Remove the use of tox-pip-version
[releng.git] / jjb / cntt / cntt.yaml
1 ---
2 - builder:
3     name: cntt-tox
4     builders:
5       - shell: |
6           set +x
7           if [ -d {dir} ] && [ -f {dir}/tox.ini ]; then
8             sudo apt-get -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=300 update && \
9             sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get \
10               -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=300 dist-upgrade -y
11             sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
12             apt-get -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout=300 install tox texlive \
13               texlive-latex-extra latexmk pandoc -y
14             (cd {dir} && tox
15             wget -q -N && chmod a+x mc
16             ./mc cp -r -q build/ opnfv/{stream}/$BUILD_TAG
17             echo "\n{stream}/$BUILD_TAG/index.html\n")
18           fi
19           if [ -d {dir}/build ] && [ -f {dir}/build/Makefile ]; then
20             (cd {dir}/build && make
21             wget -q -N && chmod a+x mc
22             for i in *.pdf; do
23               ./mc cp -r -q $i opnfv/{stream}/$BUILD_TAG
24               echo "\n{stream}/$BUILD_TAG/$i\n"
25             done)
26           fi
27           if [ -d {dir}/gsma ]; then
28             (cd {dir}/gsma
29             wget -q -N && chmod a+x mc
30             for i in *.docx *.rst; do
31               ./mc cp -r -q $i opnfv/{stream}/$BUILD_TAG/gsma
32               echo "\n{stream}/$BUILD_TAG/gsma/$i\n"
33             done)
34           fi
36 - scm:
37     name: cntt-scm
38     scm:
39       - git:
40           url:
41           refspec: '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*'
43 - parameter:
44     name: cntt-parameter
45     parameters:
46       - label:
47           name: node
48           default: 'opnfv-build'
50 - job-template:
51     name: cntt-tox-{stream}
52     scm:
53       - cntt-scm
54     triggers:
55       - github
56     parameters:
57       - cntt-parameter
58     builders:
59       - cntt-tox:
60           stream: '{stream}'
61           dir: '{dir}'
62     publishers:
63       - github-notifier
65 - project:
66     name: cntt
67     stream:
68       - rm:
69           dir: doc/ref_model
70       - ra1:
71           dir: doc/ref_arch/openstack
72       - ra2:
73           dir: doc/ref_arch/kubernetes
74       - rc:
75           dir: doc/ref_cert
76       - rc1:
77           dir: doc/ref_cert/RC1
78       - rc2:
79           dir: doc/ref_cert/RC2
80       - ri1:
81           dir: doc/ref_impl/cntt-ri
82       - ri2:
83           dir: doc/ref_impl/cntt-ri2
84     jobs:
85       - cntt-tox-{stream}
87 - view:
88     name: cntt
89     view-type: list
90     columns:
91       - status
92       - weather
93       - job
94       - last-success
95       - last-failure
96       - last-duration
97     regex: ^cntt.*$