Add yardstick daily suite config files for CI PODs
[yardstick.git] /
1 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
4 setup(
5     name="yardstick",
6     version="0.1.dev0",
7     packages=find_packages(),
8     include_package_data=True,
9     package_data={
10         'yardstick': [
11             'benchmark/scenarios/availability/attacker/*.yaml',
12             'benchmark/scenarios/availability/attacker/scripts/*.bash',
13             'benchmark/scenarios/compute/*.bash',
14             'benchmark/scenarios/networking/*.bash',
15             'benchmark/scenarios/storage/*.bash',
16             'resources/files/*'
17         ]
18     },
19     url="",
20     install_requires=["backport_ipaddress",  # remove with python3
21                       "coverage>=3.6",
22                       "flake8",
23                       "Jinja2>=2.6",
24                       "PyYAML>=3.10",
25                       "pbr<2.0,>=1.3",
26                       "python-glanceclient>=0.12.0",
27                       "python-heatclient>=0.2.12",
28                       "python-keystoneclient>=0.11.1",
29                       "python-neutronclient>=2.3.9",
30                       "python-novaclient>=2.24.1",
31                       "mock>=1.0.1",  # remove with python3
32                       "paramiko",
33                       "netifaces",
34                       "six",
35                       "testrepository>=0.0.18",
36                       "testtools>=1.4.0"
37                       ],
38     extras_require={
39         'plot': ["matplotlib>=1.4.2"]
40     },
41     entry_points={
42         'console_scripts': [
43             'yardstick=yardstick.main:main',
44             'yardstick-plot=yardstick.plot.plotter:main [plot]'
45         ],
46     },
47     scripts=['tools/yardstick-img-modify']
48 )