Add energy base scenario and test files
[yardstick.git] / yardstick / tests / unit / benchmark / scenarios / energy / energy_sample_power_metrics.txt
1 {
2     "PowerControl@odata.count": 1,
3     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power",
4     "Redundancy@odata.count": 1,
5     "@odata.context": "/redfish/v1/$metadata#Power.Power",
6     "Voltages": [
7         {
8             "MaxReadingRange": 14.28,
9             "RelatedItem": [
10                 {
11                     "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
12                 },
13                 {
14                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
15                 }
16             ],
17             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Voltages/0",
18             "Status": {
19                 "State": "Enabled"
20             },
21             "SensorNumber": 140,
22             "Name": "SysBrd 12V",
23             "PhysicalContext": "VoltageRegulator",
24             "LowerThresholdCritical": 10.81,
25             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 2,
26             "MemberId": "0",
27             "MinReadingRange": null,
28             "ReadingVolts": 12.15,
29             "UpperThresholdCritical": 13.22
30         },
31         {
32             "MaxReadingRange": 3.95,
33             "RelatedItem": [
34                 {
35                     "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
36                 },
37                 {
38                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
39                 }
40             ],
41             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Voltages/1",
42             "Status": {
43                 "State": "Enabled"
44             },
45             "SensorNumber": 141,
46             "Name": "SysBrd 3.3V",
47             "PhysicalContext": "VoltageRegulator",
48             "LowerThresholdCritical": 2.98,
49             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 2,
50             "MemberId": "1",
51             "MinReadingRange": null,
52             "UpperThresholdCritical": 3.63,
53             "ReadingVolts": 3.36
54         },
55         {
56             "MaxReadingRange": 5.97,
57             "RelatedItem": [
58                 {
59                     "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
60                 },
61                 {
62                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
63                 }
64             ],
65             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Voltages/2",
66             "Status": {
67                 "State": "Enabled"
68             },
69             "SensorNumber": 142,
70             "Name": "SysBrd 5V",
71             "PhysicalContext": "VoltageRegulator",
72             "LowerThresholdCritical": 4.49,
73             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 2,
74             "MemberId": "2",
75             "MinReadingRange": null,
76             "UpperThresholdCritical": 5.5,
77             "ReadingVolts": 5.03
78         },
79         {
80             "MaxReadingRange": 3.32,
81             "RelatedItem": [
82                 {
83                     "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/1"
84                 },
85                 {
86                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
87                 }
88             ],
89             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Voltages/3",
90             "Status": {
91                 "State": "Enabled"
92             },
93             "SensorNumber": 3,
94             "Name": "CMOS Battery",
95             "PhysicalContext": "VoltageRegulator",
96             "LowerThresholdCritical": 2.25,
97             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 2,
98             "MemberId": "3",
99             "MinReadingRange": null,
100             "LowerThresholdNonCritical": 2.39,
101             "ReadingVolts": 3.12
102         }
103     ],
104     "Voltages@odata.count": 4,
105     "Redundancy": [
106         {
107             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/Redundancy/0",
108             "Status": {
109                 "State": "Enabled",
110                 "Health": "OK"
111             },
112             "Name": "PSU Redundancy",
113             "MinNumNeeded": 2,
114             "Oem": {
115                 "Lenovo": {
116                     "NonRedundantAvailablePower": 1100,
117                     "@odata.type": "#LenovoRedundancy.v1_0_0.LenovoRedundancyProperties",
118                     "PowerRedundancySettings": {
119                         "EstimatedUsage": "58.55%",
120                         "MaxPowerLimitWatts": 1100,
121                         "PowerFailureLimit": 0,
122                         "PowerRedundancyPolicy": "RedundantWithThrottling"
123                     }
124                 }
125             },
126             "RedundancyEnabled": true,
127             "RedundancySet": [
128                 {
129                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/0"
130                 },
131                 {
132                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/1"
133                 }
134             ],
135             "RedundancySet@odata.count": 2,
136             "MaxNumSupported": 2,
137             "Mode": "N+m",
138             "MemberId": "0"
139         }
140     ],
141     "Description": "Power Consumption and Power Limiting",
142     "Name": "Power",
143     "PowerSupplies@odata.count": 2,
144     "Oem": {
145         "Lenovo": {
146             "@odata.type": "#LenovoPower.v1_0_0.Capabilities",
147             "LocalPowerControlEnabled": true,
148             "PowerOnPermissionEnabled": true,
149             "PowerRestorePolicy": "Restore",
150             "WakeOnLANEnabled": true
151         }
152     },
153     "@odata.type": "#Power.v1_5_1.Power",
154     "Id": "Power",
155     "@odata.etag": "\"ad85a1403e07a433386e9907d00565cc\"",
156     "PowerControl": [
157         {
158             "PowerAllocatedWatts": 1100,
159             "RelatedItem": [
160                 {
161                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
162                 }
163             ],
164             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerControl/0",
165             "Status": {
166                 "HealthRollup": "Warning",
167                 "State": "Enabled"
168             },
169             "PowerLimit": {
170                 "LimitException": "NoAction",
171                 "LimitInWatts": null
172             },
173             "Name": "Server Power Control",
174             "Oem": {
175                 "Lenovo": {
176                     "PowerUtilization": {
177                         "MaxLimitInWatts": 1100,
178                         "EnablePowerCapping": false,
179                         "LimitMode": "AC",
180                         "EnablePowerCapping@Redfish.Deprecated": "The property is deprecated. Please use LimitInWatts instead.",
181                         "CapacityMinAC": 617,
182                         "MinLimitInWatts": 0,
183                         "GuaranteedInWatts": 617,
184                         "CapacityMinDC": 578,
185                         "CapacityMaxDC": 749,
186                         "CapacityMaxAC": 802
187                     },
188                     "HistoryPowerMetric": {
189                         "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power/PowerControl/0/Oem/Lenovo/HistoryPowerMetric"
190                     },
191                     "@odata.type": "#LenovoPower.v1_0_0.PowerControl"
192                 }
193             },
194             "PowerAvailableWatts": 0,
195             "PowerMetrics": {
196                 "IntervalInMin": 60,
197                 "AverageConsumedWatts": 314.716675,
198                 "MinConsumedWatts": 311,
199                 "MaxConsumedWatts": 318
200             },
201             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
202             "MemberId": "0",
203             "PowerRequestedWatts": 802,
204             "PowerConsumedWatts": 344,
205             "PowerCapacityWatts": 1100
206         }
207     ],
208     "PowerSupplies": [
209         {
210             "SerialNumber": "A4DB8BP11WJ",
211             "InputRanges": [
212                 {
213                     "InputType": null,
214                     "OutputWattage": null,
215                     "MinimumVoltage": null,
216                     "MaximumVoltage": null
217                 }
218             ],
219             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/0",
220             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
221             "MemberId": "0",
222             "PartNumber": "SP57A02023",
223             "FirmwareVersion": "4.52",
224             "Status": {
225                 "State": "Enabled",
226                 "Health": "Warning"
227             },
228             "LineInputVoltage": null,
229             "Name": "PSU1",
230             "PowerSupplyType": "Unknown",
231             "LastPowerOutputWatts": 316,
232             "Oem": {
233                 "Lenovo": {
234                     "Location": {
235                         "InfoFormat": "Slot X",
236                         "Info": "Slot 1"
237                     },
238                     "HistoryPowerSupplyMetric": {
239                         "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power/PowerSupplies/0/Oem/Lenovo/HistoryPowerSupplyMetric"
240                     },
241                     "@odata.type": "#LenovoPower.v1_0_0.PowerSupply"
242                 }
243             },
244             "PowerCapacityWatts": null,
245             "Manufacturer": "ACBE",
246             "LineInputVoltageType": "Unknown",
247             "Model": "LENOVO-SP57A02023",
248             "RelatedItem": [
249                 {
250                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
251                 }
252             ]
253         },
254         {
255             "SerialNumber": "A4DB8BP12J7",
256             "InputRanges": [
257                 {
258                     "InputType": "AC",
259                     "OutputWattage": 1100,
260                     "MinimumVoltage": 200,
261                     "MaximumVoltage": 240
262                 }
263             ],
264             "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power#/PowerSupplies/1",
265             "RelatedItem@odata.count": 1,
266             "MemberId": "1",
267             "PartNumber": "SP57A02023",
268             "FirmwareVersion": "4.52",
269             "Status": {
270                 "State": "Enabled",
271                 "Health": "OK"
272             },
273             "LineInputVoltage": 220,
274             "Name": "PSU2",
275             "PowerSupplyType": "AC",
276             "LastPowerOutputWatts": 316,
277             "Oem": {
278                 "Lenovo": {
279                     "Location": {
280                         "InfoFormat": "Slot X",
281                         "Info": "Slot 2"
282                     },
283                     "HistoryPowerSupplyMetric": {
284                         "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power/PowerSupplies/1/Oem/Lenovo/HistoryPowerSupplyMetric"
285                     },
286                     "@odata.type": "#LenovoPower.v1_0_0.PowerSupply"
287                 }
288             },
289             "PowerCapacityWatts": 1100,
290             "Manufacturer": "ACBE",
291             "LineInputVoltageType": "ACMidLine",
292             "Model": "LENOVO-SP57A02023",
293             "RelatedItem": [
294                 {
295                     "": "/redfish/v1/Chassis/1"
296                 }
297             ]
298         }
299     ]
300 }