[baremetal] Re-assign mgmt network to proxy nodes
[fuel.git] / mcp / reclass / classes / cluster / baremetal-mcp-ocata-common / openstack_proxy.yml
1 ##############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2017 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 ##############################################################################
8 ---
9 classes:
10   - system.linux.system.repo.mcp.openstack
11   - system.linux.system.repo.mcp.extra
12   - system.nginx.server.single
13   - system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack_api
14   - system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack_vnc
15   - system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack_web
16   - system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack.aodh
17   - system.nginx.server.proxy.openstack.ceilometer
18   - system.horizon.server.single
19   - system.apache.server.single
20   - system.salt.minion.cert.proxy
21   - system.sphinx.server.doc.reclass
22   - service.keepalived.cluster.single
23 parameters:
24   _param:
25     keepalived_vip_interface: ${_param:single_nic}
26     keepalived_vip_virtual_router_id: 240
27     nginx_proxy_ssl:
28       enabled: true
29       authority: ${_param:salt_minion_ca_authority}
30       engine: salt
31       mode: secure
32     cluster_vip_address: ${_param:openstack_proxy_address}
33     salt_minion_ca_host: cfg01.${_param:cluster_domain}
34     dhcp_nic: ${_param:opnfv_vcp_vm_primary_interface}
35     single_nic: ${_param:opnfv_vcp_vm_secondary_interface}
36     control_nic: ${_param:opnfv_vcp_vm_tertiary_interface}
37   linux:
38     network:
39       interface:
40         dhcp: ${_param:linux_dhcp_interface}
41         single: ${_param:linux_single_interface}
42         control:
43           enabled: true
44           type: eth
45           proto: static
46           name: ${_param:control_nic}
47           address: ${_param:control_address}
48           netmask:
49     system:
50       package:
51         libapache2-mod-wsgi:
52           version: latest
53   salt:
54     minion:
55       cert:
56         proxy:
57           alternative_names: "IP:${_param:openstack_proxy_address}"
58           key_usage: 'digitalSignature, keyEncipherment'
59   apache:
60     server:
61       modules: ''
62   horizon:
63     server:
64       bind:
65         address: localhost