Bypass Cloudify's upper-constraints issues
[functest.git] / functest / opnfv_tests / vnf / ims / cloudify_ims_perf.yaml
1 ---
2 tenant_images:
3     ubuntu_14.04:
4         /home/opnfv/functest/images/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
5     cloudify_manager_4.0:
6         /home/opnfv/functest/images/cloudify-manager-premium-4.0.1.qcow2
7     # PATH of the virtual chassis image.
8     IXIA_CHASSIS:  # Ixia_Virtual_Chassis_8.30_EA_KVM.qcow2
9     # PATH of the virtual card image.
10     IXIA_CARD:  # Ixia_Virtual_Load_Module_8.30_EA_KVM.qcow2
11     # PATH of the virtual loader image.
12     IXIA_LOAD:  # Ixia_Virtual_Loader_8.30_EA_KVM.qcow2
13 orchestrator:
14     name: cloudify
15     version: '4.0'
16     requirements:
17         flavor:
18             name: m1.medium
19             ram_min: 4096
20         os_image: 'cloudify_manager_4.0'
21 vnf:
22     name: clearwater
23     version: '107'
24     descriptor:
25         file_name: /src/vims/openstack-blueprint-with-numbers.yaml
26         name: clearwater-opnfv
27         version: '122'
28     requirements:
29         flavor:
30             name: m1.small
31             ram_min: 2048
32         compute_quotas:
33             cores: 150
34             instances: 100
35             ram: 256000
36         network_quotas:
37             security_group: 25
38             security_group_rule: 100
39             port: 150
40     inputs:
41         image_id: 'ubuntu_14.04'
42         flavor_id: 'm1.small'
43         agent_user: ubuntu
44         key_pair_name: cloudify_ims_kp
45         private_key_path: '/etc/cloudify/cloudify_ims.pem'
46         external_network_name: ''
47         public_domain: clearwater.opnfv
48         release: repo122
49         bono_cluster_size: 2
50         sprout_cluster_size: 2
51         vellum_cluster_size: 2
52         dime_cluster_size: 2
53         homer_cluster_size: 2
54         number_of_subscribers: 50000
55 vnf_test_suite:
56     name: ixia
57     version: ""
58     requirements:
59         chassis:
60             image: IXIA_CHASSIS
61         card:
62             image: IXIA_CARD
63         load:
64             image: IXIA_LOAD
65     inputs:
66         ipgw: ''
67         pnregistering: '201001[0000-]'
68         pncalling: '201000[0000-]'
69         pncalled: '201000[5000-]'
70         sipportregistering: '[5060-]'
71         sipportcalling: '[5061-]'
72         sipportcalled: '[5062-]'
73         domainname: 'clearwater.opnfv'
74         authpassword: 'toto'
75         registeringtotalcalls: '1000'
76         registeringduration: '180'
77         activecalls: '1000'
78         testduration: '360'
79         test_filname: 'REG_CALL_OPNFV_v13.rxf'
80         licenseServer: ''  # IP of YOUR IXIA LICENSE SERVER
81         stats:
82             'Signaling(VoIPSip)':
83                 - 'Successful Registrations'
84                 - 'Failed Registrations'
85                 - 'Active Calls'
86                 - 'Attempted Calls'
87                 - 'Received Calls'
88                 - 'Failed Attempted Calls'
89                 - 'Failed Received Calls'