.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. (c) Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors ======== Abstract ======== This document contains details about how to use OPNFV Fuel - Fraser release - after it was deployed. For details on how to deploy check the installation instructions in the :ref:`fuel_userguide_references` section. This is an unified documentation for both x86_64 and aarch64 architectures. All information is common for both architectures except when explicitly stated. ================ Network Overview ================ Fuel uses several networks to deploy and administer the cloud: +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | Network name | Description | | | | +==================+=========================================================+ | **PXE/ADMIN** | Used for booting the nodes via PXE and/or Salt | | | control network | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **MCPCONTROL** | Used to provision the infrastructure VMs (Salt & MaaS) | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **Mgmt** | Used for internal communication between | | | OpenStack components | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **Internal** | Used for VM data communication within the | | | cloud deployment | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ | **Public** | Used to provide Virtual IPs for public endpoints | | | that are used to connect to OpenStack services APIs. | | | Used by Virtual machines to access the Internet | +------------------+---------------------------------------------------------+ These networks - except mcpcontrol - can be linux bridges configured before the deploy on the Jumpserver. If they don't exists at deploy time, they will be created by the scripts as virsh networks. Mcpcontrol exists only on the Jumpserver and needs to be virtual because a DHCP server runs on this network and associates static host entry IPs for Salt and Maas VMs. =================== Accessing the Cloud =================== Access to any component of the deployed cloud is done from Jumpserver to user *ubuntu* with ssh key */var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa*. The example below is a connection to Salt master. .. code-block:: bash $ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa -l ubuntu **Note**: The Salt master IP is not hard set, it is configurable via INSTALLER_IP during deployment Logging in to cluster nodes is possible from the Jumpserver and from Salt master. On the Salt master cluster hostnames can be used instead of IP addresses: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo -i $ ssh -i mcp.rsa ubuntu@ctl01 User *ubuntu* has sudo rights. ============================= Exploring the Cloud with Salt ============================= To gather information about the cloud, the salt commands can be used. It is based around a master-minion idea where the salt-master pushes config to the minions to execute actions. For example tell salt to execute a ping to on all the nodes. .. figure:: img/saltstack.png Complex filters can be done to the target like compound queries or node roles. For more information about Salt see the :ref:`fuel_userguide_references` section. Some examples are listed below. Note that these commands are issued from Salt master as *root* user. #. View the IPs of all the components .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~$ salt "*" network.ip_addrs cfg01.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: - - mas01.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: - - - ......................... #. View the interfaces of all the components and put the output in a file with yaml format .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~$ salt "*" network.interfaces --out yaml --output-file interfaces.yaml root@cfg01:~# cat interfaces.yaml cfg01.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: enp1s0: hwaddr: 52:54:00:72:77:12 inet: - address: broadcast: label: enp1s0 netmask: inet6: - address: fe80::5054:ff:fe72:7712 prefixlen: '64' scope: link up: true ......................... #. View installed packages in MaaS node .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt "mas*" pkg.list_pkgs mas01.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: ---------- accountsservice: 0.6.40-2ubuntu11.3 acl: 2.2.52-3 acpid: 1:2.0.26-1ubuntu2 adduser: 3.113+nmu3ubuntu4 anerd: 1 ......................... #. Execute any linux command on all nodes (list the content of */var/log* in this example) .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt "*" cmd.run 'ls /var/log' cfg01.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: alternatives.log apt auth.log boot.log btmp cloud-init-output.log cloud-init.log ......................... #. Execute any linux command on nodes using compound queries filter .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt -C '* and cfg01*' cmd.run 'ls /var/log' cfg01.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: alternatives.log apt auth.log boot.log btmp cloud-init-output.log cloud-init.log ......................... #. Execute any linux command on nodes using role filter .. code-block:: bash root@cfg01:~# salt -I 'nova:compute' cmd.run 'ls /var/log' cmp001.mcp-pike-odl-ha.local: alternatives.log apache2 apt auth.log btmp ceilometer cinder cloud-init-output.log cloud-init.log ......................... =================== Accessing Openstack =================== Once the deployment is complete, Openstack CLI is accessible from controller VMs (ctl01..03). Openstack credentials are at */root/keystonercv3*. .. code-block:: bash root@ctl01:~# source keystonercv3 root@ctl01:~# openstack image list +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | +======================================+===============================================+========+ | 152930bf-5fd5-49c2-b3a1-cae14973f35f | CirrosImage | active | | 7b99a779-78e4-45f3-9905-64ae453e3dcb | Ubuntu16.04 | active | +--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+--------+ The OpenStack Dashboard, Horizon, is available at http:// The administrator credentials are *admin*/*opnfv_secret*. .. figure:: img/horizon_login.png A full list of IPs/services is available at :8090 for baremetal deploys. .. figure:: img/salt_services_ip.png ============================== Guest Operating System Support ============================== There are a number of possibilities regarding the guest operating systems which can be spawned on the nodes. The current system spawns virtual machines for VCP VMs on the KVM nodes and VMs requested by users in OpenStack compute nodes. Currently the system supports the following UEFI-images for the guests: +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | OS name | x86_64 status | aarch64 status | +==================+===================+==================+ | Ubuntu 17.10 | untested | Full support | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Ubuntu 16.04 | Full support | Full support | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Ubuntu 14.04 | untested | Full support | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Fedora atomic 27 | untested | Not supported | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Fedora cloud 27 | untested | Not supported | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Debian | untested | Full support | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Centos 7 | untested | Not supported | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Cirros 0.3.5 | Full support | Full support | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ | Cirros 0.4.0 | Full support | Full support | +------------------+-------------------+------------------+ The above table covers only UEFI image and implies OVMF/AAVMF firmware on the host. An x86 deployment also supports non-UEFI images, however that choice is up to the underlying hardware and the administrator to make. The images for the above operating systems can be found in their respective websites. ================= OpenStack Storage ================= OpenStack Cinder is the project behind block storage in OpenStack and Fuel@OPNFV supports LVM out of the box. By default x86 supports 2 additional block storage devices and ARMBand supports only one. More devices can be supported if the OS-image created has additional properties allowing block storage devices to be spawned as SCSI drives. To do this, add the properties below to the server: .. code-block:: bash openstack image set --property hw_disk_bus='scsi' --property hw_scsi_model='virtio-scsi' The choice regarding which bus to use for the storage drives is an important one. Virtio-blk is the default choice for Fuel@OPNFV which attaches the drives in /dev/vdX. However, since we want to be able to attach a larger number of volumes to the virtual machines, we recommend the switch to SCSI drives which are attached in /dev/sdX instead. Virtio-scsi is a little worse in terms of performance but the ability to add a larger number of drives combined with added features like ZFS, Ceph et al, leads us to suggest the use of virtio-scsi in Fuel@OPNFV for both architectures. More details regarding the differences and performance of virtio-blk vs virtio-scsi are beyond the scope of this manual but can be easily found in other sources online like `4`_ or `5`_. .. _4: https://mpolednik.github.io/2017/01/23/virtio-blk-vs-virtio-scsi/ .. _5 : https://www.ovirt.org/develop/release-management/features/storage/virtio-scsi/ Additional configuration for configuring images in openstack can be found in the OpenStack Glance documentation. =================== Openstack Endpoints =================== For each Openstack service three endpoints are created: admin, internal and public. .. code-block:: bash ubuntu@ctl01:~$ openstack endpoint list --service keystone +----------------------------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+---------+-----------+------------------------------+ | ID | Region | Service Name | Service Type | Enabled | Interface | URL | +----------------------------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+---------+-----------+------------------------------+ | 008fec57922b4e9e8bf02c770039ae77 | RegionOne | keystone | identity | True | internal | | | 1a1f3c3340484bda9ef7e193f50599e6 | RegionOne | keystone | identity | True | admin | | | b0a47d42d0b6491b995d7e6230395de8 | RegionOne | keystone | identity | True | public | | +----------------------------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+---------+-----------+------------------------------+ MCP sets up all Openstack services to talk to each other over unencrypted connections on the internal management network. All admin/internal endpoints use plain http, while the public endpoints are https connections terminated via nginx at the VCP proxy VMs. To access the public endpoints an SSL certificate has to be provided. For convenience, the installation script will copy the required certificate into to the cfg01 node at /etc/ssl/certs/os_cacert. Copy the certificate from the cfg01 node to the client that will access the https endpoints and place it under /etc/ssl/certs. The SSL connection will be established automatically after. .. code-block:: bash $ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /var/lib/opnfv/mcp.rsa -l ubuntu \ "cat /etc/ssl/certs/os_cacert" | sudo tee /etc/ssl/certs/os_cacert ============================= Reclass model viewer tutorial ============================= In order to get a better understanding on the reclass model Fuel uses, the `reclass-doc `_ can be used to visualise the reclass model. A simplified installation can be done with the use of a docker ubuntu container. This approach will avoid installing packages on the host, which might collide with other packages. After the installation is done, a webbrowser on the host can be used to view the results. **NOTE**: The host can be any device with Docker package already installed. The user which runs the docker needs to have root priviledges. **Instructions** #. Create a new directory at any location .. code-block:: bash $ mkdir -p modeler #. Place fuel repo in the above directory .. code-block:: bash $ cd modeler $ git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/fuel && cd fuel #. Create a container and mount the above host directory .. code-block:: bash $ docker run --privileged -it -v /modeler:/host ubuntu bash #. Install all the required packages inside the container. .. code-block:: bash $ apt-get update $ apt-get install -y npm nodejs $ npm install -g reclass-doc $ cd /host/fuel/mcp/reclass $ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node $ reclass-doc --output /host /host/fuel/mcp/reclass #. View the results from the host by using a browser. The file to open should be now at modeler/index.html .. figure:: img/reclass_doc.png .. _fuel_userguide_references: ========== References ========== 1) :ref:`fuel-release-installation-label` 2) `Saltstack Documentation `_ 3) `Saltstack Formulas `_ 4) `Virtio performance `_ 5) `Virtio SCSI `_