arm-pod10: Increase MaaS deploy timeout
[pharos.git] / pdf / pod1.encrypted.yaml
1 ##############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation, Enea AB and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 #
7 ##############################################################################
8 ---
9 ### POD descriptor file ###
11 version: 1.0
13 details:
14   pod_owner: Lab Owner
15   contact:
16   lab: Linux Foundation
17   location: Portland, Oregon, USA
18   type: {production|development}
19   link:
21 jumphost:
22   name: pod1-jump
23   node:
24     # type can be virtual or baremetal
25     type: {baremetal|virtual}
26     vendor: supermicro
27     model: S2600JF
28     arch: {x86_64|aarch64}
29     cpus: 2
30     # add values based on CFLAGS in GCC
31     cpu_cflags: {broadwell|haswell|etc}
32     # physical cores, not including hyper-threads
33     cores: 10
34     memory: 32G
35   # disk list
36   disks:
37     # first disk
38     - name: {disk#number}
39       # volume
40       disk_capacity: {M|MB|G|GB|T|TB}
41       # several disk types possible
42       disk_type: {hdd|ssd|cdrom|tape}
43       # several interface types possible
44       disk_interface: {sata|sas|ssd|nvme|scsi|iscsi}
45       # define rotation speed of disk
46       disk_rotation: {5400|7200|10000|15000}
47     # second disk
48     - name: 'disk2'
49       disk_capacity: 2048G
50       disk_type: hdd
51       disk_interface: sas
52       disk_rotation: 15000
53   # operation system installed
54   os: ubuntu-14.04
55   remote_params: &remote_params
56     # hardware management tool
57     type: {ipmi|amt|libvirt}
58     # array of supported versions, mandatory for all but 'libvirt'
59     versions:
60       - 1.0
61       - 2.0
62     # sensitive data could be encrypted, see ../utils/README.eyaml.rst
63     user: >
65         DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAKn4rdxFJum3vgvpjT4c64gkXzbMog4LyrBb0
66         pHeASLqwiuJqCdELWl4e7d4SMp3QBzHqd6aGHJqywDt09L7axFaW9PmdUEVx
67         KxIZ8NUdDjl7HtuG8D9irU2n5VMHXVyDosMEZe9pRYhQTkuAggR7EDoDjdDj
68         0myGFy/UVH3/fxpdySWhyg9kqAYb1ReMgYBudVfm2gw4bjtjJviwASXi8hj6
69         8isdJPf25U6wrvbqQi5J5WVD4Q3PaGy8GACTZ8n+LFyPSwBl3QJ5jfMmzHmq
70         Po0cqa4MoKi3xQ8Y8z6DxhUrV0yoYWoHvIcpQBu3YCZVzpOqVPZwsapBl963
71         0d0kWzA8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBAoo59BSqp1DBCu05h+
72         /1BZgBDdOvlZ5JlDtpkh73ujYZXR]
73     pass: >
75         DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEA4pnLYg4U/39mKdytYH1CJYJuJ/qjNrS+KoON
76         oPU6G9lMJ5U5J7NUuGyBD7O1NTt8VBE+LaBEqmXK5/SQ6mAdns9qs5QLOVSm
77         r3WKroZdqH3hmW26LuPsXNUfTaCVNOqWPAf6U6Q1fHr1vi09n3mIV/Ph03Kv
78         /aNeeRsJbBPAtHgCL6aRs+4WoxxYS0eUAVCo4yPDiSN5UFmSg6O304NM2qzi
79         av2b/gmNFN8AxE5CVi+C/fVGBhdpwmmdC0KmtkY38pYa/hf8Pks4jsFtKNDw
80         3KW+pP+BTsgKs/o/WrwCFm4LIJj/E6Pf9qZ/mZ8bAxKlVf+gQj2bgxzT3aa1
81         hHhD0TA8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBAx3f5XDjWzYJA4Jn5H
82         KJOBgBDq/YBNdEeyT+dCuH59ZE6L]
83   remote_management:
84     <<: *remote_params
85     address:
86     # MAC address is mandatory for all BMC types but 'libvirt'
87     mac_address: "10:23:45:67:89:AC"
88   # physical interface list
89   interfaces:
90     # first interface
91     - name: {nic#number}
92       # ip address of nic
93       address:
94       mac_address: "10:23:45:67:89:AC"
95       # vlan tag, may have multiple tags
96       vlan: {native|1-4095}
97     # second interface
98     - name: 'nic2'
99       address:
100       mac_address: "10:23:45:67:89:5B"
101 nodes:
102   - name: pod1-node1
103     # for nodes in the same pod may have the same configuration
104     node: &nodeparas
105       type: baremetal
106       vendor: supermicro
107       model: S2600JF
108       arch: x86_64
109       cpus: 2
110       cpu_cflags: haswell
111       cores: 12
112       memory: 128G
113     # for nodes in the same pod may have the same configuration
114     disks: &disks
115       - name: 'disk1'
116         disk_capacity: 4906G
117         disk_type: hdd
118         disk_interface: sata
119         disk_rotation: 7200
120       - name: 'disk2'
121         disk_capacity: 2048G
122         disk_type: hdd
123         disk_interface: sas
124         disk_rotation: 15000
125       - name: 'disk3'
126         disk_capacity: 600G
127         disk_type: ssd
128         disk_interface: ssd
129         disk_rotation: 15000
130     remote_management:
131       <<: *remote_params
132       address:
133       mac_address: "10:20:22:67:89:A2"
134     interfaces:
135       - name: 'nic1'
136         speed: {1gb|10gb|25gb|40gb}
137         features: {dpdk|sriov}
138         address:
139         mac_address: "10:23:22:67:89:AC"
140         vlan: 201
141       - name: 'nic2'
142         speed: 1gb
143         features: ''
144         # sensitive data could be encrypted, see ../utils/README.eyaml.rst
145         address: >
147             DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggEAlOui3RhZJZsowEAzRgnLlbneCi7mtqAAXKGY
148             tP9kjfew7nXDWtDRlJrPk+cLmAzHotKYbMoDTr4LxwKatxG7rYTcalOhJvje
149             r3lkvMxHzgJtzoNP0fsl+ZaqfsHR87j8i/bJ3I7Rd+jxIVHRRQ0FDblhAltB
150             BGEwr7j8bgS1ekHTFzGPsR/wEJxB9ui5rS6nHxpLQrbcu/0AnLra71k1askw
151             r0xV3glINp9NdCO47uPTVLIR9aNPbtI6tSzapIwrhd1EWIY0CC1x+KFEVHG/
152             J9+lcu4EMzH29PKFIFci3qrR+mHGO7XsQfIcH49YJi8FxM6LT8NHfWka2i/W
153             PjGIQjA8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHQYJYIZIAWUDBAEqBBCbj3JraYjos/V6WeKv
154             YAOzgBAnn2fbh9w/TBSSwXZQux2d]
155         mac_address: "10:23:22:67:89:5B"
156         vlan: 202
157       - name: 'nic3'
158         speed: 10gb
159         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
160         mac_address: "00:1b:21:22:f1:b4"
161         vlan: 203
162       - name: 'nic4'
163         speed: 10gb
164         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
165         mac_address: "00:1b:21:22:f1:b5"
166         vlan: 204
167   - name: pod1-node2
168     node: *nodeparas
169     # disks are same as pod1-node1
170     disks: *disks
171     remote_management:
172       <<: *remote_params
173       address:
174       mac_address: "10:20:22:67:88:A3"
175     interfaces:
176       - name: 'nic1'
177         speed: 1gb
178         features: ''
179         address:
180         mac_address: "10:23:22:67:88:AC"
181         vlan: 201
182       - name: 'nic2'
183         speed: 1gb
184         features: ''
185         address:
186         mac_address: "10:23:22:67:88:5B"
187         vlan: 202
188       - name: 'nic3'
189         speed: 10gb
190         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
191         mac_address: "00:1b:21:22:f8:b4"
192         vlan: 203
193       - name: 'nic4'
194         speed: 10gb
195         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
196         mac_address: "00:1b:21:22:f8:b5"
197   - name: pod1-node3
198     node: *nodeparas
199     # disks are same as pod1-node1
200     disks: *disks
201     remote_management:
202       <<: *remote_params
203       address:
204       mac_address: "10:30:22:67:88:A3"
205     interfaces:
206       - name: 'nic1'
207         speed: 1gb
208         features: ''
209         address:
210         mac_address: "10:33:22:67:88:AC"
211         vlan: 201
212       - name: 'nic2'
213         speed: 1gb
214         features: ''
215         address:
216         mac_address: "10:33:22:67:88:5B"
217         vlan: 202
218       - name: 'nic3'
219         speed: 10gb
220         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
221         mac_address: "00:3b:21:22:f8:b4"
222         vlan: 203
223       - name: 'nic4'
224         speed: 10gb
225         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
226         mac_address: "00:3b:21:22:f8:b5"
227   - name: pod1-node4
228     node: *nodeparas
229     # disks are same as pod1-node1
230     disks: *disks
231     remote_management:
232       <<: *remote_params
233       address:
234       mac_address: "10:40:22:67:88:A3"
235     interfaces:
236       - name: 'nic1'
237         speed: 1gb
238         features: ''
239         address:
240         mac_address: "10:43:22:67:88:AC"
241         vlan: 201
242       - name: 'nic2'
243         speed: 1gb
244         features: ''
245         address:
246         mac_address: "10:43:22:67:88:5B"
247         vlan: 202
248       - name: 'nic3'
249         speed: 10gb
250         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
251         mac_address: "00:4b:21:22:f8:b4"
252         vlan: 203
253       - name: 'nic4'
254         speed: 10gb
255         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
256         mac_address: "00:4b:21:22:f8:b5"
257   - name: pod1-node5
258     node: *nodeparas
259     # disks are same as pod1-node1
260     disks: *disks
261     remote_management:
262       <<: *remote_params
263       address:
264       mac_address: "10:50:22:67:88:A3"
265     interfaces:
266       - name: 'nic1'
267         speed: 1gb
268         features: ''
269         address:
270         mac_address: "10:53:22:67:88:AC"
271         vlan: 201
272       - name: 'nic2'
273         speed: 1gb
274         features: ''
275         address:
276         mac_address: "10:53:22:67:88:5B"
277         vlan: 202
278       - name: 'nic3'
279         speed: 10gb
280         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
281         mac_address: "00:5b:21:22:f8:b4"
282         vlan: 203
283       - name: 'nic4'
284         speed: 10gb
285         features: 'dpdk|sriov'
286         mac_address: "00:5b:21:22:f8:b5"