#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # import os import re import shutil import subprocess import time import opnfv.utils.constants as releng_constants import yaml import conf_utils import functest.core.testcase_base as testcase_base import functest.utils.functest_logger as ft_logger import functest.utils.functest_utils as ft_utils import functest.utils.openstack_utils as os_utils from functest.utils.constants import CONST """ logging configuration """ logger = ft_logger.Logger("Tempest").getLogger() class TempestCommon(testcase_base.TestcaseBase): def __init__(self): self.case_name = "" self.MODE = "" self.OPTION = "" self.FLAVOR_ID = None self.IMAGE_ID = None self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR = self.get_deployment_dir() @staticmethod def get_deployment_dir(): """ Returns current Rally deployment directory """ cmd = ("rally deployment list | awk '/" + CONST.rally_deployment_name + "/ {print $2}'") p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) deployment_uuid = p.stdout.readline().rstrip() if deployment_uuid == "": logger.error("Rally deployment not found.") exit(-1) return os.path.join(CONST.dir_rally_inst, "tempest/for-deployment-" + deployment_uuid) @staticmethod def read_file(filename): with open(filename) as src: return [line.strip() for line in src.readlines()] def create_tempest_resources(self): keystone_client = os_utils.get_keystone_client() logger.debug("Creating tenant and user for Tempest suite") tenant_id = os_utils.create_tenant( keystone_client, CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_name, CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_description) if not tenant_id: logger.error("Error : Failed to create %s tenant" % CONST.tempest_identity_tenant_name) user_id = os_utils.create_user(keystone_client, CONST.tempest_identity_user_name, CONST.tempest_identity_user_password, None, tenant_id) if not user_id: logger.error("Error : Failed to create %s user" % CONST.tempest_identity_user_name) logger.debug("Creating private network for Tempest suite") network_dic = \ os_utils.create_shared_network_full( CONST.tempest_private_net_name, CONST.tempest_private_subnet_name, CONST.tempest_router_name, CONST.tempest_private_subnet_cidr) if not network_dic: return releng_constants.EXIT_RUN_ERROR if CONST.tempest_use_custom_images: # adding alternative image should be trivial should we need it logger.debug("Creating image for Tempest suite") _, self.IMAGE_ID = os_utils.get_or_create_image( CONST.openstack_image_name, conf_utils.GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH, CONST.openstack_image_disk_format) if not self.IMAGE_ID: return releng_constants.EXIT_RUN_ERROR if CONST.tempest_use_custom_flavors: # adding alternative flavor should be trivial should we need it logger.debug("Creating flavor for Tempest suite") _, self.FLAVOR_ID = os_utils.get_or_create_flavor( CONST.openstack_flavor_name, CONST.openstack_flavor_ram, CONST.openstack_flavor_disk, CONST.openstack_flavor_vcpus) if not self.FLAVOR_ID: return releng_constants.EXIT_RUN_ERROR return releng_constants.EXIT_OK def generate_test_list(self, DEPLOYMENT_DIR): logger.debug("Generating test case list...") if self.MODE == 'defcore': shutil.copyfile( conf_utils.TEMPEST_DEFCORE, conf_utils.TEMPEST_RAW_LIST) elif self.MODE == 'custom': if os.path.isfile(conf_utils.TEMPEST_CUSTOM): shutil.copyfile( conf_utils.TEMPEST_CUSTOM, conf_utils.TEMPEST_RAW_LIST) else: logger.error("Tempest test list file %s NOT found." % conf_utils.TEMPEST_CUSTOM) return releng_constants.EXIT_RUN_ERROR else: if self.MODE == 'smoke': testr_mode = "smoke" elif self.MODE == 'feature_multisite': testr_mode = " | grep -i kingbird " elif self.MODE == 'full': testr_mode = "" else: testr_mode = 'tempest.api.' + self.MODE cmd = ("cd " + DEPLOYMENT_DIR + ";" + "testr list-tests " + testr_mode + ">" + conf_utils.TEMPEST_RAW_LIST + ";cd") ft_utils.execute_command(cmd) return releng_constants.EXIT_OK def apply_tempest_blacklist(self): logger.debug("Applying tempest blacklist...") cases_file = self.read_file(conf_utils.TEMPEST_RAW_LIST) result_file = open(conf_utils.TEMPEST_LIST, 'w') black_tests = [] try: installer_type = CONST.INSTALLER_TYPE deploy_scenario = CONST.DEPLOY_SCENARIO if (bool(installer_type) * bool(deploy_scenario)): # if INSTALLER_TYPE and DEPLOY_SCENARIO are set we read the # file black_list_file = open(conf_utils.TEMPEST_BLACKLIST) black_list_yaml = yaml.safe_load(black_list_file) black_list_file.close() for item in black_list_yaml: scenarios = item['scenarios'] installers = item['installers'] if (deploy_scenario in scenarios and installer_type in installers): tests = item['tests'] for test in tests: black_tests.append(test) break except: black_tests = [] logger.debug("Tempest blacklist file does not exist.") for cases_line in cases_file: for black_tests_line in black_tests: if black_tests_line in cases_line: break else: result_file.write(str(cases_line) + '\n') result_file.close() return releng_constants.EXIT_OK def run(self): if not os.path.exists(conf_utils.TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR): os.makedirs(conf_utils.TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR) # Pre-configuration res = self.create_tempest_resources() if res != releng_constants.EXIT_OK: return res res = conf_utils.configure_tempest(logger, self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR, self.IMAGE_ID, self.FLAVOR_ID) if res != releng_constants.EXIT_OK: return res res = self.generate_test_list(self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR) if res != releng_constants.EXIT_OK: return res res = self.apply_tempest_blacklist() if res != releng_constants.EXIT_OK: return res self.OPTION += (" --tests-file %s " % conf_utils.TEMPEST_LIST) cmd_line = "rally verify start " + self.OPTION + " --system-wide" logger.info("Starting Tempest test suite: '%s'." % cmd_line) header = ("Tempest environment:\n" " Installer: %s\n Scenario: %s\n Node: %s\n Date: %s\n" % (CONST.INSTALLER_TYPE, CONST.DEPLOY_SCENARIO, CONST.NODE_NAME, time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"))) f_stdout = open(conf_utils.TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + "/tempest.log", 'w+') f_stderr = open( conf_utils.TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + "/tempest-error.log", 'w+') f_env = open(conf_utils.TEMPEST_RESULTS_DIR + "/environment.log", 'w+') f_env.write(header) # subprocess.call(cmd_line, shell=True, # stdout=f_stdout, stderr=f_stderr) p = subprocess.Popen( cmd_line, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=f_stderr, bufsize=1) with p.stdout: for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): if re.search("\} tempest\.", line): logger.info(line.replace('\n', '')) f_stdout.write(line) p.wait() f_stdout.close() f_stderr.close() f_env.close() cmd_line = "rally verify show" output = "" p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_line, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for line in p.stdout: if re.search("Tests\:", line): break output += line logger.info(output) cmd_line = "rally verify list" cmd = os.popen(cmd_line) output = (((cmd.read()).splitlines()[-2]).replace(" ", "")).split("|") # Format: # | UUID | Deployment UUID | smoke | tests | failures | Created at | # Duration | Status | num_tests = output[4] num_failures = output[5] duration = output[7] # Compute duration (lets assume it does not take more than 60 min) dur_min = int(duration.split(':')[1]) dur_sec_float = float(duration.split(':')[2]) dur_sec_int = int(round(dur_sec_float, 0)) dur_sec_int = dur_sec_int + 60 * dur_min try: diff = (int(num_tests) - int(num_failures)) success_rate = 100 * diff / int(num_tests) except: success_rate = 0 if 'smoke' in self.MODE: self.CASE_NAME = 'tempest_smoke_serial' elif 'feature' in self.MODE: self.CASE_NAME = self.MODE.replace( "feature_", "") else: self.CASE_NAME = 'tempest_full_parallel' status = ft_utils.check_success_rate( self.CASE_NAME, success_rate) logger.info("Tempest %s success_rate is %s%%, is marked as %s" % (self.CASE_NAME, success_rate, status)) if status == "PASS": return releng_constants.EXIT_OK else: return releng_constants.EXIT_RUN_ERROR class TempestSmokeSerial(TempestCommon): def __init__(self): TempestCommon.__init__(self) self.case_name = "tempest_smoke_serial" self.MODE = "smoke" self.OPTION = "--concur 1" class TempestSmokeParallel(TempestCommon): def __init__(self): TempestCommon.__init__(self) self.case_name = "tempest_smoke_parallel" self.MODE = "smoke" self.OPTION = "" class TempestFullParallel(TempestCommon): def __init__(self): TempestCommon.__init__(self) self.case_name = "tempest_full_parallel" self.MODE = "full" class TempestMultisite(TempestCommon): def __init__(self): TempestCommon.__init__(self) self.case_name = "multisite" self.MODE = "feature_multisite" self.OPTION = "--concur 1" conf_utils.configure_tempest_multisite(logger, self.DEPLOYMENT_DIR) class TempestCustom(TempestCommon): def __init__(self, mode, option): TempestCommon.__init__(self) self.case_name = "tempest_custom" self.MODE = mode self.OPTION = option