Merge "[INFO] Add Cristina as committer"
[fuel.git] / mcp / reclass / classes / cluster / all-mcp-arch-common / infra / maas.yml.j2
1 ##############################################################################
2 # Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
3 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 #
7 ##############################################################################
8 {%- import 'net_map.j2' as nm with context %}
9 ---
10 # NOTE: pod_config is generated and transferred into its final location on
11 # cfg01 only during deployment to prevent leaking sensitive data
12 classes:
13   - system.linux.system.single.simple
14   - system.maas.region.single
15   - service.maas.cluster.single
16   - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.opnfv.lab_proxy_pdf
17   - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.opnfv.pod_config
18 parameters:
19   _param:
20     mcpcontrol_interface: ${_param:opnfv_fn_vm_primary_interface}
21     primary_interface: ${_param:opnfv_fn_vm_secondary_interface}
22     pxe_admin_interface: ${_param:opnfv_fn_vm_tertiary_interface}
23     interface_mtu: 1500
24     # MaaS has issues using MTU > 1500 for PXE interface
25     pxe_admin_interface_mtu: 1500
26     linux_system_codename: xenial
27     maas_admin_username: opnfv
28     dns_server01: '{{ nm.dns_public[0] }}'
29     pxe_admin_address: ${_param:infra_maas_node01_deploy_address}
30     single_address: ${_param:pxe_admin_address}
31     hwe_kernel: 'hwe-16.04'
32     opnfv_maas_timeout_comissioning: {{ nm.maas_timeout_comissioning }}
33     opnfv_maas_timeout_deploying: {{ nm.maas_timeout_deploying }}
34   maas:
35     region:
36       boot_sources_delete_all_others: true
37       boot_sources:
38         resources_mirror:
39           url:
40           keyring_file: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
41       boot_sources_selections:
42         xenial:
43           url: ""
44           os: "ubuntu"
45           release: "${_param:linux_system_codename}"
46           arches:
47 {%- for arch in nm.cluster.arch %}
48             - "{{ arch | dpkg_arch }}"
49 {%- endfor %}
50           subarches:
51             - "generic"
52             - "ga-16.04"
53             - "hwe-16.04"
54           labels: '"*"'
55       fabrics:
56         pxe_admin:
57           name: 'pxe_admin'
58           description: Fabric for PXE/admin
59           vlans:
60             0:
61               name: 'vlan 0'
62               description: PXE/admin VLAN
63               dhcp: true
64               primary_rack: "${linux:network:hostname}"
65       subnets:
66         {{ nm.net_admin }}:
67           name: {{ nm.net_admin }}
68           cidr: {{ nm.net_admin }}
69           gateway_ip: ${_param:single_address}
70           fabric: ${maas:region:fabrics:pxe_admin:name}
71           vlan: 0
72           ipranges:
73             1:
74               start: {{ nm.net_admin_pool_start }}
75               end: {{ nm.net_admin_pool_end }}
76               type: dynamic
77       sshprefs:
78         - '{{ conf.MAAS_SSH_KEY }}'
79 {%- if 'aarch64' in nm.cluster.arch %}
80       package_repositories:
81         armband:
82           name: armband
83           enabled: '1'
84           url: '${_param:openstack_version}/${_param:linux_system_codename}'
85           distributions: '${_param:openstack_version}-armband'
86           components: 'main'
87           arches: 'arm64'
88           key: ${_param:armband_key}
89 {%- endif %}
90       salt_master_ip: ${_param:reclass_config_master}
91       domain: ${_param:cluster_domain}
92       ~maas_config:
93         maas_name: mas01
94         active_discovery_interval: 600
95         ntp_external_only: true
96         upstream_dns: ${_param:dns_server01}
97         commissioning_distro_series: 'xenial'
98         default_distro_series: 'xenial'
99         default_osystem: 'ubuntu'
100         default_storage_layout: 'lvm'
101         enable_http_proxy: true
102         disk_erase_with_secure_erase: false
103         dnssec_validation: 'no'
104         enable_third_party_drivers: true
105         network_discovery: 'enabled'
106         default_min_hwe_kernel: ${_param:hwe_kernel}
107     cluster:
108       saltstack_repo_xenial: "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main"
109   linux:
110     system:
111       kernel:
112         ~boot_options:
113           - ipv6.disable=0
114     network:
115       interface:
116         mcpcontrol_interface:
117           enabled: true
118           name: ${_param:mcpcontrol_interface}
119           type: eth
120           proto: dhcp
121         primary_interface:
122           enabled: true
123           name: ${_param:primary_interface}
124           type: eth
125 {%- if conf.idf.fuel.jumphost.get('trunks', {}).get('mgmt', False) and (nm.vlan_mgmt | int > 0) %}
126           proto: manual
127           mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
128         primary_interface_vlan:
129           enabled: true
130           type: vlan
131           name: ${_param:primary_interface}.{{ nm.vlan_mgmt }}
132           use_interfaces:
133             - ${_param:primary_interface}
134 {%- endif %}
135           proto: static
136           mtu: ${_param:interface_mtu}
137           address: ${_param:infra_maas_node01_address}
138           netmask: ${_param:opnfv_net_mgmt_mask}
139         pxe_admin_interface:
140           enabled: true
141           name: ${_param:pxe_admin_interface}
142           mtu: ${_param:pxe_admin_interface_mtu}
143           proto: static
144           address: ${_param:single_address}
145           netmask: ${_param:opnfv_net_admin_mask}
146           type: eth