heat_template_version: 2014-10-16 description: > OpenStack control plane node. Can be wrapped in a ResourceGroup for scaling. parameters: AdminPassword: default: unset description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc. type: string hidden: true AdminToken: default: unset description: The keystone auth secret and db password. type: string hidden: true CeilometerMeteringSecret: default: unset description: Secret shared by the ceilometer services. type: string hidden: true CeilometerPassword: default: unset description: The password for the ceilometer service and db account. type: string hidden: true CinderEnableIscsiBackend: default: true description: Whether to enable or not the Iscsi backend for Cinder type: boolean CinderEnableRbdBackend: default: false description: Whether to enable or not the Rbd backend for Cinder type: boolean CinderISCSIHelper: default: tgtadm description: The iSCSI helper to use with cinder. type: string CinderLVMLoopDeviceSize: default: 5000 description: The size of the loopback file used by the cinder LVM driver. type: number CinderPassword: default: unset description: The password for the cinder service and db account, used by cinder-api. type: string hidden: true CloudName: default: '' description: The DNS name of this cloud. E.g. ci-overcloud.tripleo.org type: string ControllerExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Controller specific configuration to inject into the cluster. Same structure as ExtraConfig. type: json ControlVirtualInterface: default: 'br-ex' description: Interface where virtual ip will be assigned. type: string Debug: default: '' description: Set to True to enable debugging on all services. type: string EnableGalera: default: true description: Whether to use Galera instead of regular MariaDB. type: boolean EnablePacemaker: default: false description: If enabled services will be monitored by Pacemaker; it will manage VIPs as well, in place of Keepalived. type: boolean EnableCephStorage: default: false description: Whether to deploy Ceph Storage (OSD) on the Controller type: boolean EnableSwiftStorage: default: true description: Whether to enable Swift Storage on the Controller type: boolean ExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Additional configuration to inject into the cluster. The JSON should have the following structure: {"FILEKEY": {"config": [{"section": "SECTIONNAME", "values": [{"option": "OPTIONNAME", "value": "VALUENAME" } ] } ] } } For instance: {"nova": {"config": [{"section": "default", "values": [{"option": "compute_manager", "value": "ironic.nova.compute.manager.ClusterComputeManager" } ] }, {"section": "cells", "values": [{"option": "driver", "value": "nova.cells.rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver" } ] } ] } } type: json Flavor: description: Flavor for control nodes to request when deploying. type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor GlanceNotifierStrategy: description: Strategy to use for Glance notification queue type: string default: noop GlanceLogFile: description: The filepath of the file to use for logging messages from Glance. type: string default: '' GlancePassword: default: unset description: The password for the glance service and db account, used by the glance services. type: string hidden: true GlancePort: default: "9292" description: Glance port. type: string GlanceProtocol: default: http description: Protocol to use when connecting to glance, set to https for SSL. type: string HeatPassword: default: unset description: The password for the Heat service and db account, used by the Heat services. type: string hidden: true HeatStackDomainAdminPassword: description: Password for heat_domain_admin user. type: string default: '' hidden: true HeatAuthEncryptionKey: description: Auth encryption key for heat-engine type: string Image: type: string default: overcloud-control constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ImageUpdatePolicy: default: 'REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL' description: What policy to use when reconstructing instances. REBUILD for rebuilds, REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL to preserve /mnt. type: string KeyName: default: default description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair KeystoneCACertificate: default: '' description: Keystone self-signed certificate authority certificate. type: string KeystoneSigningCertificate: default: '' description: Keystone certificate for verifying token validity. type: string KeystoneSigningKey: default: '' description: Keystone key for signing tokens. type: string hidden: true KeystoneSSLCertificate: default: '' description: Keystone certificate for verifying token validity. type: string KeystoneSSLCertificateKey: default: '' description: Keystone key for signing tokens. type: string hidden: true MysqlClusterUniquePart: description: A unique identifier of the MySQL cluster the controller is in. type: string default: 'unset' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug # Drop the validation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1405446 # constraints: # - length: {min: 4, max: 10} MysqlInnodbBufferPoolSize: description: > Specifies the size of the buffer pool in megabytes. Setting to zero should be interpreted as "no value" and will defer to the lower level default. type: number default: 0 MysqlRootPassword: type: string hidden: true default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug NeutronBridgeMappings: description: > The OVS logical->physical bridge mappings to use. See the Neutron documentation for details. Defaults to mapping br-ex - the external bridge on hosts - to a physical name 'datacentre' which can be used to create provider networks (and we use this for the default floating network) - if changing this either use different post-install network scripts or be sure to keep 'datacentre' as a mapping network name. type: string default: "datacentre:br-ex" NeutronDnsmasqOptions: default: 'dhcp-option-force=26,1400' description: Dnsmasq options for neutron-dhcp-agent. The default value here forces MTU to be set to 1400 to account for the gre tunnel overhead. type: string NeutronAgentMode: default: 'dvr_snat' description: Agent mode for the neutron-l3-agent on the controller hosts type: string NeutronDVR: default: 'False' description: Whether to configure Neutron Distributed Virtual Routers type: string NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret: default: 'unset' description: Shared secret to prevent spoofing type: string NeutronMechanismDrivers: default: 'openvswitch' description: | The mechanism drivers for the Neutron tenant network. To specify multiple values, use a comma separated string, like so: 'openvswitch,l2_population' type: string NeutronAllowL3AgentFailover: default: 'True' description: Allow automatic l3-agent failover type: string NeutronL3HA: default: 'False' description: Whether to enable l3-agent HA type: string NeutronEnableTunnelling: type: string default: "True" NeutronFlatNetworks: type: string default: 'datacentre' description: If set, flat networks to configure in neutron plugins. NeutronNetworkType: default: 'gre' description: The tenant network type for Neutron, either gre or vxlan. type: string NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: default: 'datacentre' description: > The Neutron ML2 and OpenVSwitch vlan mapping range to support. See the Neutron documentation for permitted values. Defaults to permitting any VLAN on the 'datacentre' physical network (See NeutronBridgeMappings). type: string NeutronPassword: default: unset description: The password for the neutron service and db account, used by neutron agents. type: string hidden: true NeutronPublicInterface: default: nic1 description: What interface to bridge onto br-ex for network nodes. type: string NeutronPublicInterfaceTag: default: '' description: > VLAN tag for creating a public VLAN. The tag will be used to create an access port on the exterior bridge for each control plane node, and that port will be given the IP address returned by neutron from the public network. Set CONTROLEXTRA=overcloud-vlan-port.yaml when compiling overcloud.yaml to include the deployment of VLAN ports to the control plane. type: string NeutronPublicInterfaceDefaultRoute: default: '' description: A custom default route for the NeutronPublicInterface. type: string NeutronPublicInterfaceIP: default: '' description: A custom IP address to put onto the NeutronPublicInterface. type: string NeutronPublicInterfaceRawDevice: default: '' description: If set, the public interface is a vlan with this device as the raw device. type: string NeutronTunnelTypes: default: 'gre' description: | The tunnel types for the Neutron tenant network. To specify multiple values, use a comma separated string, like so: 'gre,vxlan' type: string NovaPassword: default: unset description: The password for the nova service and db account, used by nova-api. type: string hidden: true NtpServer: type: string default: '' PcsdPassword: type: string description: The password for the 'pcsd' user. PublicVirtualInterface: default: 'br-ex' description: > Specifies the interface where the public-facing virtual ip will be assigned. This should be int_public when a VLAN is being used. type: string PublicVirtualIP: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug RabbitCookie: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug hidden: true RabbitPassword: default: guest description: The password for RabbitMQ type: string hidden: true RabbitUserName: default: guest description: The username for RabbitMQ type: string RabbitClientUseSSL: default: false description: > Rabbit client subscriber parameter to specify an SSL connection to the RabbitMQ host. type: string RabbitClientPort: default: 5672 description: Set rabbit subscriber port, change this if using SSL type: number SnmpdReadonlyUserName: default: ro_snmp_user description: The user name for SNMPd with readonly rights running on all Overcloud nodes type: string SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword: default: unset description: The user password for SNMPd with readonly rights running on all Overcloud nodes type: string hidden: true SSLCACertificate: default: '' description: If set, the contents of an SSL certificate authority file. type: string SSLCertificate: default: '' description: If set, the contents of an SSL certificate .crt file for encrypting SSL endpoints. type: string hidden: true SSLKey: default: '' description: If set, the contents of an SSL certificate .key file for encrypting SSL endpoints. type: string hidden: true SwiftHashSuffix: default: unset description: A random string to be used as a salt when hashing to determine mappings in the ring. hidden: true type: string SwiftMountCheck: default: 'false' description: Value of mount_check in Swift account/container/object -server.conf type: boolean SwiftMinPartHours: type: number default: 1 description: The minimum time (in hours) before a partition in a ring can be moved following a rebalance. SwiftPartPower: default: 10 description: Partition Power to use when building Swift rings type: number SwiftPassword: default: unset description: The password for the swift service account, used by the swift proxy services. hidden: true type: string SwiftReplicas: type: number default: 3 description: How many replicas to use in the swift rings. VirtualIP: type: string default: '' # Has to be here because of the ignored empty value bug resources: Controller: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: {get_param: Image} image_update_policy: {get_param: ImageUpdatePolicy} flavor: {get_param: Flavor} key_name: {get_param: KeyName} networks: - network: ctlplane user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG user_data: {get_resource: NodeUserData} NodeUserData: type: OS::TripleO::NodeUserData NetworkConfig: type: OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig NetworkDeployment: type: OS::TripleO::SoftwareDeployment properties: signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL config: {get_attr: [NetworkConfig, config_id]} server: {get_resource: Controller} input_values: bridge_name: br-ex interface_name: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterface} ControllerPassthroughConfig: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: {get_input: passthrough_config} ControllerPassthroughConfigSpecific: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: {get_input: passthrough_config_specific} ControllerConfig: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: admin-password: {get_input: admin_password} admin-token: {get_input: admin_token} bootstack: public_interface_ip: {get_input: neutron_public_interface_ip} bootstrap_host: nodeid: {get_input: bootstack_nodeid} cinder: db: {get_input: cinder_dsn} debug: {get_input: debug} volume_size_mb: {get_input: cinder_lvm_loop_device_size} service-password: {get_input: cinder_password} iscsi-helper: {get_input: CinderISCSIHelper} controller-address: {get_input: controller_host} corosync: bindnetaddr: {get_input: controller_host} mcastport: 5577 pacemaker: stonith_enabled : false recheck_interval : 5 quorum_policy : ignore db-password: unset glance: registry: host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} backend: swift db: {get_input: glance_dsn} debug: {get_input: debug} host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} port: {get_input: glance_port} protocol: {get_input: glance_protocol} service-password: {get_input: glance_password} swift-store-user: service:glance swift-store-key: {get_input: glance_password} notifier-strategy: {get_input: glance_notifier_strategy} log-file: {get_input: glance_log_file} heat: admin_password: {get_input: heat_password} admin_tenant_name: service admin_user: heat auth_encryption_key: {get_input: heat_auth_encryption_key} db: {get_input: heat_dsn} debug: {get_input: debug} stack_domain_admin_password: {get_input: heat_stack_domain_admin_password} watch_server_url: {get_input: heat.watch_server_url} metadata_server_url: {get_input: heat.metadata_server_url} waitcondition_server_url: {get_input: heat.waitcondition_server_url} keystone: db: {get_input: keystone_dsn} debug: {get_input: debug} host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} ca_certificate: {get_input: keystone_ca_certificate} signing_key: {get_input: keystone_signing_key} signing_certificate: {get_input: keystone_signing_certificate} ssl: certificate: {get_input: keystone_ssl_certificate} certificate_key: {get_input: keystone_ssl_certificate_key} mysql: innodb_buffer_pool_size: {get_input: mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size} local_bind: true root-password: {get_input: mysql_root_password} cluster_name: {get_input: mysql_cluster_name} neutron: debug: {get_input: debug} flat-networks: {get_input: neutron_flat_networks} host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} metadata_proxy_shared_secret: {get_input: neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret} agent_mode: {get_input: neutron_agent_mode} router_distributed: {get_input: neutron_router_distributed} mechanism_drivers: {get_input: neutron_mechanism_drivers} allow_automatic_l3agent_failover: {get_input: neutron_allow_l3agent_failover} l3_ha: {get_input: neutron_l3_ha} ovs: enable_tunneling: {get_input: neutron_enable_tunneling} local_ip: {get_input: controller_host} network_vlan_ranges: {get_input: neutron_network_vlan_ranges} bridge_mappings: {get_input: neutron_bridge_mappings} public_interface: {get_input: neutron_public_interface} public_interface_raw_device: {get_input: neutron_public_interface_raw_device} public_interface_route: {get_input: neutron_public_interface_default_route} public_interface_tag: {get_input: neutron_public_interface_tag} physical_bridge: br-ex tenant_network_type: {get_input: neutron_tenant_network_type} tunnel_types: {get_input: neutron_tunnel_types} ovs_db: {get_input: neutron_dsn} service-password: {get_input: neutron_password} dnsmasq-options: {get_input: neutron_dnsmasq_options} ceilometer: db: {get_input: ceilometer_dsn} debug: {get_input: debug} metering_secret: {get_input: ceilometer_metering_secret} service-password: {get_input: ceilometer_password} snmpd: export_MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB readonly_user_name: {get_input: snmpd_readonly_user_name} readonly_user_password: {get_input: snmpd_readonly_user_password} nova: compute_driver: libvirt.LibvirtDriver db: {get_input: nova_dsn} default_floating_pool: ext-net host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} metadata-proxy: true service-password: {get_input: nova_password} rabbit: host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} username: {get_input: rabbit_username} password: {get_input: rabbit_password} cookie: {get_input: rabbit_cookie} rabbit_client_use_ssl: {get_input: rabbit_client_use_ssl} rabbit_port: {get_input: rabbit_client_port} ntp: servers: - {server: {get_input: ntp_server}} virtual_interfaces: instances: - vrrp_instance_name: VI_CONTROL virtual_router_id: 51 keepalive_interface: {get_input: control_virtual_interface} priority: 101 virtual_ips: - ip: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} interface: {get_input: control_virtual_interface} - vrrp_instance_name: VI_PUBLIC virtual_router_id: 52 keepalive_interface: {get_input: public_virtual_interface} priority: 101 virtual_ips: - ip: {get_input: public_virtual_ip} interface: {get_input: public_virtual_interface} vrrp_sync_groups: - name: VG1 members: - VI_CONTROL - VI_PUBLIC keepalived: keepalive_interface: {get_input: public_virtual_interface} priority: 101 virtual_ips: - ip: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} interface: {get_input: control_virtual_interface} - ip: {get_input: public_virtual_ip} interface: {get_input: public_virtual_interface} haproxy: net_binds: - ip: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} options: - option httpchk GET / services: - name: keystone_admin port: 35357 net_binds: &public_binds - ip: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip} - ip: {get_input: public_virtual_ip} - name: keystone_public port: 5000 net_binds: *public_binds - name: horizon port: 80 net_binds: *public_binds - name: neutron port: 9696 net_binds: *public_binds - name: cinder port: 8776 net_binds: *public_binds - name: glance_api port: 9292 net_binds: *public_binds - name: glance_registry port: 9191 net_binds: *public_binds options: # overwrite options as glace_reg needs auth for http req - name: heat_api port: 8004 net_binds: *public_binds - name: heat_cloudwatch port: 8003 net_binds: *public_binds - name: heat_cfn port: 8000 net_binds: *public_binds - name: mysql port: 3306 extra_server_params: - backup options: - timeout client 0 - timeout server 0 - name: nova_ec2 port: 8773 - name: nova_osapi port: 8774 net_binds: *public_binds - name: nova_metadata port: 8775 net_binds: *public_binds - name: nova_novncproxy port: 6080 net_binds: *public_binds - name: ceilometer port: 8777 net_binds: *public_binds options: # overwrite options as ceil needs auth for http req - name: swift_proxy_server port: 8080 net_binds: *public_binds options: - option httpchk GET /info - name: rabbitmq port: 5672 options: - timeout client 0 - timeout server 0 - maxconn 1500 ControllerDeployment: type: OS::TripleO::SoftwareDeployment properties: signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL config: {get_resource: ControllerConfig} server: {get_resource: Controller} input_values: bootstack_nodeid: {get_attr: [Controller, name]} controller_host: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]} controller_virtual_ip: {get_param: VirtualIP} neutron_enable_tunneling: {get_param: NeutronEnableTunnelling} heat.watch_server_url: list_join: - '' - - 'http://' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - ':8003' heat.metadata_server_url: list_join: - '' - - 'http://' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - ':8000' heat.waitcondition_server_url: list_join: - '' - - 'http://' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - ':8000/v1/waitcondition' admin_password: {get_param: AdminPassword} admin_token: {get_param: AdminToken} neutron_public_interface_ip: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterfaceIP} debug: {get_param: Debug} cinder_lvm_loop_device_size: {get_param: CinderLVMLoopDeviceSize} cinder_password: {get_param: CinderPassword} cinder_iscsi_helper: {get_param: CinderISCSIHelper} cinder_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://cinder:' - {get_param: CinderPassword} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/cinder' glance_port: {get_param: GlancePort} glance_protocol: {get_param: GlanceProtocol} glance_password: {get_param: GlancePassword} glance_notifier_strategy: {get_param: GlanceNotifierStrategy} glance_log_file: {get_param: GlanceLogFile} glance_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://glance:' - {get_param: GlancePassword} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/glance' heat_password: {get_param: HeatPassword} heat_stack_domain_admin_password: {get_param: HeatStackDomainAdminPassword} heat_auth_encryption_key: {get_param: HeatAuthEncryptionKey} heat_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://heat:' - {get_param: HeatPassword} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/heat' keystone_ca_certificate: {get_param: KeystoneCACertificate} keystone_signing_key: {get_param: KeystoneSigningKey} keystone_signing_certificate: {get_param: KeystoneSigningCertificate} keystone_ssl_certificate: {get_param: KeystoneSSLCertificate} keystone_ssl_certificate_key: {get_param: KeystoneSSLCertificateKey} keystone_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://keystone:' - {get_param: AdminToken} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/keystone' mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size: {get_param: MysqlInnodbBufferPoolSize} mysql_root_password: {get_param: MysqlRootPassword} mysql_cluster_name: str_replace: template: tripleo-CLUSTER params: CLUSTER: {get_param: MysqlClusterUniquePart} neutron_flat_networks: {get_param: NeutronFlatNetworks} neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret: {get_param: NeutronMetadataProxySharedSecret} neutron_agent_mode: {get_param: NeutronAgentMode} neutron_router_distributed: {get_param: NeutronDVR} neutron_mechanism_drivers: {get_param: NeutronMechanismDrivers} neutron_allow_l3agent_failover: {get_param: NeutronAllowL3AgentFailover} neutron_l3_ha: {get_param: NeutronL3HA} neutron_network_vlan_ranges: {get_param: NeutronNetworkVLANRanges} neutron_bridge_mappings: {get_param: NeutronBridgeMappings} neutron_public_interface: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterface} neutron_public_interface_raw_device: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterfaceRawDevice} neutron_public_interface_default_route: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterfaceDefaultRoute} neutron_public_interface_tag: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterfaceTag} neutron_tenant_network_type: {get_param: NeutronNetworkType} neutron_tunnel_types: {get_param: NeutronTunnelTypes} neutron_password: {get_param: NeutronPassword} neutron_dnsmasq_options: {get_param: NeutronDnsmasqOptions} neutron_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://neutron:' - {get_param: NeutronPassword} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/ovs_neutron?charset=utf8' ceilometer_metering_secret: {get_param: CeilometerMeteringSecret} ceilometer_password: {get_param: CeilometerPassword} ceilometer_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://ceilometer:' - {get_param: CeilometerPassword} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/ceilometer' snmpd_readonly_user_name: {get_param: SnmpdReadonlyUserName} snmpd_readonly_user_password: {get_param: SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword} nova_password: {get_param: NovaPassword} nova_dsn: list_join: - '' - - 'mysql://nova:' - {get_param: NovaPassword} - '@' - {get_param: VirtualIP} - '/nova' rabbit_username: {get_param: RabbitUserName} rabbit_password: {get_param: RabbitPassword} rabbit_cookie: {get_param: RabbitCookie} rabbit_client_use_ssl: {get_param: RabbitClientUseSSL} rabbit_client_port: {get_param: RabbitClientPort} ntp_server: {get_param: NtpServer} control_virtual_interface: {get_param: ControlVirtualInterface} public_virtual_interface: {get_param: PublicVirtualInterface} public_virtual_ip: {get_param: PublicVirtualIP} SSLConfig: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: ssl: ca_certificate: {get_input: ssl_ca_certificate} stunnel: cert: {get_input: ssl_certificate} key: {get_input: ssl_key} cacert: {get_input: ssl_ca_certificate} ports: - name: 'ec2' accept: 13773 connect: 8773 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'image' accept: 13292 connect: 9292 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'identity' accept: 13000 connect: 5000 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'network' accept: 13696 connect: 9696 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'compute' accept: 13774 connect: 8774 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'swift-proxy' accept: 13080 connect: 8080 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'cinder' accept: 13776 connect: 8776 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} - name: 'ceilometer' accept: 13777 connect: 8777 connect_host: {get_input: controller_host} ControllerSSLDeployment: type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: config: {get_resource: SSLConfig} server: {get_resource: Controller} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: controller_host: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]} ssl_certificate: {get_param: SSLCertificate} ssl_key: {get_param: SSLKey} ssl_ca_certificate: {get_param: SSLCACertificate} ControllerPassthroughDeployment: type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: config: {get_resource: ControllerPassthroughConfig} server: {get_resource: Controller} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: passthrough_config: {get_param: ExtraConfig} ControllerPassthroughSpecificDeployment: depends_on: [ControllerPassthroughDeployment] type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: config: {get_resource: ControllerPassthroughConfigSpecific} server: {get_resource: Controller} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: passthrough_config_specific: {get_param: ControllerExtraConfig} SwiftConfig: type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig properties: group: os-apply-config config: swift: hash: { get_input: swift_hash_suffix } part-power: { get_input: swift_part_power } mount-check: { get_input: swift_mount_check } min-part-hours: { get_input: swift_min_part_hours } replicas: {get_input: swift_replicas } service-password: { get_input: swift_password } SwiftStorageDeploy: type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment properties: server: {get_resource: Controller} config: {get_resource: SwiftConfig} signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL input_values: swift_hash_suffix: {get_param: SwiftHashSuffix} swift_mount_check: {get_param: SwiftMountCheck} swift_password: {get_param: SwiftPassword} swift_min_part_hours: {get_param: SwiftMinPartHours} swift_part_power: {get_param: SwiftPartPower} swift_replicas: { get_param: SwiftReplicas} outputs: ip_address: description: IP address of the server in the ctlplane network value: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]} hostname: description: Hostname of the server value: {get_attr: [Controller, name]} corosync_node: description: > Node object in the format {ip: ..., name: ...} format that the corosync element expects value: ip: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]} name: {get_attr: [Controller, name]} hosts_entry: description: > Server's IP address and hostname in the /etc/hosts format value: str_replace: template: IP HOST HOST.novalocal CLOUDNAME params: IP: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]} HOST: {get_attr: [Controller, name]} CLOUDNAME: {get_param: CloudName} nova_server_resource: description: Heat resource handle for the Nova compute server value: {get_resource: Controller} swift_device: description: Swift device formatted for swift-ring-builder value: str_replace: template: 'r1z1-IP:%PORT%/d1' params: IP: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]} swift_proxy_memcache: description: Swift proxy-memcache value value: str_replace: template: "IP:11211" params: IP: {get_attr: [Controller, networks, ctlplane, 0]}