#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2015 All rights reserved # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # """Rally testcases implementation.""" from __future__ import division import json import logging import os import re import subprocess import time import uuid import pkg_resources import prettytable from snaps.config.flavor import FlavorConfig from snaps.config.image import ImageConfig from snaps.config.network import NetworkConfig, SubnetConfig from snaps.config.router import RouterConfig from snaps.openstack.create_flavor import OpenStackFlavor from snaps.openstack.utils import deploy_utils from xtesting.core import testcase from xtesting.energy import energy import yaml from functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.snaps import snaps_utils from functest.opnfv_tests.openstack.tempest import conf_utils from functest.utils import config from functest.utils import env LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RallyBase(testcase.TestCase): """Base class form Rally testcases implementation.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes TESTS = ['authenticate', 'glance', 'ceilometer', 'cinder', 'heat', 'keystone', 'neutron', 'nova', 'quotas', 'vm', 'all'] GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'openstack_image_name') GLANCE_IMAGE_FILENAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'openstack_image_file_name') GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(getattr( config.CONF, 'dir_functest_images'), GLANCE_IMAGE_FILENAME) GLANCE_IMAGE_FORMAT = getattr(config.CONF, 'openstack_image_disk_format') GLANCE_IMAGE_USERNAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'openstack_image_username') GLANCE_IMAGE_EXTRA_PROPERTIES = getattr( config.CONF, 'openstack_extra_properties', {}) FLAVOR_NAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_flavor_name') FLAVOR_ALT_NAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_flavor_alt_name') FLAVOR_RAM = 512 FLAVOR_RAM_ALT = 1024 FLAVOR_EXTRA_SPECS = getattr(config.CONF, 'flavor_extra_specs', None) if FLAVOR_EXTRA_SPECS: FLAVOR_RAM = 1024 FLAVOR_RAM_ALT = 2048 RALLY_DIR = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'functest', 'opnfv_tests/openstack/rally') RALLY_SCENARIO_DIR = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'functest', 'opnfv_tests/openstack/rally/scenario') TEMPLATE_DIR = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'functest', 'opnfv_tests/openstack/rally/scenario/templates') SUPPORT_DIR = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'functest', 'opnfv_tests/openstack/rally/scenario/support') USERS_AMOUNT = 2 TENANTS_AMOUNT = 3 ITERATIONS_AMOUNT = 10 CONCURRENCY = 4 RESULTS_DIR = os.path.join(getattr(config.CONF, 'dir_results'), 'rally') BLACKLIST_FILE = os.path.join(RALLY_DIR, "blacklist.txt") TEMP_DIR = os.path.join(RALLY_DIR, "var") RALLY_PRIVATE_NET_NAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_network_name') RALLY_PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_subnet_name') RALLY_PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_subnet_cidr') RALLY_ROUTER_NAME = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_router_name') def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize RallyBase object.""" super(RallyBase, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.os_creds = kwargs.get('os_creds') or snaps_utils.get_credentials() self.guid = '-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) self.creators = [] self.mode = '' self.summary = [] self.scenario_dir = '' self.image_name = None self.ext_net_name = None self.priv_net_id = None self.flavor_name = None self.flavor_alt_name = None self.smoke = None self.test_name = None self.start_time = None self.result = None self.details = None self.compute_cnt = 0 def _build_task_args(self, test_file_name): """Build arguments for the Rally task.""" task_args = {'service_list': [test_file_name]} task_args['image_name'] = str(self.image_name) task_args['flavor_name'] = str(self.flavor_name) task_args['flavor_alt_name'] = str(self.flavor_alt_name) task_args['glance_image_location'] = str(self.GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH) task_args['glance_image_format'] = str(self.GLANCE_IMAGE_FORMAT) task_args['tmpl_dir'] = str(self.TEMPLATE_DIR) task_args['sup_dir'] = str(self.SUPPORT_DIR) task_args['users_amount'] = self.USERS_AMOUNT task_args['tenants_amount'] = self.TENANTS_AMOUNT task_args['use_existing_users'] = False task_args['iterations'] = self.ITERATIONS_AMOUNT task_args['concurrency'] = self.CONCURRENCY task_args['smoke'] = self.smoke ext_net = self.ext_net_name if ext_net: task_args['floating_network'] = str(ext_net) else: task_args['floating_network'] = '' net_id = self.priv_net_id if net_id: task_args['netid'] = str(net_id) else: task_args['netid'] = '' return task_args def _prepare_test_list(self, test_name): """Build the list of test cases to be executed.""" test_yaml_file_name = 'opnfv-{}.yaml'.format(test_name) scenario_file_name = os.path.join(self.RALLY_SCENARIO_DIR, test_yaml_file_name) if not os.path.exists(scenario_file_name): scenario_file_name = os.path.join(self.scenario_dir, test_yaml_file_name) if not os.path.exists(scenario_file_name): raise Exception("The scenario '%s' does not exist." % scenario_file_name) LOGGER.debug('Scenario fetched from : %s', scenario_file_name) test_file_name = os.path.join(self.TEMP_DIR, test_yaml_file_name) if not os.path.exists(self.TEMP_DIR): os.makedirs(self.TEMP_DIR) self._apply_blacklist(scenario_file_name, test_file_name) return test_file_name @staticmethod def get_task_id(cmd_raw): """ Get task id from command rally result. :param cmd_raw: :return: task_id as string """ taskid_re = re.compile('^Task +(.*): started$') for line in cmd_raw.splitlines(True): line = line.strip() match = taskid_re.match(line) if match: return match.group(1) return None @staticmethod def task_succeed(json_raw): """ Parse JSON from rally JSON results. :param json_raw: :return: Bool """ rally_report = json.loads(json_raw) for report in rally_report: if report is None or report.get('result') is None: return False for result in report.get('result'): if result is None or result.get('error'): return False return True def _migration_supported(self): """Determine if migration is supported.""" if self.compute_cnt > 1: return True return False @staticmethod def get_cmd_output(proc): """Get command stdout.""" result = "" for line in proc.stdout: result += line return result @staticmethod def excl_scenario(): """Exclude scenario.""" black_tests = [] try: with open(RallyBase.BLACKLIST_FILE, 'r') as black_list_file: black_list_yaml = yaml.safe_load(black_list_file) installer_type = env.get('INSTALLER_TYPE') deploy_scenario = env.get('DEPLOY_SCENARIO') if (bool(installer_type) and bool(deploy_scenario) and 'scenario' in black_list_yaml.keys()): for item in black_list_yaml['scenario']: scenarios = item['scenarios'] installers = item['installers'] in_it = RallyBase.in_iterable_re if (in_it(deploy_scenario, scenarios) and in_it(installer_type, installers)): tests = item['tests'] black_tests.extend(tests) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOGGER.debug("Scenario exclusion not applied.") return black_tests @staticmethod def in_iterable_re(needle, haystack): """ Check if given needle is in the iterable haystack, using regex. :param needle: string to be matched :param haystack: iterable of strings (optionally regex patterns) :return: True if needle is eqial to any of the elements in haystack, or if a nonempty regex pattern in haystack is found in needle. """ # match without regex if needle in haystack: return True for pattern in haystack: # match if regex pattern is set and found in the needle if pattern and re.search(pattern, needle) is not None: return True return False def excl_func(self): """Exclude functionalities.""" black_tests = [] func_list = [] try: with open(RallyBase.BLACKLIST_FILE, 'r') as black_list_file: black_list_yaml = yaml.safe_load(black_list_file) if not self._migration_supported(): func_list.append("no_migration") if 'functionality' in black_list_yaml.keys(): for item in black_list_yaml['functionality']: functions = item['functions'] for func in func_list: if func in functions: tests = item['tests'] black_tests.extend(tests) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOGGER.debug("Functionality exclusion not applied.") return black_tests def _apply_blacklist(self, case_file_name, result_file_name): """Apply blacklist.""" LOGGER.debug("Applying blacklist...") cases_file = open(case_file_name, 'r') result_file = open(result_file_name, 'w') black_tests = list(set(self.excl_func() + self.excl_scenario())) if black_tests: LOGGER.debug("Blacklisted tests: " + str(black_tests)) include = True for cases_line in cases_file: if include: for black_tests_line in black_tests: if re.search(black_tests_line, cases_line.strip().rstrip(':')): include = False break else: result_file.write(str(cases_line)) else: if cases_line.isspace(): include = True cases_file.close() result_file.close() @staticmethod def file_is_empty(file_name): """Determine is a file is empty.""" try: if os.stat(file_name).st_size > 0: return False except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass return True def _run_task(self, test_name): """Run a task.""" LOGGER.info('Starting test scenario "%s" ...', test_name) task_file = os.path.join(self.RALLY_DIR, 'task.yaml') if not os.path.exists(task_file): LOGGER.error("Task file '%s' does not exist.", task_file) raise Exception("Task file '%s' does not exist.", task_file) file_name = self._prepare_test_list(test_name) if self.file_is_empty(file_name): LOGGER.info('No tests for scenario "%s"', test_name) return cmd = (["rally", "task", "start", "--abort-on-sla-failure", "--task", task_file, "--task-args", str(self._build_task_args(test_name))]) LOGGER.debug('running command: %s', cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = self.get_cmd_output(proc) task_id = self.get_task_id(output) LOGGER.debug('task_id : %s', task_id) if task_id is None: LOGGER.error('Failed to retrieve task_id, validating task...') cmd = (["rally", "task", "validate", "--task", task_file, "--task-args", str(self._build_task_args(test_name))]) LOGGER.debug('running command: %s', cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = self.get_cmd_output(proc) LOGGER.error("Task validation result:" + "\n" + output) return # check for result directory and create it otherwise if not os.path.exists(self.RESULTS_DIR): LOGGER.debug('%s does not exist, we create it.', self.RESULTS_DIR) os.makedirs(self.RESULTS_DIR) # get and save rally operation JSON result cmd = (["rally", "task", "detailed", task_id]) LOGGER.debug('running command: %s', cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) json_detailed = self.get_cmd_output(proc) LOGGER.info('%s', json_detailed) cmd = (["rally", "task", "results", task_id]) LOGGER.debug('running command: %s', cmd) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) json_results = self.get_cmd_output(proc) self._append_summary(json_results, test_name) report_json_name = 'opnfv-{}.json'.format(test_name) report_json_dir = os.path.join(self.RESULTS_DIR, report_json_name) with open(report_json_dir, 'w') as r_file: LOGGER.debug('saving json file') r_file.write(json_results) # write html report file report_html_name = 'opnfv-{}.html'.format(test_name) report_html_dir = os.path.join(self.RESULTS_DIR, report_html_name) cmd = (["rally", "task", "report", task_id, "--out", report_html_dir]) LOGGER.debug('running command: %s', cmd) subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) # parse JSON operation result if self.task_succeed(json_results): LOGGER.info('Test scenario: "{}" OK.'.format(test_name) + "\n") else: LOGGER.info('Test scenario: "{}" Failed.'.format(test_name) + "\n") def _append_summary(self, json_raw, test_name): """Update statistics summary info.""" nb_tests = 0 nb_success = 0 overall_duration = 0.0 rally_report = json.loads(json_raw) for report in rally_report: if report.get('full_duration'): overall_duration += report.get('full_duration') if report.get('result'): for result in report.get('result'): nb_tests += 1 if not result.get('error'): nb_success += 1 scenario_summary = {'test_name': test_name, 'overall_duration': overall_duration, 'nb_tests': nb_tests, 'nb_success': nb_success} self.summary.append(scenario_summary) def _prepare_env(self): """Create resources needed by test scenarios.""" LOGGER.debug('Validating the test name...') if self.test_name not in self.TESTS: raise Exception("Test name '%s' is invalid" % self.test_name) network_name = self.RALLY_PRIVATE_NET_NAME + self.guid subnet_name = self.RALLY_PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME + self.guid router_name = self.RALLY_ROUTER_NAME + self.guid self.image_name = self.GLANCE_IMAGE_NAME + self.guid self.flavor_name = self.FLAVOR_NAME + self.guid self.flavor_alt_name = self.FLAVOR_ALT_NAME + self.guid self.ext_net_name = snaps_utils.get_ext_net_name(self.os_creds) self.compute_cnt = snaps_utils.get_active_compute_cnt(self.os_creds) LOGGER.debug("Creating image '%s'...", self.image_name) image_creator = deploy_utils.create_image( self.os_creds, ImageConfig( name=self.image_name, image_file=self.GLANCE_IMAGE_PATH, img_format=self.GLANCE_IMAGE_FORMAT, image_user=self.GLANCE_IMAGE_USERNAME, public=True, extra_properties=self.GLANCE_IMAGE_EXTRA_PROPERTIES)) if image_creator is None: raise Exception("Failed to create image") self.creators.append(image_creator) LOGGER.debug("Creating network '%s'...", network_name) rally_network_type = getattr(config.CONF, 'rally_network_type', None) rally_physical_network = getattr( config.CONF, 'rally_physical_network', None) rally_segmentation_id = getattr( config.CONF, 'rally_segmentation_id', None) network_creator = deploy_utils.create_network( self.os_creds, NetworkConfig( name=network_name, shared=True, network_type=rally_network_type, physical_network=rally_physical_network, segmentation_id=rally_segmentation_id, subnet_settings=[SubnetConfig( name=subnet_name, cidr=self.RALLY_PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR, dns_nameservers=[env.get('NAMESERVER')])])) if network_creator is None: raise Exception("Failed to create private network") self.priv_net_id = network_creator.get_network().id self.creators.append(network_creator) LOGGER.debug("Creating router '%s'...", router_name) router_creator = deploy_utils.create_router( self.os_creds, RouterConfig( name=router_name, external_gateway=self.ext_net_name, internal_subnets=[subnet_name])) if router_creator is None: raise Exception("Failed to create router") self.creators.append(router_creator) LOGGER.debug("Creating flavor '%s'...", self.flavor_name) flavor_creator = OpenStackFlavor( self.os_creds, FlavorConfig( name=self.flavor_name, ram=self.FLAVOR_RAM, disk=1, vcpus=1, metadata=self.FLAVOR_EXTRA_SPECS)) if flavor_creator is None or flavor_creator.create() is None: raise Exception("Failed to create flavor") self.creators.append(flavor_creator) LOGGER.debug("Creating flavor '%s'...", self.flavor_alt_name) flavor_alt_creator = OpenStackFlavor( self.os_creds, FlavorConfig( name=self.flavor_alt_name, ram=self.FLAVOR_RAM_ALT, disk=1, vcpus=1, metadata=self.FLAVOR_EXTRA_SPECS)) if flavor_alt_creator is None or flavor_alt_creator.create() is None: raise Exception("Failed to create flavor") self.creators.append(flavor_alt_creator) def _run_tests(self): """Execute tests.""" if self.test_name == 'all': for test in self.TESTS: if test == 'all' or test == 'vm': continue self._run_task(test) else: self._run_task(self.test_name) def _generate_report(self): """Generate test execution summary report.""" total_duration = 0.0 total_nb_tests = 0 total_nb_success = 0 payload = [] res_table = prettytable.PrettyTable( padding_width=2, field_names=['Module', 'Duration', 'nb. Test Run', 'Success']) res_table.align['Module'] = "l" res_table.align['Duration'] = "r" res_table.align['Success'] = "r" # for each scenario we draw a row for the table for item in self.summary: total_duration += item['overall_duration'] total_nb_tests += item['nb_tests'] total_nb_success += item['nb_success'] try: success_avg = 100 * item['nb_success'] / item['nb_tests'] except ZeroDivisionError: success_avg = 0 success_str = str("{:0.2f}".format(success_avg)) + '%' duration_str = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(item['overall_duration'])) res_table.add_row([item['test_name'], duration_str, item['nb_tests'], success_str]) payload.append({'module': item['test_name'], 'details': {'duration': item['overall_duration'], 'nb tests': item['nb_tests'], 'success': success_str}}) total_duration_str = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(total_duration)) try: self.result = 100 * total_nb_success / total_nb_tests except ZeroDivisionError: self.result = 100 success_rate = "{:0.2f}".format(self.result) success_rate_str = str(success_rate) + '%' res_table.add_row(["", "", "", ""]) res_table.add_row(["TOTAL:", total_duration_str, total_nb_tests, success_rate_str]) LOGGER.info("Rally Summary Report:\n\n%s\n", res_table.get_string()) LOGGER.info("Rally '%s' success_rate is %s%%", self.case_name, success_rate) payload.append({'summary': {'duration': total_duration, 'nb tests': total_nb_tests, 'nb success': success_rate}}) self.details = payload def _clean_up(self): """Cleanup all OpenStack objects. Should be called on completion.""" for creator in reversed(self.creators): try: creator.clean() except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOGGER.error('Unexpected error cleaning - %s', exc) @energy.enable_recording def run(self, **kwargs): """Run testcase.""" self.start_time = time.time() try: conf_utils.create_rally_deployment() self._prepare_env() self._run_tests() self._generate_report() res = testcase.TestCase.EX_OK except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except LOGGER.error('Error with run: %s', exc) res = testcase.TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR finally: self._clean_up() self.stop_time = time.time() return res class RallySanity(RallyBase): """Rally sanity testcase implementation.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize RallySanity object.""" if "case_name" not in kwargs: kwargs["case_name"] = "rally_sanity" super(RallySanity, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.mode = 'sanity' self.test_name = 'all' self.smoke = True self.scenario_dir = os.path.join(self.RALLY_SCENARIO_DIR, 'sanity') class RallyFull(RallyBase): """Rally full testcase implementation.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize RallyFull object.""" if "case_name" not in kwargs: kwargs["case_name"] = "rally_full" super(RallyFull, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.mode = 'full' self.test_name = 'all' self.smoke = False self.scenario_dir = os.path.join(self.RALLY_SCENARIO_DIR, 'full')