Merge "Remove ImageBuilder::Elements from templates"
[apex-tripleo-heat-templates.git] / swift-deploy.yaml
1 Description: 'Swift-proxy: OpenStack object storage proxy'
2 Parameters:
3   SwiftHashSuffix:
4     Default: unset
5     Description: A random string to be used as a salt when hashing to determine mappings in the ring.
6     Type: String
7     NoEcho: true
8   SwiftPassword:
9     Default: unset
10     Description: The password for the swift service account, used by the swift proxy services.
11     Type: String
12     NoEcho: true
13 Resources:
14   controller0Swift:
15     Type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
16     Properties:
17       config: {Ref: SwiftConfig}
18       server: {Ref: controller0}
19       signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL
20       input_values:
21         swift_hash_suffix: {Ref: SwiftHashSuffix}
22         swift_password: {Ref: SwiftPassword}
23         swift_devices:
24           Fn::Join:
25           - ', '
26           - Merge::Map:
27               controller0:
28                 Fn::Join:
29                 - ''
30                 - - 'r1z1-'
31                   - {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] }
32                   - ':%PORT%/d1'
33               SwiftStorage0:
34                 Fn::Join:
35                 - ''
36                 - - 'r1z1-'
37                   - Fn::Select:
38                     - 0
39                     - Fn::Select:
40                       - 'ctlplane'
41                       - Fn::GetAtt:
42                         - SwiftStorage0
43                         - networks
44                   - ':%PORT%/d1'
45         swift_proxy_memcache:
46           Fn::Join:
47             - ','
48             - Merge::Map:
49                 controller0:
50                   Fn::Join:
51                     - ', '
52                     - - Fn::Join:
53                         - ''
54                         - - {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] }
55                           - ':11211'