Ease modifying the test list in E2E testing
[functest-kubernetes.git] / functest_kubernetes / ims / etcd-depl.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: Deployment
3 metadata:
4   name: etcd
5 spec:
6   replicas: 1
7   selector:
8     matchLabels:
9       instance-type: etcd-pod
10   template:
11     metadata:
12       creationTimestamp: null
13       labels:
14         instance-type: etcd-pod
15     spec:
16       containers:
17       - args:
18         - --name
19         - $(MY_POD_NAME)
20         - --advertise-client-urls
21         - http://$(MY_POD_IP):2379,http://$(MY_POD_IP):4001
22         - --listen-client-urls
23         -,
24         - --initial-advertise-peer-urls
25         - http://$(MY_POD_IP):2380
26         - --listen-peer-urls
27         -
28         # By default use a single pod cluster
29         - --initial-cluster
30         - $(MY_POD_NAME)=http://$(MY_POD_IP):2380
31         # Alternatively multi-pod clusters can be supported Using central discvovery.  Run e.g.
32         #   curl https://discovery.etcd.io/new?size=3 | sed s/https/http/
33         # to get a discovery URL for a 3 pod cluster, substitute the returned value below, and
34         # set replicas: 3 above.
35         #- --discovery
36         #- <URL returned by command above>
37         - --initial-cluster-state
38         - new
39         env:
40         - name: MY_POD_IP
41           valueFrom:
42             fieldRef:
43               fieldPath: status.podIP
44         - name: MY_POD_NAME
45           valueFrom:
46             fieldRef:
47               fieldPath: metadata.name
48         image: quay.io/coreos/etcd:v2.2.5
49         name: etcd
50         ports:
51         - containerPort: 2379
52         - containerPort: 2380
53         - containerPort: 4001
54         livenessProbe:
55           tcpSocket:
56             port: 4001
57           initialDelaySeconds: 300
58         readinessProbe:
59           tcpSocket:
60             port: 4001
61       imagePullSecrets:
62       - name: ~
63       restartPolicy: Always