Merge "Cisco Nexus ML2 MD: Need unique key for server level keys in hieradata"
[apex-tripleo-heat-templates.git] / puppet / extraconfig / pre_deploy / controller / neutron-ml2-cisco-n1kv.yaml
1 heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
3 description: Configure hieradata for Cisco N1KV configuration
5 parameters:
6   server:
7     description: ID of the controller node to apply this config to
8     type: string
10   # Config specific parameters, to be provided via parameter_defaults
11   N1000vVSMIP:
12     type: string
13     default: ''
14   N1000vVSMDomainID:
15     type: number
16     default: 100
17   N1000vVSMIPV6:
18     type: string
19     default: '::1'
20   N1000vVEMHostMgmtIntf:
21     type: string
22     default: 'br-ex'
23   N1000vUplinkProfile:
24     type: string
25     default: '{eth1: system-uplink,}'
26   N1000vVtepConfig:
27     type: string
28     default: '{}'
29   N1000vVEMSource:
30     type: string
31     default: ''
32   N1000vVEMVersion:
33     type: string
34     default: ''
35   N1000vPortDB:
36     type: string
37     default: 'ovs'
38   N1000vVtepsInSameSub:
39     type: boolean
40     default: false
41   N1000vVEMFastpathFlood:
42     type: string
43     default: 'enable'
44 #VSM Puppet Parameter
45   N1000vVSMSource:
46     type: string
47     default: ''
48   N1000vVSMVersion:
49     type: string
50     default: 'latest'
51   N1000vVSMHostMgmtIntf:
52     type: string
53     default: 'br-ex'
54   N1000vVSMRole:
55     type: string
56     default: 'primary'
57   N1000vVSMPassword:
58     type: string
59     default: 'Password'
60   N1000vMgmtNetmask:
61     type: string
62     default: ''
63   N1000vMgmtGatewayIP:
64     type: string
65     default: ''
66   N1000vPacemakerControl:
67     type: boolean
68     default: true
69   N1000vExistingBridge:
70     type: boolean
71     default: true
72 #Plugin Parameters
73   N1000vVSMUser:
74     type: string
75     default: 'admin'
76   N1000vPollDuration:
77     type: number
78     default: 60
79   N1000vHttpPoolSize:
80     type: number
81     default: 5
82   N1000vHttpTimeout:
83     type: number
84     default: 15
85   N1000vSyncInterval:
86     type: number
87     default: 300
88   N1000vMaxVSMRetries:
89     type: number
90     default: 2
92 resources:
93   CiscoN1kvConfig:
94     type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
95     properties:
96       group: os-apply-config
97       config:
98         hiera:
99           datafiles:
100             cisco_n1kv_data:
101               mapped_data:
102                 #enable_cisco_n1kv: {get_input: EnableCiscoN1kv}
103                 # VEM Parameters
104                 n1kv_vem_source: {get_input: n1kv_vem_source}
105                 n1kv_vem_version: {get_input: n1kv_vem_version}
106                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::n1kv_vsm_ip: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_ip}
107                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::n1kv_vsm_domain_id: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_domain_id}
108                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::n1kv_vsm_ip_v6: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_ip_v6}
109                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::host_mgmt_intf: {get_input: n1kv_vem_host_mgmt_intf}
110                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::uplink_profile: {get_input: n1kv_vem_uplink_profile}
111                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::vtep_config: {get_input: n1kv_vem_vtep_config}
112                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::portdb: {get_input: n1kv_vem_portdb}
113                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::vteps_in_same_subnet: {get_input: n1kv_vem_vteps_in_same_subnet}
114                 neutron::agents::n1kv_vem::fastpath_flood: {get_input: n1kv_vem_fastpath_flood}
115                 #VSM Parameter
116                 n1kv_vsm_source: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_source}
117                 n1kv_vsm_version: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_version}
118                 n1k_vsm::phy_if_bridge: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_host_mgmt_intf}
119                 n1k_vsm::vsm_role: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_role}
120                 n1k_vsm::pacemaker_control: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_pacemaker_ctrl}
121                 n1k_vsm::existing_bridge: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_existing_br}
122                 n1k_vsm::vsm_admin_passwd: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_password}
123                 n1k_vsm::vsm_domain_id: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_domain_id}
124                 n1k_vsm::vsm_mgmt_ip: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_ip}
125                 n1k_vsm::vsm_mgmt_netmask: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_mgmt_netmask}
126                 n1k_vsm::vsm_mgmt_gateway: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_gateway_ip}
127                 n1k_vsm::phy_gateway: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_gateway_ip}
128                 # Cisco N1KV driver Parameters
129                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::n1kv_vsm_ip: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_ip}
130                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::n1kv_vsm_username: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_username}
131                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::n1kv_vsm_password: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_password}
132                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::poll_duration: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_poll_duration}
133                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::http_pool_size: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_http_pool_size}
134                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::http_timeout: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_http_timeout}
135                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::n1kv_vsm_sync_interval: {get_input: n1kv_vsm_sync_interval}
136                 neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus1000v::max_vsm_retries: {get_input: n1kv_max_vsm_retries}
138   CiscoN1kvDeployment:
139     type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
140     properties:
141       config: {get_resource: CiscoN1kvConfig}
142       server: {get_param: server}
143       input_values:
144         n1kv_vsm_ip: {get_param: N1000vVSMIP}
145         n1kv_vsm_domain_id: {get_param: N1000vVSMDomainID}
146         n1kv_vsm_ip_v6: {get_param: N1000vVSMIPV6}
147         n1kv_vem_host_mgmt_intf: {get_param: N1000vVEMHostMgmtIntf}
148         n1kv_vem_uplink_profile: {get_param: N1000vUplinkProfile}
149         n1kv_vem_vtep_config: {get_param: N1000vVtepConfig}
150         n1kv_vem_source: {get_param: N1000vVEMSource}
151         n1kv_vem_version: {get_param: N1000vVEMVersion}
152         n1kv_vem_portdb: {get_param: N1000vPortDB}
153         n1kv_vem_vteps_in_same_subnet: {get_param: N1000vVtepsInSameSub}
154         n1kv_vem_fastpath_flood: {get_param: N1000vVEMFastpathFlood}
155         n1kv_vsm_source: {get_param: N1000vVSMSource}
156         n1kv_vsm_version: {get_param: N1000vVSMVersion}
157         n1kv_vsm_host_mgmt_intf: {get_param: N1000vVSMHostMgmtIntf}
158         n1kv_vsm_role: {get_param: N1000vVSMRole}
159         n1kv_vsm_password: {get_param: N1000vVSMPassword}
160         n1kv_vsm_mgmt_netmask: {get_param: N1000vMgmtNetmask}
161         n1kv_vsm_gateway_ip: {get_param: N1000vMgmtGatewayIP}
162         n1kv_vsm_pacemaker_ctrl: {get_param: N1000vPacemakerControl}
163         n1kv_vsm_existing_br: {get_param: N1000vExistingBridge}
164         n1kv_vsm_username: {get_param: N1000vVSMUser}
165         n1kv_vsm_poll_duration: {get_param: N1000vPollDuration}
166         n1kv_vsm_http_pool_size: {get_param: N1000vHttpPoolSize}
167         n1kv_vsm_http_timeout: {get_param: N1000vHttpTimeout}
168         n1kv_vsm_sync_interval: {get_param: N1000vSyncInterval}
169         n1kv_max_vsm_retries: {get_param: N1000vMaxVSMRetries}
171 outputs:
172   deploy_stdout:
173     description: Deployment reference, used to trigger puppet apply on changes
174     value: {get_attr: [CiscoN1kvDeployment, deploy_stdout]}