Migrate from cfn-hup to os-collect-config
[apex-tripleo-heat-templates.git] / undercloud-vm.yaml
1 escription: All-in-one baremetal OpenStack and all dependencies.
2 HeatTemplateFormatVersion: '2012-12-12'
3 Parameters:
4   InstanceType:
5     Default: baremetal
6     Description: Flavor to request when deploying.
7     Type: String
8   KeyName:
9     Default: default
10     Description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances
11     Type: String
12   Image:
13     Default: undercloud
14     Type: String
15   PowerUserName:
16     Default: stack
17     Description: What username to ssh to the virtual power host with.
18     Type: String
19 Resources:
20   AccessPolicy:
21     Properties:
22       AllowedResources:
23       - notcompute
24     Type: OS::Heat::AccessPolicy
25   Key:
26     Properties:
27       UserName:
28         Ref: User
29     Type: AWS::IAM::AccessKey
30   User:
31     Properties:
32       Policies:
33       - Ref: AccessPolicy
34     Type: AWS::IAM::User
35   notcompute:
36     Metadata:
37       OpenStack::Heat::Stack: {}
38       Openstack::ImageBuilder::Elements: [ boot-stack, heat-cfntools, neutron-network-node ]
39       admin-password: unset
40       admin-token: unset
41       controller-address:
42       cinder:
43         db: mysql://cinder:unset@localhost/cinder
44         volume_size_mb: '5000'
45       db-password: unset
46       glance:
47         db: mysql://glance:unset@localhost/glance
48         host:
49       heat:
50         admin_password: unset
51         admin_tenant_name: service
52         admin_user: heat
53         auth_encryption_key: unset___________
54         db: mysql://heat:unset@localhost/heat
55         heat_watch_server_url:
56         metadata_server_url:
57         waitcondition_server_url:
58       os-collect-config:
59         cfn:
60           access_key_id:
61             Ref: Key
62           path: Resources.notcompute
63           secret_access_key:
64             Fn::GetAtt:
65             - Key
66             - SecretAccessKey
67           stack_name:
68             Ref: AWS::StackName
69       interfaces:
70         control: eth2
71       keystone:
72         db: mysql://keystone:unset@localhost/keystone
73         host:
74       nova:
75         compute_hostname: ubuntu
76         compute_driver: baremetal.driver.BareMetalDriver
77         db: mysql://nova:unset@localhost/nova
78         host:
79         metadata-proxy: false
80         tuning:
81           ram_allocation_ratio: 1.0
82           reserved_host_memory_mb: 0
83         baremetal:
84           arch: i386
85           db: mysql://nova:unset@localhost/nova_bm
86           power_manager: nova.virt.baremetal.virtual_power_driver.VirtualPowerManager
87           pxe_deploy_timeout: 2400
88           virtual_power:
89             user:
90               Ref: PowerUserName
91             key: /opt/stack/boot-stack/virtual-power-key
92             ssh_host:
93             type: virsh
94       neutron:
95         host:
96         ovs_db: mysql://neutron:unset@localhost/ovs_neutron?charset=utf8
97         ovs:
98           dnsmasq_range: [,]
99           public_interface: eth0
100           physical_bridge: br-ctlplane
101           physical_network: ctlplane
102           network_vlan_ranges: ctlplane
103           bridge_mappings: ctlplane:br-ctlplane
104           tenant_network_type: vlan
105           enable_tunneling: 'False'
106       rabbit:
107         host:
108         password: guest
109       swift:
110         store_user: unset
111         store_key: unset
112       service-password: unset
113     Properties:
114       ImageId:
115         Ref: Image
116       InstanceType:
117         Ref: InstanceType
118       KeyName:
119         Ref: KeyName
120     Type: AWS::EC2::Instance