Add test case description and task file for TC038
[yardstick.git] / docs / yardstick / opnfv_yardstick_tc001.rst
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2 Yardstick Test Case Description TC001
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5 .. _pktgen:
7 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
8 |Network Performance                                                          |
9 |                                                                             |
10 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
11 |test case id  | OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC001_NW PERF                                |
12 |              |                                                              |
13 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
14 |metric        | Number of flows and throughput                               |
15 |              |                                                              |
16 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
17 |test purpose  | To evaluate the IaaS network performance with regards to     |
18 |              | flows and throughput, such as if and how different amounts   |
19 |              | of flows matter for the throughput between hosts on different|
20 |              | compute blades. Typically e.g. the performance of a vSwitch  |
21 |              | depends on the number of flows running through it. Also      |
22 |              | performance of other equipment or entities can depend        |
23 |              | on the number of flows or the packet sizes used.             |
24 |              | The purpose is also to be able to spot trends. Test results, |
25 |              | graphs ans similar shall be stored for comparison reasons and|
26 |              | product evolution understanding between different OPNFV      |
27 |              | versions and/or configurations.                              |
28 |              |                                                              |
29 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
30 |configuration | file: opnfv_yardstick_tc001.yaml                             |
31 |              |                                                              |
32 |              | Packet size: 60 bytes                                        |
33 |              | Number of ports: 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000, where each       |
34 |              | runs for 20 seconds. The whole sequence is run               |
35 |              | twice. The client and server are distributed on different HW.|
36 |              | For SLA max_ppm is set to 1000. The amount of configured     |
37 |              | ports map to between 110 up to 1001000 flows, respectively.  |
38 |              |                                                              |
39 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
40 |test tool     | pktgen                                                       |
41 |              |                                                              |
42 |              | (Pktgen is not always part of a Linux distribution, hence it |
43 |              | needs to be installed. It is part of the Yardstick Docker    |
44 |              | image.                                                       |
45 |              | As an example see the /yardstick/tools/ directory for how    |
46 |              | to generate a Linux image with pktgen included.)             |
47 |              |                                                              |
48 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
49 |references    | pktgen_                                                      |
50 |              |                                                              |
51 |              | ETSI-NFV-TST001                                              |
52 |              |                                                              |
53 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
54 |applicability | Test can be configured with different packet sizes, amount   |
55 |              | of flows and test duration. Default values exist.            |
56 |              |                                                              |
57 |              | SLA (optional): max_ppm: The number of packets per million   |
58 |              |  packets sent that are acceptable to loose, not received.    |
59 |              |                                                              |
60 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
61 |pre-test      | The test case image needs to be installed into Glance        |
62 |conditions    | with pktgen included in it.                                  |
63 |              |                                                              |
64 |              | No POD specific requirements have been identified.           |
65 |              |                                                              |
66 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
67 |test sequence | description and expected result                              |
68 |              |                                                              |
69 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
70 |step 1        | The hosts are installed, as server and client. pktgen is     |
71 |              | invoked and logs are produced and stored.                    |
72 |              |                                                              |
73 |              | Result: Logs are stored.                                     |
74 |              |                                                              |
75 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
76 |test verdict  | Fails only if SLA is not passed, or if there is a test case  |
77 |              | execution problem.                                           |
78 |              |                                                              |
79 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+