Merge "[docs][userguide] Update formatting on userguide chapters 12-14"
[yardstick.git] / docs / testing / user / userguide / nsb / tc_vfw_rfc2544.rst
1 .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
2 .. License.
3 ..
4 .. (c) OPNFV, 2018 Intel Corporation.
6 ************************************************
7 Yardstick Test Case Description: NSB vFW RFC2544
8 ************************************************
10 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
11 | NSB vFW test for VNF characterization                                        |
12 |                                                                              |
13 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
14 | test case id  | tc_{context}_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_{pkt_size}_{tg_type}   |
15 |               |                                                              |
16 |               | * context = baremetal, heat, heat_external, ovs, sriov       |
17 |               |             heat_sriov_external contexts;                    |
18 |               | * tg_type = ixia (context != heat,heat_sriov_external),      |
19 |               |             trex;                                            |
20 |               | * pkt_size = 64B - all contexts;                             |
21 |               |              128B, 256B, 512B, 1024B, 1280B, 1518B -         |
22 |               |              (context = heat, tg_type = ixia)                |
23 |               |                                                              |
24 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
25 | metric        | * Network Throughput;                                        |
26 |               | * TG Packets Out;                                            |
27 |               | * TG Packets In;                                             |
28 |               | * TG Latency;                                                |
29 |               | * VNF Packets Out;                                           |
30 |               | * VNF Packets In;                                            |
31 |               | * VNF Packets Fwd;                                           |
32 |               | * Dropped packets;                                           |
33 |               |                                                              |
34 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
35 | test purpose  | The VFW RFC2544 tests measure performance characteristics of |
36 |               | the SUT (multiple ports) and sends UDP bidirectional traffic |
37 |               | from all TG ports to SampleVNF vFW application. The          |
38 |               | application forwards received traffic based on rules         |
39 |               | provided by the user in the TC configuration and default     |
40 |               | rules created by vFW to send traffic from uplink ports to    |
41 |               | downlink and voice versa.                                    |
42 |               |                                                              |
43 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
44 | configuration | The 2 ports RFC2544 test cases are listed below:             |
45 |               |                                                              |
46 |               | * tc_baremetal_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_ixia.yaml        |
47 |               | * tc_baremetal_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml        |
48 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_1024B_ixia.yaml  |
49 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_1280B_ixia.yaml  |
50 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_128B_ixia.yaml   |
51 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_1518B_ixia.yaml  |
52 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_256B_ixia.yaml   |
53 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_512B_ixia.yaml   |
54 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_ixia.yaml    |
55 |               | * tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml    |
56 |               | * tc_heat_sriov_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.  |
57 |               |   yaml                                                       |
58 |               | * tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml             |
59 |               | * tc_ovs_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_ixia.yaml              |
60 |               | * tc_ovs_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml              |
61 |               | * tc_sriov_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_ixia.yaml            |
62 |               | * tc_sriov_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml            |
63 |               |                                                              |
64 |               | The 4 ports RFC2544 test cases are listed below:             |
65 |               |                                                              |
66 |               | * tc_baremetal_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_ixia_4port.yaml  |
67 |               | * tc_tc_baremetal_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex_4port.   |
68 |               |   yaml                                                       |
69 |               | * tc_tc_heat_external_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex_4    |
70 |               |   port.yaml                                                  |
71 |               | * tc_tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex_4port.yaml    |
72 |               |                                                              |
73 |               | The scale-up RFC2544 test cases are listed below:            |
74 |               |                                                              |
75 |               | * tc_tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex_scale-up.yaml |
76 |               |                                                              |
77 |               | The scale-out RFC2544 test cases are listed below:           |
78 |               |                                                              |
79 |               | * tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex_scale_out.yaml   |
80 |               |                                                              |
81 |               | Test duration is set as 30 sec for each test and default     |
82 |               | number of rules are applied. These can be configured         |
83 |               |                                                              |
84 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
85 | test tool     | The vFW is a DPDK application that performs basic filtering  |
86 |               | for malformed packets and dynamic packet filtering of        |
87 |               | incoming packets using the connection tracker library.       |
88 |               |                                                              |
89 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
90 | applicability | The vFW RFC2544 test cases can be configured with different: |
91 |               |                                                              |
92 |               |  * packet sizes;                                             |
93 |               |  * test duration;                                            |
94 |               |  * tolerated loss;                                           |
95 |               |  * traffic flows;                                            |
96 |               |  * rules;                                                    |
97 |               |                                                              |
98 |               | Default values exist.                                        |
99 |               |                                                              |
100 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
101 | pre-test      | For OpenStack test case image (yardstick-samplevnf) needs    |
102 | conditions    | to be installed into Glance with vFW and DPDK included in    |
103 |               | it (NSB install).                                            |
104 |               |                                                              |
105 |               | For Baremetal tests cases vFW and DPDK must be installed on  |
106 |               | the hosts where the test is executed. The pod.yaml file must |
107 |               | have the necessary system and NIC information.               |
108 |               |                                                              |
109 |               | For standalone (SA) SRIOV/OvS test cases the                 |
110 |               | yardstick-samplevnf image needs to be installed on hosts and |
111 |               | pod.yaml file must be provided with necessary system, NIC    |
112 |               | information.                                                 |
113 |               |                                                              |
114 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
115 | test sequence | Description and expected result                              |
116 |               |                                                              |
117 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
118 | step 1        | For Baremetal test: The TG (except IXIA) and VNF are started |
119 |               | on the hosts based on the pod file.                          |
120 |               |                                                              |
121 |               | For Heat test: Two host VMs are booted, as Traffic generator |
122 |               | and VNF(vFW) based on the test flavor. In case of scale-out  |
123 |               | scenario the multiple VNF VMs will be started.               |
124 |               |                                                              |
125 |               | For Heat external test: vFW VM is booted and TG (except IXIA)|
126 |               | generator is started on the external host based on the pod   |
127 |               | file. In case of scale-out scenario the multiple VNF VMs     |
128 |               | will be deployed.                                            |
129 |               |                                                              |
130 |               | For Heat SRIOV external test: vFW VM is booted with network  |
131 |               | interfaces of `direct` type which are mapped to VFs that are |
132 |               | available to OpenStack. TG (except IXIA) is started on the   |
133 |               | external host based on the pod file. In case of scale-out    |
134 |               | scenario the multiple VNF VMs will be deployed.              |
135 |               |                                                              |
136 |               | For SRIOV test: VF ports are created on host's PFs specified |
137 |               | in the TC file and VM is booed using those ports and image   |
138 |               | provided in the configuration. TG (except IXIA) is started   |
139 |               | on other host connected to VNF machine based on the pod      |
140 |               | file. The vFW is started in the booted VM. In case of        |
141 |               | scale-out scenario the multiple VNF VMs will be created.     |
142 |               |                                                              |
143 |               | For OvS-DPDK test: OvS DPDK switch is started and bridges    |
144 |               | are created with ports specified in the TC file. DPDK vHost  |
145 |               | ports are added to corresponding bridge and VM is booed      |
146 |               | using those ports and image provided in the configuration.   |
147 |               | TG (except IXIA) is started on other host connected to VNF   |
148 |               | machine based on the pod file. The vFW is started in the     |
149 |               | booted VM. In case of scale-out scenario the multiple VNF    |
150 |               | VMs will be deployed.                                        |
151 |               |                                                              |
152 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
153 | step 2        | Yardstick is connected with the TG and VNF by using ssh (in  |
154 |               | case of IXIA TG is connected via TCL interface). The test    |
155 |               | will resolve the topology and instantiate all VNFs           |
156 |               | and TG and collect the KPI's/metrics.                        |
157 |               |                                                              |
158 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
159 | step 3        | The TG will send packets to the VNFs. If the number of       |
160 |               | dropped packets is more than the tolerated loss the line     |
161 |               | rate or throughput is halved. This is done until the dropped |
162 |               | packets are within an acceptable tolerated loss.             |
163 |               |                                                              |
164 |               | The KPI is the number of packets per second for different    |
165 |               | packet size with an accepted minimal packet loss for the     |
166 |               | default configuration.                                       |
167 |               |                                                              |
168 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
169 | step 4        | In Baremetal test: The test quits the application and unbind |
170 |               | the DPDK ports.                                              |
171 |               |                                                              |
172 |               | In Heat test: All VNF VMs and TG are deleted on test         |
173 |               | completion.                                                  |
174 |               |                                                              |
175 |               | In SRIOV test: The deployed VM with vFW is destroyed on the  |
176 |               | host and TG (exclude IXIA) is stopped.                       |
177 |               |                                                              |
178 |               | In Heat SRIOV test: The deployed VM with vFW is destroyed,   |
179 |               | VFs are released and TG (exclude IXIA) is stopped.           |
180 |               |                                                              |
181 |               | In OvS test: The deployed VM with vFW is destroyed on the    |
182 |               | host and OvS DPDK switch is stopped and ports are unbinded.  |
183 |               | The TG (exclude IXIA) is stopped.                            |
184 |               |                                                              |
185 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+
186 | test verdict  | The test case will achieve a Throughput with an accepted     |
187 |               | minimal tolerated packet loss.                               |
188 +---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------+