fixing centos container images to point cni-proxy fix
[ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin.git] / deploy / operator.yaml
1 apiVersion: apps/v1
2 kind: Deployment
3 metadata:
4   name: nfn-operator
5 spec:
6   replicas: 1
7   selector:
8     matchLabels:
9       name: nfn-operator
10   template:
11     metadata:
12       labels:
13         name: nfn-operator
14     spec:
15       serviceAccountName: k8s-nfn-sa
16       affinity:
17         nodeAffinity:
18           requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
19             nodeSelectorTerms:
20             - matchExpressions:
21               - key: nfnType
22                 operator: In
23                 values:
24                 - operator
25       containers:
26         - name: nfn-operator
27           # Replace this with the built image name
28           image: rtsood/nfn-operator:latest
29           command:
30           - nfn-operator
31           imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
32           env:
33             - name: HOST_IP
34               valueFrom:
35                 fieldRef:
36                   fieldPath: status.hostIP
37             - name: POD_NAME
38               valueFrom:
39                 fieldRef:
40                   fieldPath:
41             - name: OPERATOR_NAME
42               value: "nfn-operator"