jjb: infra: Trigger the Jenkins jobs when the jobs themselves change
[releng.git] / jjb / infra / bifrost-verify-jobs.yml
1 - project:
2     name: 'openstack-bifrost-verify'
3 #--------------------------------
4 # branches
5 #--------------------------------
6     stream:
7         - master:
8             branch: '{stream}'
9 #--------------------------------
10 # projects
11 #--------------------------------
12     project:
13         - 'openstack':
14             project-repo: 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack/bifrost'
15             clone-location: '/opt/bifrost'
16         - 'opnfv':
17             project-repo: 'https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/releng'
18             clone-location: '/opt/releng'
19 #--------------------------------
20 # distros
21 #--------------------------------
22     distro:
23         - 'trusty':
24             disabled: false
25             dib-os-release: 'trusty'
26             dib-os-element: 'ubuntu-minimal'
27             dib-os-packages: 'openssh-server,vlan,vim,less,bridge-utils,language-pack-en,iputils-ping,rsyslog,curl'
28         - 'centos7':
29             disabled: false
30             dib-os-release: '7'
31             dib-os-element: 'centos-minimal'
32             dib-os-packages: 'openssh-server,vim,less,bridge-utils,iputils,rsyslog,curl'
33         - 'suse':
34             disabled: true
35             dib-os-release: 'suse'
36             dib-os-element: 'suse'
37             dib-os-packages: ''
38 #--------------------------------
39 # type
40 #--------------------------------
41     type:
42         - virtual
43 #--------------------------------
44 # jobs
45 #--------------------------------
46     jobs:
47         - '{project}-bifrost-verify-{distro}-{type}-{stream}'
48 #--------------------------------
49 # job templates
50 #--------------------------------
51 - job-template:
52     name: '{project}-bifrost-verify-{distro}-{type}-{stream}'
54     disabled: '{obj:disabled}'
56     concurrent: false
58     properties:
59         - build-blocker:
60             use-build-blocker: true
61             blocking-jobs:
62                 - '.*-bifrost-verify.*-{type}'
63             block-level: 'NODE'
65     parameters:
66         - string:
67             name: PROJECT
68             default: '{project}'
69         - string:
70             name: PROJECT_REPO
71             default: '{project-repo}'
72         - string:
73             name: CLONE_LOCATION
74             default: '{clone-location}'
75         - string:
76             name: DISTRO
77             default: '{distro}'
78         - string:
79             name: DIB_OS_RELEASE
80             default: '{dib-os-release}'
81         - string:
82             name: DIB_OS_ELEMENT
83             default: '{dib-os-element}'
84         - string:
85             name: DIB_OS_PACKAGES
86             default: '{dib-os-packages}'
87         - string:
88             name: CLEAN_DIB_IMAGES
89             default: 'true'
90         - label:
91             name: SLAVE_LABEL
92             default: 'infra-{type}-{distro}'
94     scm:
95         - git:
96             url: '$PROJECT_REPO'
97             refspec: '$GERRIT_REFSPEC'
98             branches:
99                 - 'origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH'
100             skip-tag: true
101             choosing-strategy: 'gerrit'
102             timeout: 10
103             wipe-workspace: true
105     triggers:
106         - '{project}-gerrit-trigger':
107             branch: '{branch}'
109     builders:
110         - description-setter:
111             description: "Built on $NODE_NAME"
112         - shell:
113             !include-raw-escape: ./bifrost-verify.sh
115     publishers:
116         - email:
117             recipients: fatih.degirmenci@ericsson.com yroblamo@redhat.com mchandras@suse.de jack.morgan@intel.com zhang.jun3g@zte.com.cn
118 #--------------------------------
119 # trigger macros
120 #--------------------------------
121 - trigger:
122     name: 'openstack-gerrit-trigger'
123     triggers:
124         - gerrit:
125             server-name: 'review.openstack.org'
126             silent-start: true
127             skip-vote:
128                 successful: true
129                 failed: true
130                 unstable: true
131                 notbuilt: true
132             escape-quotes: true
133             trigger-on:
134                 - patchset-created-event:
135                     exclude-drafts: 'false'
136                     exclude-trivial-rebase: 'false'
137                     exclude-no-code-change: 'false'
138                 - comment-added-contains-event:
139                     comment-contains-value: 'recheck'
140             projects:
141               - project-compare-type: 'PLAIN'
142                 project-pattern: 'openstack/bifrost'
143                 branches:
144                   - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
145                     branch-pattern: '**/{branch}'
146                 forbidden-file-paths:
147                   - compare-type: ANT
148                     pattern: 'doc/**'
149                   - compare-type: ANT
150                     pattern: 'releasenotes/**'
151             readable-message: true
152 - trigger:
153     name: 'opnfv-gerrit-trigger'
154     triggers:
155         - gerrit:
156             server-name: 'gerrit.opnfv.org'
157             trigger-on:
158                 - patchset-created-event:
159                     exclude-drafts: 'false'
160                     exclude-trivial-rebase: 'false'
161                     exclude-no-code-change: 'false'
162                 - draft-published-event
163                 - comment-added-contains-event:
164                     comment-contains-value: 'recheck'
165                 - comment-added-contains-event:
166                     comment-contains-value: 'reverify'
167             projects:
168               - project-compare-type: 'ANT'
169                 project-pattern: 'releng'
170                 branches:
171                   - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
172                     branch-pattern: '**/{branch}'
173                 file-paths:
174                   - compare-type: ANT
175                     pattern: 'prototypes/bifrost/**'
176                   - compare-type: ANT
177                     pattern: 'jjb/infra/**'
178             readable-message: true