Merge "[WIP]:jobs to deploy danube and run dovetail from master"
[releng.git] / jjb / daisy4nfv / daisy4nfv-verify-jobs.yml
1 - project:
2     name: 'daisy4nfv-verify-jobs'
3     project: 'daisy'
4     installer: 'daisy'
5 ##########################################################
6 # use alias to keep the jobs'name existed alread unchanged
7 ##########################################################
8     alias: 'daisy4nfv'
10 #####################################
11 # branch definitions
12 #####################################
13     stream:
14         - master:
15             branch: '{stream}'
16             gs-pathname: ''
17             disabled: false
18         - danube:
19             branch: 'stable/{stream}'
20             gs-pathname: '/{stream}'
21             disabled: false
22 #####################################
23 # patch verification phases
24 #####################################
25     phase:
26         - unit:
27             slave-label: 'opnfv-build'
28         - build:
29             slave-label: 'opnfv-build-centos'
30 #####################################
31 # jobs
32 #####################################
33     jobs:
34         - '{alias}-verify-{stream}'
35         - '{alias}-verify-{phase}-{stream}'
36 #####################################
37 # job templates
38 #####################################
39 - job-template:
40     name: '{alias}-verify-{stream}'
41     project-type: multijob
42     disabled: false
43     concurrent: true
44     properties:
45         - logrotate-default
46         - throttle:
47             enabled: true
48             max-total: 4
49             option: 'project'
50     scm:
51         - git-scm
52     wrappers:
53         - ssh-agent-wrapper
54         - timeout:
55             timeout: 360
56             fail: true
57     triggers:
58         - gerrit:
59             server-name: ''
60             trigger-on:
61                 - patchset-created-event:
62                     exclude-drafts: 'false'
63                     exclude-trivial-rebase: 'false'
64                     exclude-no-code-change: 'false'
65                 - draft-published-event
66                 - comment-added-contains-event:
67                     comment-contains-value: 'recheck'
68                 - comment-added-contains-event:
69                     comment-contains-value: 'reverify'
70             projects:
71                 - project-compare-type: 'ANT'
72                   project-pattern: '{project}'
73                   branches:
74                       - branch-compare-type: 'ANT'
75                         branch-pattern: '**/{branch}'
76                   file-paths:
77                       - compare-type: ANT
78                         pattern: 'ci/**'
79                       - compare-type: ANT
80                         pattern: 'code/**'
81                       - compare-type: ANT
82                         pattern: 'deploy/**'
83                   disable-strict-forbidden-file-verification: 'true'
84                   forbidden-file-paths:
85                       - compare-type: ANT
86                         pattern: 'docs/**'
87                       - compare-type: ANT
88                         pattern: '.gitignore'
89             readable-message: true
91     parameters:
92         - project-parameter:
93             project: '{project}'
94             branch: '{branch}'
95         - 'opnfv-build-centos-defaults'
96         - '{alias}-verify-defaults':
97             gs-pathname: '{gs-pathname}'
99     builders:
100         - description-setter:
101             description: "Built on $NODE_NAME"
102         - multijob:
103             name: unit
104             condition: SUCCESSFUL
105             projects:
106                 - name: '{alias}-verify-{name}-{stream}'
107                   current-parameters: true
108                   node-parameters: false
109                   kill-phase-on: FAILURE
110                   abort-all-job: true
111         - multijob:
112             name: build
113             condition: SUCCESSFUL
114             projects:
115                 - name: '{alias}-verify-build-{stream}'
116                   current-parameters: false
117                   predefined-parameters: |
118                     BRANCH=$BRANCH
119                     GERRIT_REFSPEC=$GERRIT_REFSPEC
122                   node-parameters: false
123                   kill-phase-on: FAILURE
124                   abort-all-job: true
126 - job-template:
127     name: '{alias}-verify-{phase}-{stream}'
128     disabled: '{obj:disabled}'
129     concurrent: true
130     properties:
131         - logrotate-default
132         - throttle:
133             enabled: true
134             max-total: 6
135             option: 'project'
136     scm:
137         - git-scm
138     wrappers:
139         - ssh-agent-wrapper
140         - timeout:
141             timeout: 360
142             fail: true
143     parameters:
144         - project-parameter:
145             project: '{project}'
146             branch: '{branch}'
147         - '{slave-label}-defaults'
148         - '{alias}-verify-defaults':
149             gs-pathname: '{gs-pathname}'
150     builders:
151         - description-setter:
152             description: "Built on $NODE_NAME"
153         - '{project}-verify-{phase}-macro'
155 #####################################
156 # builder macros
157 #####################################
158 - builder:
159     name: 'daisy-verify-build-macro'
160     builders:
161         - shell:
162             !include-raw: ./
163         - shell:
164             !include-raw: ./
165         - shell:
166             !include-raw: ./
168 - builder:
169     name: daisy-verify-unit-macro
170     builders:
171         - shell: |
172             #!/bin/bash
173             set -o errexit
174             set -o pipefail
175             set -o xtrace
176             tox -e py27
178 #####################################
179 # parameter macros
180 #####################################
181 - parameter:
182     name: 'daisy4nfv-verify-defaults'
183     parameters:
184         - string:
185             name: BUILD_DIRECTORY
186             default: $WORKSPACE/build_output
187             description: "Directory where the build artifact will be located upon the completion of the build."
188         - string:
189             name: CACHE_DIRECTORY
190             default: $HOME/opnfv/cache/$INSTALLER_TYPE
191             description: "Directory where the cache to be used during the build is located."
192         - string:
193             name: GS_URL
194             default:$PROJECT{gs-pathname}
195             description: "URL to Google Storage."