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[fuel.git] / mcp / reclass / classes / cluster / baremetal-mcp-pike-common-ha / openstack_control.yml
1 ##############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2017 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 #
7 ##############################################################################
8 ---
9 classes:
10   - system.linux.system.repo.glusterfs
11   - system.ceilometer.client
12   - system.memcached.server.single
13   - system.keystone.server.cluster
14   - system.keystone.server.wsgi
15   - system.glance.control.cluster
16   - system.nova.control.cluster
17   - system.cinder.control.cluster
18   - system.cinder.control.backend.lvm
19   - system.heat.server.cluster
20   - system.designate.server.cluster
21   - system.designate.server.backend.bind
22   - system.bind.server.single
23   - system.haproxy.proxy.listen.openstack.nova-placement
24   - system.haproxy.proxy.listen.openstack.glare
25   - system.glusterfs.client.cluster
26   - system.glusterfs.client.volume.glance
27   - system.glusterfs.client.volume.keystone
28 parameters:
29   _param:
30     keepalived_vip_interface: ${_param:single_nic}
31     keepalived_vip_virtual_router_id: 50
32     cluster_vip_address: ${_param:openstack_control_address}
33     cluster_local_address: ${_param:single_address}
34     cluster_node01_hostname: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_hostname}
35     cluster_node01_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node01_address}
36     cluster_node02_hostname: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_hostname}
37     cluster_node02_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
38     cluster_node03_hostname: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_hostname}
39     cluster_node03_address: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
40     nova_vncproxy_url: https://${_param:cluster_public_host}:6080
41     glusterfs_version: '3.13'
42     dhcp_nic: ${_param:opnfv_vcp_vm_primary_interface}
43     single_nic: ${_param:opnfv_vcp_vm_secondary_interface}
44   linux:
45     network:
46       interface:
47         dhcp: ${_param:linux_dhcp_interface}
48         single: ${_param:linux_single_interface}
49   nova:
50     controller:
51       pkgs:
52         - nova-api
53         - nova-conductor
54         - nova-consoleauth
55         - nova-novncproxy
56         - nova-scheduler
57         - python-novaclient
58   neutron:
59     server:
60       vlan_aware_vms: true
61   keystone:
62     server:
63       cacert: /etc/ssl/certs/mcp_os_cacert
64   bind:
65     server:
66       control:
67         mgmt:
68           enabled: true
69           bind:
70             address: ${_param:single_address}
71             port: 953
72           allow:
73             - ${_param:openstack_control_node01_address}
74             - ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
75             - ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
76           keys:
77             - designate
78   designate:
79     server:
80       pools:
81         default:
82           description: 'test pool'
83           targets:
84             default:
85               description: 'test target1'
86             default1:
87               type: ${_param:designate_pool_target_type}
88               description: 'test target2'
89               masters: ${_param:designate_pool_target_masters}
90               options:
91                 host: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
92                 port: 53
93                 rndc_host: ${_param:openstack_control_node02_address}
94                 rndc_port: 953
95                 rndc_key_file: /etc/designate/rndc.key
96             default2:
97               type: ${_param:designate_pool_target_type}
98               description: 'test target3'
99               masters: ${_param:designate_pool_target_masters}
100               options:
101                 host: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
102                 port: 53
103                 rndc_host: ${_param:openstack_control_node03_address}
104                 rndc_port: 953
105                 rndc_key_file: /etc/designate/rndc.key