## ## Copyright (c) 2019 Intel Corporation ## ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ## You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## from os import path import time, yaml import logging from kubernetes import client, config from rapid_sshclient import SSHClient class Pod: """Class which represents test pods. For example with traffic gen, forward/swap applications, etc """ k8s_CoreV1Api = None _log = None _name = "pod" _namespace = "default" _nodeSelector_hostname = None _spec_filename = None _last_status = None _id = None _admin_ip = None _dp_ip = None _dp_subnet = None _ssh_client = None _sriov_vf = None _sriov_vf_mac = None def __init__(self, name, namespace = "default", logger_name = "k8srapid"): self._log = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self._name = name self._namespace = namespace self._ssh_client = SSHClient(logger_name = logger_name) def __del__(self): """Destroy POD. Do a cleanup. """ if self._ssh_client is not None: self._ssh_client.disconnect() def create_from_yaml(self): """Load POD description from yaml file. """ with open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), self._spec_filename)) as yaml_file: self.body = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) self.body["metadata"]["name"] = self._name if (self._nodeSelector_hostname is not None): if ("nodeSelector" not in self.body["spec"]): self.body["spec"]["nodeSelector"] = {} self.body["spec"]["nodeSelector"]["kubernetes.io/hostname"] = \ self._nodeSelector_hostname self._log.debug("Creating POD, body:\n%s" % self.body) try: self.k8s_CoreV1Api.create_namespaced_pod(body = self.body, namespace = self._namespace) except client.rest.ApiException as e: self._log.error("Couldn't create POD %s!\n%s\n" % (self._name, e)) def terminate(self): """Terminate POD. Close SSH connection. """ if self._ssh_client is not None: self._ssh_client.disconnect() try: self.k8s_CoreV1Api.delete_namespaced_pod(name = self._name, namespace = self._namespace) except client.rest.ApiException as e: if e.reason != "Not Found": self._log.error("Couldn't delete POD %s!\n%s\n" % (self._name, e.reason)) def update_admin_ip(self): """Check for admin IP address assigned by k8s. """ try: pod = self.k8s_CoreV1Api.read_namespaced_pod_status(name = self._name, namespace = self._namespace) self._admin_ip = pod.status.pod_ip except client.rest.ApiException as e: self._log.error("Couldn't update POD %s admin IP!\n%s\n" % (self._name, e)) def wait_for_start(self): """Wait for POD to start. """ self._log.info("Waiting for POD %s to start..." % self._name) while True: self.get_status() if (self._last_status == "Running" or self._last_status == "Failed" or self._last_status == "Unknown"): break else: time.sleep(3) self.update_admin_ip() return self._last_status def ssh_run_cmd(self, cmd): """Execute command for POD via SSH connection. SSH credentials should be configured before use of this function. """ self._ssh_client.run_cmd(cmd) def get_name(self): return self._name def get_admin_ip(self): return self._admin_ip def get_dp_ip(self): return self._dp_ip def get_dp_subnet(self): return self._dp_subnet def get_dp_mac(self): return self._sriov_vf_mac def get_dp_pci_dev(self): return self._sriov_vf def get_id(self): return self._id def get_status(self): """Get current status fro the pod. """ try: pod = self.k8s_CoreV1Api.read_namespaced_pod_status(name = self._name, namespace = self._namespace) except client.rest.ApiException as e: self._log.error("Couldn't read POD %s status!\n%s\n" % (self._name, e)) self._last_status = pod.status.phase return self._last_status def get_sriov_dev_mac(self): """Get assigned by k8s SRIOV network device plugin SRIOV VF devices. Return 0 in case of sucessfull configuration. Otherwise return -1. """ self._log.info("Checking assigned SRIOV VF for POD %s" % self._name) ret = self._ssh_client.run_cmd("cat /opt/rapid/k8s_sriov_device_plugin_envs") if ret != 0: self._log.error("Failed to check assigned SRIOV VF!" "Error %s" % self._ssh_client.get_error()) return -1 cmd_output = self._ssh_client.get_output().decode("utf-8").rstrip() self._log.debug("Environment variable %s" % cmd_output) # Parse environment variable cmd_output = cmd_output.split("=")[1] self._sriov_vf = cmd_output.split(",")[0] self._log.debug("Using first SRIOV VF %s" % self._sriov_vf) self._log.info("Getting MAC address for assigned SRIOV VF %s" % self._sriov_vf) self._ssh_client.run_cmd("sudo /opt/rapid/port_info_app -n 4 -w %s" % self._sriov_vf) if ret != 0: self._log.error("Failed to get MAC address!" "Error %s" % self._ssh_client.get_error()) return -1 # Parse MAC address cmd_output = self._ssh_client.get_output().decode("utf-8").rstrip() self._log.debug(cmd_output) cmd_output = cmd_output.splitlines() for line in cmd_output: if line.startswith("Port 0 MAC: "): self._sriov_vf_mac = line[12:] self._log.debug("MAC %s" % self._sriov_vf_mac) def set_dp_ip(self, dp_ip): self._dp_ip = dp_ip def set_dp_subnet(self, dp_subnet): self._dp_subnet = dp_subnet def set_id(self, pod_id): self._id = pod_id def set_nodeselector(self, hostname): """Set hostname on which POD will be executed. """ self._nodeSelector_hostname = hostname def set_spec_file_name(self, file_name): """Set pod spec filename. """ self._spec_filename = file_name def set_ssh_credentials(self, user, rsa_private_key): """Set SSH credentials for the SSH connection to the POD. """ self.update_admin_ip() self._ssh_client.set_credentials(ip = self._admin_ip, user = user, rsa_private_key = rsa_private_key)