1 Description: Nova API,Keystone,Heat Engine and API,Glance,Neutron,Dedicated MySQL
2 server,Dedicated RabbitMQ Server,Group of Nova Computes
3 HeatTemplateFormatVersion: '2012-12-12'
7 Description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc.
12 Description: The keystone auth secret.
17 Description: The password for the cinder service account, used by cinder-api.
22 Description: The iSCSI helper to use with cinder.
24 CinderLVMLoopDeviceSize:
26 Description: The size of the loopback file used by the cinder LVM driver.
31 Additional configuration to inject into the cluster. The JSON should have
32 the following structure:
35 [{"section": "SECTIONNAME",
37 [{"option": "OPTIONNAME",
48 [{"section": "default",
50 [{"option": "compute_manager",
51 "value": "ironic.nova.compute.manager.ClusterComputeManager"
58 "value": "nova.cells.rpc_driver.CellsRPCDriver"
66 OvercloudControlFlavor:
68 Description: Flavor for control nodes to request when deploying.
70 OvercloudComputeFlavor:
72 Description: Flavor for compute nodes to request when deploying.
76 Description: Glance port.
80 Description: Protocol to use when connecting to glance, set to https for SSL.
84 Description: The password for the glance service account, used by the glance services.
87 GlanceNotifierStrategy:
88 Description: Strategy to use for Glance notification queue
92 Description: The filepath of the file to use for logging messages from Glance.
97 Description: The password for the Heat service account, used by the Heat services.
102 Description: What policy to use when reconstructing instances. REBUILD for rebuilds, REBUILD_PRESERVE_EPHEMERAL to preserve /mnt.
106 Description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances
108 NeutronBridgeMappings:
109 Description: The OVS logical->physical bridge mappings to use.
114 Description: The password for the neutron service account, used by neutron agents.
117 CeilometerComputeAgent:
118 Description: Indicates whether the Compute agent is present and expects nova-compute to be configured accordingly
121 AllowedValues: ['', Present]
122 CeilometerMeteringSecret:
124 Description: Secret shared by the ceilometer services.
129 Description: The password for the ceilometer service account.
132 SnmpdReadonlyUserName:
133 Default: ro_snmp_user
134 Description: The user name for SNMPd with readonly rights running on all Overcloud nodes
136 SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword:
138 Description: The user password for SNMPd with readonly rights running on all Overcloud nodes
143 Description: The DNS name of this cloud. E.g. ci-overcloud.tripleo.org
146 Default: libvirt.LibvirtDriver
148 NovaComputeLibvirtType:
153 Default: overcloud-compute
156 Description: The password for the nova service account, used by nova-api.
162 Description: If set, flat networks to configure in neutron plugins.
163 HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge:
165 Description: An OVS bridge to create on each hypervisor.
167 HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface:
169 Description: What interface to add to the HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge.
171 NeutronPublicInterface:
173 Description: What interface to bridge onto br-ex for network nodes.
175 NeutronPublicInterfaceDefaultRoute:
177 Description: A custom default route for the NeutronPublicInterface.
179 NeutronPublicInterfaceIP:
181 Description: A custom IP address to put onto the NeutronPublicInterface.
183 NeutronPublicInterfaceRawDevice:
185 Description: If set, the public interface is a vlan with this device as the raw device.
187 NeutronControlPlaneID:
190 Description: Neutron ID for ctlplane network.
191 NeutronDnsmasqOptions:
192 Default: 'dhcp-option-force=26,1400'
193 Description: Dnsmasq options for neutron-dhcp-agent. The default value here forces MTU to be set to 1400 to account for the gre tunnel overhead.
197 Default: overcloud-control
203 Description: The username for RabbitMQ
207 Description: The password for RabbitMQ
213 Description: Salt for the rabbit cookie, change this to force the randomly generated rabbit cookie to change.
214 HeatStackDomainAdminPassword:
215 Description: Password for heat_domain_admin user.
221 Description: The live-update username for the undercloud Glance API.
223 LiveUpdateTenantName:
225 Description: The live-update tenant name for the undercloud Glance API.
229 Description: The IP address for the undercloud Glance API.
234 Description: The live-update password for the undercloud Glance API.
236 LiveUpdateComputeImage:
238 Description: The image ID for live-updates to the overcloud compute nodes.
240 MysqlInnodbBufferPoolSize:
242 Specifies the size of the buffer pool in megabytes. Setting to
243 zero should be interpreted as "no value" and will defer to the
247 ControlVirtualInterface:
249 Description: Interface where virtual ip will be assigned.
253 Description: Should be used for arbitrary ips.
255 PublicVirtualFixedIPs:
258 Control the IP allocation for the PublicVirtualInterface port. E.g.
259 [{'ip_address':''}]
261 PublicVirtualInterface:
264 Specifies the interface where the public-facing virtual ip will be assigned.
265 This should be int_public when a VLAN is being used.
267 PublicVirtualNetwork:
271 Neutron network to allocate public virtual IP port on.
272 KeystoneCACertificate:
274 Description: Keystone self-signed certificate authority certificate.
276 KeystoneSigningCertificate:
278 Description: Keystone certificate for verifying token validity.
282 Description: Keystone key for signing tokens.
287 Type: OS::Neutron::Port
289 name: control_virtual_ip
290 network_id: {Ref: NeutronControlPlaneID}
293 MysqlClusterUniquePart:
294 Type: OS::Heat::RandomString
298 Type: OS::Neutron::Port
300 name: public_virtual_ip
301 network: {Ref: PublicVirtualNetwork}
303 Ref: PublicVirtualFixedIPs
305 Type: OS::Heat::RandomString
309 Ref: RabbitCookieSalt
312 Path: nova-compute-instance.yaml
313 SubKey: Resources.NovaCompute0Deploy
315 NovaApiHost: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
316 KeystoneHost: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
317 NeutronHost: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
318 GlanceHost: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
319 NovaDSN: {"Fn::Join": ['', ['mysql://nova:unset@', {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}, '/nova']]}
320 CeilometerDSN: {"Fn::Join": ['', ['mysql://ceilometer:unset@', {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}, '/ceilometer']]}
321 NeutronDSN: {"Fn::Join": ['', ['mysql://neutron:unset@', {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}, '/ovs_neutron']]}
322 NeutronNetworkType: "gre"
323 NeutronEnableTunnelling: "True"
325 Ref: NeutronFlatNetworks
326 NeutronNetworkVLANRanges: ""
327 NeutronPhysicalBridge:
328 Ref: HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge
329 NeutronPublicInterface:
330 Ref: HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface
331 NeutronBridgeMappings:
332 Ref: NeutronBridgeMappings
333 NovaCompute0AllNodes:
335 Path: nova-compute-instance.yaml
336 SubKey: Resources.NovaCompute0AllNodesDeploy
338 AllNodesConfig: {Ref: allNodesConfig}
339 NovaCompute0Passthrough:
341 Path: nova-compute-instance.yaml
342 SubKey: Resources.NovaCompute0Passthrough
344 passthrough_config: {Ref: ExtraConfig}
347 Path: nova-compute-instance.yaml
348 SubKey: Resources.NovaCompute0
350 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
352 group: os-apply-config
360 Ref: NeutronPublicInterfaceIP
374 nodeid: {get_input: bootstack_nodeid}
376 db: mysql://cinder:unset@localhost/cinder
378 Ref: CinderLVMLoopDeviceSize
382 Ref: CinderISCSIHelper
384 get_input: controller_host
386 bindnetaddr: {get_input: controller_host}
391 ip: {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] }
393 stonith_enabled : false
395 quorum_policy : ignore
399 host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip}
401 db: mysql://glance:unset@localhost/glance
403 get_input: controller_virtual_ip
410 swift-store-user: service:glance
414 Ref: GlanceNotifierStrategy
420 admin_tenant_name: service
422 auth_encryption_key: unset___________
423 db: mysql://heat:unset@localhost/heat
424 stack_domain_admin_password: {Ref: HeatStackDomainAdminPassword}
425 watch_server_url: {get_input: heat.watch_server_url}
426 metadata_server_url: {get_input: heat.metadata_server_url}
427 waitcondition_server_url: {get_input: heat.waitcondition_server_url}
434 {"Fn::Select": [ name, {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, show]} ] }
436 db: mysql://keystone:unset@localhost/keystone
438 get_input: controller_virtual_ip
439 ca_certificate: {Ref: KeystoneCACertificate}
440 signing_key: {Ref: KeystoneSigningKey}
441 signing_certificate: {Ref: KeystoneSigningCertificate}
443 innodb_buffer_pool_size: {Ref: MysqlInnodbBufferPoolSize}
447 ip: {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] }
452 - {Ref: MysqlClusterUniquePart}
454 flat-networks: {Ref: NeutronFlatNetworks}
455 host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip}
456 metadata_proxy_shared_secret: unset
458 enable_tunneling: 'True'
460 get_input: controller_host
461 bridge_mappings: {Ref: NeutronBridgeMappings}
463 Ref: NeutronPublicInterface
464 public_interface_raw_device:
465 Ref: NeutronPublicInterfaceRawDevice
466 public_interface_route:
467 Ref: NeutronPublicInterfaceDefaultRoute
468 physical_bridge: br-ex
469 tenant_network_type: gre
470 ovs_db: mysql://neutron:unset@localhost/ovs_neutron?charset=utf8
474 Ref: NeutronDnsmasqOptions
476 db: mysql://ceilometer:unset@localhost/ceilometer
477 metering_secret: {Ref: CeilometerMeteringSecret}
479 Ref: CeilometerPassword
481 export_MIB: UCD-SNMP-MIB
483 Ref: SnmpdReadonlyUserName
484 readonly_user_password:
485 Ref: SnmpdReadonlyUserPassword
487 compute_driver: libvirt.LibvirtDriver
488 db: mysql://nova:unset@localhost/nova
489 default_floating_pool:
491 host: {get_input: controller_virtual_ip}
506 - {server: {Ref: NtpServer}, fudge: "stratum 0"}
509 - vrrp_instance_name: VI_CONTROL
510 virtual_router_id: 51
512 Ref: ControlVirtualInterface
515 - ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
517 Ref: ControlVirtualInterface
518 - vrrp_instance_name: VI_PUBLIC
519 virtual_router_id: 52
521 Ref: PublicVirtualInterface
524 - ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [PublicVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
526 Ref: PublicVirtualInterface
534 Ref: PublicVirtualInterface
538 ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
540 Ref: ControlVirtualInterface
542 ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [PublicVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
544 Ref: PublicVirtualInterface
549 ip: {"Fn::Select": [ 0, {"Fn::Select": [ "ctlplane", {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, networks]} ]} ] }
550 name: {"Fn::Select": [ name, {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, show]} ] }
552 - ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
554 - name: keystone_admin
556 net_binds: &public_binds
557 - ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
558 - ip: {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [PublicVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
559 - name: keystone_public
561 net_binds: *public_binds
564 net_binds: *public_binds
567 net_binds: *public_binds
570 net_binds: *public_binds
573 net_binds: *public_binds
574 - name: glance_registry
576 net_binds: *public_binds
579 net_binds: *public_binds
580 - name: heat_cloudwatch
582 net_binds: *public_binds
585 net_binds: *public_binds
590 net_binds: *public_binds
591 - name: nova_metadata
593 net_binds: *public_binds
596 net_binds: *public_binds
597 - name: swift_proxy_server
599 net_binds: *public_binds
600 controllerPassthrough:
601 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
603 group: os-apply-config
604 config: {get_input: passthrough_config}
606 Type: OS::Nova::Server
611 Ref: ImageUpdatePolicy
613 Ref: OvercloudControlFlavor
618 user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG
620 DependsOn: [controller0Deployment,controller0SSLDeployment,controller0Swift,controller0Passthrough]
621 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
623 config: {Ref: allNodesConfig}
624 server: {Ref: controller0}
625 controller0Deployment:
626 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
628 signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL
629 config: {Ref: controllerConfig}
630 server: {Ref: controller0}
646 controller_virtual_ip:
647 {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
648 heat.watch_server_url:
652 - {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
654 heat.metadata_server_url:
658 - {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
660 heat.waitcondition_server_url:
664 - {'Fn::Select': [ip_address, 'Fn::Select': [0, 'Fn::GetAtt': [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips]]]}
665 - ':8000/v1/waitcondition'
667 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredConfig
670 completion-signal: {get_input: deploy_signal_id}
733 {"Fn::Select": [ name, {"Fn::GetAtt": [controller0, show]} ] }
734 controller0SSLDeployment:
735 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
737 config: {Ref: SSLConfig}
738 server: {Ref: controller0}
739 signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL
749 ssl_certificate: {Ref: SSLCertificate}
750 ssl_key: {Ref: SSLKey}
751 ssl_ca_certificate: {Ref: SSLCACertificate}
752 controller0Passthrough:
753 Type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment
755 config: {Ref: controllerPassthrough}
756 server: {Ref: controller0}
757 signal_transport: NO_SIGNAL
759 passthrough_config: {Ref: ExtraConfig}
762 Description: URL for the Overcloud Keystone service