[functest-kubernetes.git] / functest_kubernetes / security / kube-bench-master.yaml
1 ---
2 apiVersion: batch/v1
3 kind: Job
4 metadata:
5   name: kube-bench-master
6 spec:
7   template:
8     spec:
9       hostPID: true
10       affinity:
11         nodeAffinity:
12           requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
13             nodeSelectorTerms:
14               - matchExpressions:
15                   - key:
16                     operator: Exists
17               - matchExpressions:
18                   - key:
19                     operator: Exists
20       tolerations:
21         - key:
22           operator: Exists
23           effect: NoSchedule
24         - key:
25           operator: Exists
26           effect: NoSchedule
27       containers:
28         - name: kube-bench
29           image: {{ dockerhub_repo }}/aquasec/kube-bench:latest
30           command: ["kube-bench", "run", "--targets", "master", "--json"]
31           volumeMounts:
32             - name: var-lib-etcd
33               mountPath: /var/lib/etcd
34               readOnly: true
35             - name: var-lib-kubelet
36               mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet
37               readOnly: true
38             - name: var-lib-kube-scheduler
39               mountPath: /var/lib/kube-scheduler
40               readOnly: true
41             - name: var-lib-kube-controller-manager
42               mountPath: /var/lib/kube-controller-manager
43               readOnly: true
44             - name: etc-systemd
45               mountPath: /etc/systemd
46               readOnly: true
47             - name: lib-systemd
48               mountPath: /lib/systemd/
49               readOnly: true
50             - name: srv-kubernetes
51               mountPath: /srv/kubernetes/
52               readOnly: true
53             - name: etc-kubernetes
54               mountPath: /etc/kubernetes
55               readOnly: true
56               # /usr/local/mount-from-host/bin is mounted to access kubectl / kubelet, for auto-detecting the Kubernetes version.
57               # You can omit this mount if you specify --version as part of the command.
58             - name: usr-bin
59               mountPath: /usr/local/mount-from-host/bin
60               readOnly: true
61             - name: etc-cni-netd
62               mountPath: /etc/cni/net.d/
63               readOnly: true
64             - name: opt-cni-bin
65               mountPath: /opt/cni/bin/
66               readOnly: true
67             - name: etc-passwd
68               mountPath: /etc/passwd
69               readOnly: true
70             - name: etc-group
71               mountPath: /etc/group
72               readOnly: true
73       restartPolicy: Never
74       volumes:
75         - name: var-lib-etcd
76           hostPath:
77             path: "/var/lib/etcd"
78         - name: var-lib-kubelet
79           hostPath:
80             path: "/var/lib/kubelet"
81         - name: var-lib-kube-scheduler
82           hostPath:
83             path: "/var/lib/kube-scheduler"
84         - name: var-lib-kube-controller-manager
85           hostPath:
86             path: "/var/lib/kube-controller-manager"
87         - name: etc-systemd
88           hostPath:
89             path: "/etc/systemd"
90         - name: lib-systemd
91           hostPath:
92             path: "/lib/systemd"
93         - name: srv-kubernetes
94           hostPath:
95             path: "/srv/kubernetes"
96         - name: etc-kubernetes
97           hostPath:
98             path: "/etc/kubernetes"
99         - name: usr-bin
100           hostPath:
101             path: "/usr/bin"
102         - name: etc-cni-netd
103           hostPath:
104             path: "/etc/cni/net.d/"
105         - name: opt-cni-bin
106           hostPath:
107             path: "/opt/cni/bin/"
108         - name: etc-passwd
109           hostPath:
110             path: "/etc/passwd"
111         - name: etc-group
112           hostPath:
113             path: "/etc/group"