Change flat network name for nosdn fdio scenario
[apex-tripleo-heat-templates.git] / docker / services / pacemaker / haproxy.yaml
1 heat_template_version: pike
3 description: >
4   OpenStack containerized HAproxy service for pacemaker
6 parameters:
7   DockerHAProxyImage:
8     description: image
9     type: string
10   DockerHAProxyConfigImage:
11     description: The container image to use for the haproxy config_volume
12     type: string
13   ServiceData:
14     default: {}
15     description: Dictionary packing service data
16     type: json
17   ServiceNetMap:
18     default: {}
19     description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set
20                  via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.  This
21                  mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults.
22     type: json
23   DefaultPasswords:
24     default: {}
25     type: json
26   EndpointMap:
27     default: {}
28     description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set
29                  via parameter_defaults in the resource registry.
30     type: json
31   DeployedSSLCertificatePath:
32     default: '/etc/pki/tls/private/overcloud_endpoint.pem'
33     description: >
34         The filepath of the certificate as it will be stored in the controller.
35     type: string
36   RoleName:
37     default: ''
38     description: Role name on which the service is applied
39     type: string
40   RoleParameters:
41     default: {}
42     description: Parameters specific to the role
43     type: json
44   InternalTLSCAFile:
45     default: '/etc/ipa/ca.crt'
46     type: string
47     description: Specifies the default CA cert to use if TLS is used for
48                  services in the internal network.
49   InternalTLSCRLPEMFile:
50     default: '/etc/pki/CA/crl/overcloud-crl.pem'
51     type: string
52     description: Specifies the default CRL PEM file to use for revocation if
53                  TLS is used for services in the internal network.
54   HAProxyInternalTLSCertsDirectory:
55     default: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/haproxy'
56     type: string
57   HAProxyInternalTLSKeysDirectory:
58     default: '/etc/pki/tls/private/haproxy'
59     type: string
61 resources:
63   HAProxyBase:
64     type: ../../../puppet/services/pacemaker/haproxy.yaml
65     properties:
66       EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap}
67       ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData}
68       ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap}
69       DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords}
70       RoleName: {get_param: RoleName}
71       RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters}
73 outputs:
74   role_data:
75     description: Role data for the HAproxy role.
76     value:
77       service_name: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, service_name]}
78       config_settings:
79         map_merge:
80           - get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, config_settings]
81           - haproxy_docker: true
82             tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle::haproxy_docker_image: &haproxy_image {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
83             # the list of directories that contain the certs to bind mount in the countainer
84             # bind-mounting the directories rather than all the cert, key and pem files ensures
85             # that docker won't create directories on the host when then pem files do not exist
86             tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle::tls_mapping: &tls_mapping
87               - get_param: InternalTLSCAFile
88               - get_param: HAProxyInternalTLSKeysDirectory
89               - get_param: HAProxyInternalTLSCertsDirectory
90               - get_param: DeployedSSLCertificatePath
91             tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle::internal_certs_directory: {get_param: HAProxyInternalTLSCertsDirectory}
92             tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle::internal_keys_directory: {get_param: HAProxyInternalTLSKeysDirectory}
93             # disable the use CRL file until we can restart the container when the file expires
94             tripleo::haproxy::crl_file: null
95             tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle::haproxy_docker_image: &haproxy_image_pcmklatest
96               list_join:
97                 - ':'
98                 - - yaql:
99                       data: {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
100                       expression: $.data.rightSplit(separator => ":", maxSplits => 1)[0]
101                   - 'pcmklatest'
102       logging_source: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, logging_source]}
103       logging_groups: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, logging_groups]}
104       step_config: ""
105       service_config_settings: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, service_config_settings]}
107       puppet_config:
108         config_volume: haproxy
109         puppet_tags: haproxy_config
110         step_config:
111           list_join:
112             - "\n"
113             - - "exec {'wait-for-settle': command => '/bin/true' }"
114               - "class tripleo::firewall(){}; define tripleo::firewall::rule( $port = undef, $dport = undef, $sport = undef, $proto = undef, $action = undef, $state = undef, $source = undef, $iniface = undef, $chain = undef, $destination = undef, $extras = undef){}"
115               - "['pcmk_bundle', 'pcmk_resource', 'pcmk_property', 'pcmk_constraint', 'pcmk_resource_default'].each |String $val| { noop_resource($val) }"
116               - 'include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle'
117         config_image: {get_param: DockerHAProxyConfigImage}
118         volumes: &deployed_cert_mount
119           yaql:
120             expression: $$+":"+$+":ro")
121             data: *tls_mapping
122       kolla_config:
123         /var/lib/kolla/config_files/haproxy.json:
124           command: /usr/sbin/haproxy-systemd-wrapper -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
125           config_files:
126             - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/*"
127               dest: "/"
128               merge: true
129               preserve_properties: true
130               optional: true
131             - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src-tls/*"
132               dest: "/"
133               merge: true
134               optional: true
135               preserve_properties: true
136           permissions:
137             - path:
138                 list_join:
139                 - ''
140                 - - {get_param: HAProxyInternalTLSCertsDirectory}
141                   - '/*'
142               owner: haproxy:haproxy
143               perm: '0600'
144               optional: true
145             - path:
146                 list_join:
147                 - ''
148                 - - {get_param: HAProxyInternalTLSKeysDirectory}
149                   - '/*'
150               owner: haproxy:haproxy
151               perm: '0600'
152               optional: true
153       docker_config:
154         step_1:
155           haproxy_image_tag:
156             start_order: 1
157             detach: false
158             net: host
159             user: root
160             command:
161               - '/bin/bash'
162               - '-c'
163               - str_replace:
164                   template:
165                     "/usr/bin/docker tag 'HAPROXY_IMAGE' 'HAPROXY_IMAGE_PCMKLATEST'"
166                   params:
167                     HAPROXY_IMAGE: {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
168                     HAPROXY_IMAGE_PCMKLATEST: *haproxy_image_pcmklatest
169             image: {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
170             volumes:
171               - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
172               - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
173               - /dev/shm:/dev/shm:rw
174               - /etc/sysconfig/docker:/etc/sysconfig/docker:ro
175               - /usr/bin:/usr/bin:ro
176               - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw
177             image: {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
178         step_2:
179           haproxy_init_bundle:
180             start_order: 3
181             detach: false
182             net: host
183             user: root
184             privileged: true
185             command:
186               - '/bin/bash'
187               - '-c'
188               - str_replace:
189                   template:
190                     list_join:
191                       - '; '
192                       - - "cp -a /tmp/puppet-etc/* /etc/puppet; echo '{\"step\": 2}' > /etc/puppet/hieradata/docker.json"
193                         - "FACTER_uuid=docker puppet apply --tags file,file_line,concat,augeas,TAGS -v -e 'CONFIG'"
194                   params:
195                     TAGS: 'tripleo::firewall::rule,pacemaker::resource::bundle,pacemaker::property,pacemaker::resource::ip,pacemaker::resource::ocf,pacemaker::constraint::order,pacemaker::constraint::colocation'
196                     CONFIG:
197                       list_join:
198                         - ';'
199                         - - 'include ::tripleo::profile::base::pacemaker'
200                           - 'include ::tripleo::profile::pacemaker::haproxy_bundle'
201             image: {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
202             volumes:
203               list_concat:
204                 - *deployed_cert_mount
205                 -
206                   # puppet saves iptables rules in /etc/sysconfig
207                   - /etc/sysconfig:/etc/sysconfig:rw
208                   # saving rules require accessing /usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init, just bind-mount
209                   # the necessary bit and prevent systemd to try to reload the service in the container
210                   - /usr/libexec/iptables:/usr/libexec/iptables:ro
211                   - /usr/libexec/initscripts/legacy-actions:/usr/libexec/initscripts/legacy-actions:ro
212                   - /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
213                   - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
214                   - /etc/puppet:/tmp/puppet-etc:ro
215                   - /usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules:/usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules:ro
216                   - /etc/corosync/corosync.conf:/etc/corosync/corosync.conf:ro
217                   - /dev/shm:/dev/shm:rw
218       metadata_settings:
219         get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, metadata_settings]
220       upgrade_tasks:
221         - name: get bootstrap nodeid
222           tags: common
223           command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid
224           register: bootstrap_node
225         - name: set is_bootstrap_node fact
226           tags: common
227           set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout|lower == ansible_hostname|lower}}
228         - name: Check cluster resource status
229           tags: step2
230           pacemaker_resource:
231             resource: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, service_name]}
232             state: started
233             check_mode: true
234           ignore_errors: true
235           register: haproxy_res
236         - name: Disable the haproxy cluster resource.
237           tags: step2
238           pacemaker_resource:
239             resource: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, service_name]}
240             state: disable
241             wait_for_resource: true
242           register: output
243           retries: 5
244           until: output.rc == 0
245           when: is_bootstrap_node and haproxy_res|succeeded
246         - name: Delete the stopped haproxy cluster resource.
247           tags: step2
248           pacemaker_resource:
249             resource: {get_attr: [HAProxyBase, role_data, service_name]}
250             state: delete
251             wait_for_resource: true
252           register: output
253           retries: 5
254           until: output.rc == 0
255           when: is_bootstrap_node and haproxy_res|succeeded
256       update_tasks:
257         - name: Get docker Haproxy image
258           set_fact:
259             docker_image: {get_param: DockerHAProxyImage}
260             docker_image_latest: *haproxy_image_pcmklatest
261           when: step == '2'
262         - name: Get previous Haproxy image id
263           shell: "docker images | awk '/haproxy.* pcmklatest/{print $3}'"
264           register: haproxy_image_id
265         - block:
266             - name: Get a list of container using Haproxy image
267               shell: "docker ps -q -f 'ancestor={{haproxy_image_id.stdout}}'"
268               register: haproxy_containers_to_destroy
269             # It will be recreated with the delpoy step.
270             - name: Remove any container using the same Haproxy image
271               shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
272               with_items: "{{ haproxy_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
273             - name: Remove previous Haproxy images
274               shell: "docker rmi -f {{haproxy_image_id.stdout}}"
275           when:
276             - step == '2'
277             - haproxy_image_id.stdout != ''
278         - name: Pull latest Haproxy images
279           command: "docker pull {{docker_image}}"
280           when: step == "2"
281         - name: Retag pcmklatest to latest Haproxy image
282           shell: "docker tag {{docker_image}} {{docker_image_latest}}"
283           when: step == "2"
284         # Got to check that pacemaker_is_active is working fine with bundle.
285         # TODO: pacemaker_is_active resource doesn't support bundle.