => 'ceilometer', ports => '8777', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => [], } } if $swift_proxy_server { haproxy::listen { 'swift_proxy_server': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8080, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /info' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'swift_proxy_server': listening_service => 'swift_proxy_server', ports => '8080', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $heat_api { haproxy::listen { 'heat_api': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8004, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'heat_api': listening_service => 'heat_api', ports => '8004', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $heat_cloudwatch { haproxy::listen { 'heat_cloudwatch': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8003, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'heat_cloudwatch': listening_service => 'heat_cloudwatch', ports => '8003', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $heat_cfn { haproxy::listen { 'heat_cfn': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 8000, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'heat_cfn': listening_service => 'heat_cfn', ports => '8000', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $horizon { haproxy::listen { 'horizon': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 80, options => { 'option' => [ 'httpchk GET /' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'horizon': listening_service => 'horizon', ports => '80', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $mysql { haproxy::listen { 'mysql': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip')], ports => 3306, options => { 'timeout' => [ 'client 0', 'server 0' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'mysql': listening_service => 'mysql', ports => '3306', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } if $rabbitmq { haproxy::listen { 'rabbitmq': ipaddress => [hiera('controller_virtual_ip'), hiera('public_virtual_ip')], ports => 5672, options => { 'timeout' => [ 'client 0', 'server 0' ] }, collect_exported => false, } haproxy::balancermember { 'rabbitmq': listening_service => 'rabbitmq', ports => '5672', ipaddresses => hiera('controller_host'), options => ['check', 'inter 2000', 'rise 2', 'fall 5'], } } } include ::tripleo::loadbalancer