ha, noha: Fix Horizon stale cache after install
[fuel.git] / mcp / reclass / classes / cluster / mcp-common-ha / openstack_compute.yml
1 ##############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 ##############################################################################
8 ---
9 classes:
10   - system.glusterfs.client.cluster
11   - system.nova.compute.cluster
12   - system.nova.compute.nfv.hugepages
13   - system.neutron.gateway.cluster
14   - system.cinder.volume.single
15   - system.cinder.volume.backend.lvm
16   - system.ceilometer.agent.cluster
17   - system.ceilometer.agent.polling.default
18   - service.barbican.client.cluster
19   - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.backports
20   - cluster.mcp-common-ha.glusterfs_repo
21   - cluster.mcp-common-ha.openstack_compute_pdf
22   - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.opnfv.maas_proxy
23   - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.opnfv.lab_proxy_pdf
24 parameters:
25   _param:
26     cluster_vip_address: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
27     cluster_local_address: ${_param:single_address}
28     cluster_node01_hostname: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_hostname}
29     cluster_node01_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_address}
30     cluster_node02_hostname: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_hostname}
31     cluster_node02_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
32     cluster_node03_hostname: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_hostname}
33     cluster_node03_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
34     nova_vncproxy_url: https://${_param:cluster_public_host}:6080
35     keepalived_vip_interface: br-ctl
36     keepalived_vip_virtual_router_id: 69
37     linux_system_codename: bionic
38   glusterfs:
39     client:
40       volumes:
41         nova_instances:
42           path: /var/lib/nova/instances
43           server: ${_param:glusterfs_service_host}
44           # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
45           opts: "defaults,backup-volfile-servers=${_param:cluster_node01_address}:${_param:cluster_node02_address}:${_param:cluster_node03_address}"
46   cinder:
47     volume:
48       my_ip: ${_param:single_address}
49       backend:
50         lvm-driver:
51           # Align system.cinder.volume.backend.lvm and MaaS data
52           volume_group: ${linux:storage:lvm:cinder-vg:name}
53       database:
54         connection_recycle_time: ${_param:db_connection_recycle_time}
55       barbican:
56         enabled: ${_param:barbican_integration_enabled}
57       pkgs:
58         - cinder-volume
59       openiscsi_services:
60         - tgt
61         - iscsid
62   linux:
63     storage:
64       lvm:
65         # Align with both system.cinder.volume.backend.lvm and MaaS data
66         cinder-vg:
67           name: vgroot
68     system:
69       kernel:
70         sysctl:
71           vm.dirty_ratio: 10
72           vm.dirty_background_ratio: 5
73         boot_options:
74           - spectre_v2=off
75           - nopti
76           - nospec_store_bypass_disable
77           - noibrs
78           - noibpb
79   neutron:
80     gateway:
81       vlan_aware_vms: true
82       root_helper_daemon: false
83       dhcp_lease_duration: 3600
84       report_interval: 120
85   nova:
86     compute:
87       libvirt_service: libvirtd
88       libvirt_bin: /etc/default/libvirtd
89       disk_cachemodes: file=directsync,block=none
90       preallocate_images: space
91       heal_instance_info_cache_interval: 300
92       barbican:
93         enabled: ${_param:barbican_integration_enabled}
94       image:
95         verify_glance_signatures: false
96       pkgs:
97         - nova-compute
98         - python3-novaclient
99         - pm-utils
100         - sysfsutils