Merge "Cleanup ProxDuration unit tests"
[yardstick.git] / docs / testing / user / userguide / opnfv_yardstick_tc079.rst
1 .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
2 .. License.
3 ..
4 .. (c) OPNFV, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
6 *************************************
7 Yardstick Test Case Description TC079
8 *************************************
10 .. _bonnie++:
12 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 |Storage Performance                                                          |
14 |                                                                             |
15 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
16 |test case id  | OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC079_Bonnie++                               |
17 |              |                                                              |
18 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
19 |metric        | Sequential Input/Output and Sequential/Random Create speed   |
20 |              | and CPU useage.                                              |
21 |              |                                                              |
22 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
23 |test purpose  | The purpose of TC078 is to evaluate the IaaS storage         |
24 |              | performance with regards to Sequential Input/Output and      |
25 |              | Sequential/Random Create speed and CPU useage statistics.    |
26 |              |                                                              |
27 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
28 |test tool     | Bonnie++                                                     |
29 |              |                                                              |
30 |              | Bonnie++ is a disk and file system benchmarking tool for     |
31 |              | measuring I/O performance. With Bonnie++ you can quickly and |
32 |              | easily produce a meaningful value to represent your current  |
33 |              | file system performance.                                     |
34 |              |                                                              |
35 |              | Bonnie++ is not always part of a Linux distribution, hence   |
36 |              | it needs to be installed in the test image.                  |
37 |              |                                                              |
38 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
39 |test          | This test case uses Bonnie++ to perform the tests below:     |
40 |description   |  * Create files in sequential order                          |
41 |              |  * Stat files in sequential order                            |
42 |              |  * Delete files in sequential order                          |
43 |              |  * Create files in random order                              |
44 |              |  * Stat files in random order                                |
45 |              |  * Delete files in random order                              |
46 |              |                                                              |
47 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
48 |configuration | file: bonnie++.yaml (in the 'samples' directory)             |
49 |              |                                                              |
50 |              | file_size is set to 1024; ram_size is set to 512;            |
51 |              | test_dir is set to '/tmp'; concurrency is set to 1.          |
52 |              |                                                              |
53 |              | SLA is not available in this test case.                      |
54 |              |                                                              |
55 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
56 |applicability | Test can be configured with different:                       |
57 |              |                                                              |
58 |              |  * file_size - size fo the test file in MB. File size should |
59 |              |    be double RAM for good results;                           |
60 |              |  * ram_size - specify RAM size in MB to use, this is used to |
61 |              |    reduce testing time;                                      |
62 |              |  * test_dir - this directory is where bonnie++ will create   |
63 |              |    the benchmark operations;                                 |
64 |              |  * test_user - the user who should perform the test. This is |
65 |              |    not required if you are not running as root;              |
66 |              |  * concurrency - number of thread to perform test;           |
67 |              |                                                              |
68 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
69 |usability     | This test case is used for executing Bonnie++ benchmark in   |
70 |              | VMs.                                                         |
71 |              |                                                              |
72 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
73 |references    | bonnie++_                                                    |
74 |              |                                                              |
75 |              | ETSI-NFV-TST001                                              |
76 |              |                                                              |
77 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
78 |pre-test      | The Bonnie++ distribution includes a 'bon_csv2html' Perl     |
79 |conditions    | script, which takes the comma-separated values reported by   |
80 |              | Bonnie++ and generates an HTML page displaying them.         |
81 |              | To use this feature, bonnie++ is required to be install with |
82 |              | yardstick (e.g. in yardstick docker).                        |
83 |              |                                                              |
84 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
85 |test sequence | description and expected result                              |
86 |              |                                                              |
87 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
88 |step 1        | A host VM with fio installed is booted.                      |
89 |              |                                                              |
90 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
91 |step 2        | Yardstick is connected with the host VM by using ssh.        |
92 |              |                                                              |
93 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
94 |step 3        | Bonnie++ benchmark is invoked. Simulated IO operations are   |
95 |              | started. Logs are produced and stored.                       |
96 |              |                                                              |
97 |              | Result: Logs are stored.                                     |
98 |              |                                                              |
99 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
100 |step 4        | An HTML report is generated using bonnie++ benchmark results |
101 |              | and stored under /tmp/bonnie.html.                           |
102 |              |                                                              |
103 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
104 |step 5        | The host VM is deleted.                                      |
105 |              |                                                              |
106 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
107 |test verdict  | None. Bonnie++ html report is generated.                     |
108 |              |                                                              |
109 +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+