Add database subsystem definition in the use case of
[parser.git] / tosca2heat / tosca-parser / toscaparser / tests / data / tosca_load_balancer.yaml
1 # Note: this could eventually be translated to a Neutron Load Balancer
2 # However, in Heat/HOT the preferred way of doing this is creating an Autoscale Group
3 #
4 #heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 ...
5 #resources:
6 #load_bal_resource:
7 #  type: OS::Neutron::Pool
8 #  properties:
9 #    admin_state_up: Boolean
10 #    description: String
11 #    lb_method: String
12 #    monitors: [Value, Value, ...]
13 #    name: String
14 #    protocol: String
15 #    provider: String
16 #    subnet: String
17 #    vip: {
18 #      "description": String,
19 #      "name": String,
20 #      "connection_limit": Integer,
21 #      "protocol_port": Integer,
22 #      "subnet": String,
23 #      "address": String,
24 #      "admin_state_up": Boolean,
25 #      "session_persistence":
26 #      {
27 #        "cookie_name": String,
28 #        "type": String}
29 #       }
30 #
31 # example from:
32 #
33 #resources:
34 #  web_server_group:
35 #    type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
36 #    properties:
37 #      AvailabilityZones: [nova]
38 #      LaunchConfigurationName: {get_resource: launch_config}
39 #      MinSize: 1
40 #      MaxSize: 3
41 #      LoadBalancerNames:
42 #      - {get_resource: mylb}
43 #  mypool:
44 #    type: OS::Neutron::Pool
45 #    properties:
46 #      protocol: HTTP
47 #      monitors: [{get_resource: mymonitor}]
48 #      subnet_id: {get_param: subnet_id}
49 #      lb_method: ROUND_ROBIN
50 #      vip:
51 #        protocol_port: 80
52 #  mylb:
53 #    type: OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer
54 #    properties:
55 #      protocol_port: 80
56 #      pool_id: {get_resource: mypool}
58 tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
60 description: Template for deploying a load balancer with predefined endpoint properties.
62 topology_template:
63   node_templates:
64     simple_load_balancer:
65       type: tosca.nodes.LoadBalancer
66       capabilities:
67         # properties:
68         #   algorithm: DEFAULT (define new keyword, ROUND_ROBIN?)
69         # Client, public facing endpoint
70         client:
71           properties:
72             network_name: PUBLIC
73             floating: true
74             dns_name: