Merge "Adds cronjob for filling vnf table row entries"
[releng.git] / utils / test / vnfcatalogue / VNF_Catalogue / views / search_projects.jade
1 extends layout
3 //
4   Copyright (c) 2017 Kumar Rishabh and others.
5   All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
7   which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
9 block search
10   include search
11 block add_project
12   include add_project
13 block content
14   .content
15     each key, index in json
16       .container.container-custom
17         .card.card-shadow-custom.horizontal
18           .row.row-custom
19             .col.s5.card-title-div-custom
20               span.card-title.card-title-span-custom #{key.vnf_name}
21             .col.s5.card-title-div-custom
22               i.material-icons grade
23               span.card-title PenguinScore: 42
24             .col.s2.card-title-div-custom-right
25               form(action='#')
26                 input#search_result_1(type='checkbox', name='#{key.vnf_name}')
27                 label(for='search_result_1') Compare
28             //
29               <div class="card-action">
30               <a href="#">This is a link</a>
31               </div>
32             .col.s4.card-image.card-image-custom
33               img.card-image-picture-custom(src='/uploads/#{key.photo_url}')
34             .col.s8.card-stacked
35               .card-content
36                 p
37                   .collection.collection-custom
38                     a.collection-item(href='#!')
39                       span
40                         i.material-icons code
41                         |                             Lines Of Code: #{key.lines_of_code}
42                     a.collection-item(href='#!')
43                       span
44                         i.material-icons person
45                         |                             Number of Developers: #{key.no_of_developers}
46                     a.collection-item(href='#!')
47                       span
48                         i.material-icons star
49                         |                             Number of Stars: #{key.no_of_stars}
50                     a.collection-item(href='#!')
51                       span
52                         i.material-icons description
53                         |                             Number of Versions: #{key.versions}
54               .card-action
55                 | Tags:
56                 each tag, index in key.tags
57                   .chip
58                     a.a-custom(href='/search_projects?tags=#{tag.tag_name}') #{tag.tag_name}
59                 //
60                   .chip
61                     a.a-custom(href='#!') tag1
62                   .chip
63                     a.a-custom(href='#!') Tag2
64                   .chip
65                     a.a-custom(href='#!') Tag3
66                   .chip
67                     a.a-custom(href='#!') Tag4
68                   .chip
69                     a.a-custom(href='#!') Tag5
70                 a.a-custom-more(href='#!') more
71             .divider
72             .card-action-custom.col.s12.card-action
73               | License:
74               a(href='#') #{key.license}
75               | Complexity:
76               a(href='#') Atomic
77               | Activity:
78               a(href='#') Medium
79               | OPNFV Indicator:
80               a(href='#') #{key.opnfv_indicator}
81   footer
82     | © 2017 XYZ Company
83     link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/search_projects.css')