Updating reporting url and fixed a bug
[releng.git] / utils / test / vnfcatalogue / VNF_Catalogue / views / index.jade
1 extends layout
3 //
4   Copyright (c) 2017 Kumar Rishabh and others.
5   All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6   are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
7   which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
8   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 block content
10   link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/3rd_party/bootstrap.css')
11   .search-box
12     h1 VNF Catalogue
13     form.search-form
14       input.search-input(type='search', placeholder='Search...', id='Tags')
15       .space-10
16       button.search-button(type='submit', value='Search', id='Search') Search
17   .content.content-height-overwrite
18     nav.z-depth-0.transparent
19       .nav-wrapper
20         ul#nav-mobile.float-center-magic.hide-on-med-and-down.most-menu
21           li.items
22             a(href='#') Most Popular
23           li.items
24             a(href='#') Most Active
25           li.items
26             a(href='#') Most Active Contributions
27   .content
28     .container
29       .row
30         .box-container
31           .col-md-3
32             .content-box
33               .content-data
34                 h1.content-title Beacon
35                 .box
36                   img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
37                   h3.commits
38                     | 4,845
39                     br
40                     | commits
41         .col-md-3
42           .content-box
43             .content-data
44               h1.content-title Beacon
45               .box
46                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
47                 h3.commits
48                   | 4,845
49                   br
50                   | commits
51         .col-md-3
52           .content-box
53             .content-data
54               h1.content-title Beacon
55               .box
56                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
57                 h3.commits
58                   | 4,845
59                   br
60                   | commits
61         .col-md-3
62           .content-box
63             .content-data
64               h1.content-title Beacon
65               .box
66                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
67                 h3.commits
68                   | 4,845
69                   br
70                   | commits
71         .col-md-3
72           .content-box
73             .content-data
74               h1.content-title Beacon
75               .box
76                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
77                 h3.commits
78                   | 4,845
79                   br
80                   | commits
81         .col-md-3
82           .content-box
83             .content-data
84               h1.content-title Beacon
85               .box
86                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
87                 h3.commits
88                   | 4,845
89                   br
90                   | commits
91         .col-md-3
92           .content-box
93             .content-data
94               h1.content-title Beacon
95               .box
96                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
97                 h3.commits
98                   | 4,845
99                   br
100                   | commits
101         .col-md-3
102           .content-box
103             .content-data
104               h1.content-title Beacon
105               .box
106                 img.commit-icon(src='/images/3rd_party/commits.png')
107                 h3.commits
108                   | 4,845
109                   br
110                   | commits
111     footer
112       | © 2017 XYZ Company
113   style(type='text/css').
114     input[type="text"]:focus:not([readonly]) {
115       transition: all 0s !important;
116       border-radius: 5px;
117       border: 2px solid #333333;
118       box-shadow: 0 0 15px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.50);
119       color: #333333;
120     }
121     .gray {
122       background: rgb(249,249,249);
123     }